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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Good review of The Collapse of American Criminal Justice by William Stuntz: http://t.co/PaA3C6p5

  2. Woo, @RonHogan brought me "The Invention of Murder" by Judith Flanders! It's even not available here yet! Is it any wonder I love the guy?

  3. "If this be class warfare, then make the most of it!" #TaxtheRich

  4. I'm loving "The Invention of Murder" by @JudithFlanders.

  5. RT @TrueBlueLiberal: Imagine the uproar if @Twitter were suppressing pro-democracy hashtags in Egypt rather than suppressing #TroyDavis.

  6. Our surreal debate over taxing the rich: http://t.co/b3j3StPh

  7. RT @TheNewDeal: Tea Party Debate Audience Boos Active Duty Soldier http://t.co/v1R4WFi6 RT #Tealiban #p2 #topprog #Obama2012

  8. I can't get the Muppet Google Doodle to work! In either Firefox or Safari. Sheesh.

  9. Wow, even The American Conservative thinks David Mamet is a giant douchebag: http://t.co/TU78pJe6

  10. So, when exactly did it start to be true that I cannot leave my house, turn on the TV, or look at the computer without seeing Ryan Gosling?

  11. RT @TheNewDeal: Wall Street Banker: "I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession" http://t.co/mudonTwo Rt #OccupyWallStreet #p2

  12. RT @TheNewDeal: The United States has the Largest Income Gap Between Rich & Poor in the World http://t.co/QSA45Yul RT #OccupyWallStreet #OWS

  13. Jess LaGreca is my hero, now and forever: http://t.co/vuA15zB7

  14. My cats get one star on Yelp.

  15. Chris Hedges calls out Kevin O'Leary for his snide condescension and name-calling re Occupy Wall Street protestors http://t.co/bTb9rrYp #OWS

  16. I got 82/100 in this html5 kerning game http://t.co/PltIGhMq

  17. Anything to do with William Shatner: BASTA, BABY, BASTA!! Really, I think the William Shatner pop culture thing was wrung dry in about 1986.

  18. Here's why they hate you and want you to die: http://t.co/IOyns90s

  19. I wonder if there will ever be a time when my cats get tired of whomping the bejeebers out of each other.

  20. So, has anyone else ever seen The Angry Guy on the 6 Train? He picks fights with random people for no apparent reason.

  21. Charlie Brown, Tear Down This Wall #RejectedPeanutsSpecials

  22. RT @CarmelaTheTwit The Guardian weighs in on the Ten Best Graphic Novels: http://t.co/De3ZSVTD

  23. Every time I see Napoleon Dynamite again, I am reminded that it's the greatest movie ever made. #fb

  24. WaPo Column: "What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral." Oh, and fuck you, Mayor Bloomberg: http://t.co/c5ONOPWO

  25. I wish I could say I was shocked at the PSU riots, but I have to admit, I'm not. Still: disgraceful. They should be ashamed of themselves.
