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Posts posted by xoe

  1. Well, when I was sniffing Temperance and working on my review, I was really anxious to see what others thought. See if anybody was getting the same thigns that I did. But, the only other reviewer is Quantum Spice and she didn't get the same thing I did. So, here goes...


    Floral, maybe sweetpea, perhaps a little dandelion? It really wafts. Temperance is a very light possibly slightly fruity floral. It is completely inoffensive and I can totally see how this embodies the card.


    Amazing how Beth can bring out the significance of a tarot card in a perfume blend.

  2. ...Holy frankincense and hyssop in union with earthy fig, defiled by black patchouli and vetiver, with a chaotic infusion of lavender, cardamom, tamarind, rosemary, oakmoss and cypress.

    Nephilim is one that I felt I needed to try for the cardamom note. I love cardamom. Can't really smell it in Nephilim. Oh well.

    The blend itself is very confusing, and not nearly as dark as I expected. The scent brings to my mind the color mahogany. The scent on my wrist is different from that wafting around. On my wrist, it's dark mahogany colored wood. Wafting around is figginess. Nice.

    I've also used this one in a hot-oil treatment and it left my hair smelling very beautiful! (I just added about half an imp to a cup full of warm oil. Not too hot because I didn't want to burn my head.And when I did that I could definitely smell the cardamom more.)

    Thumbs up on the Nephilim.

  3. Well, I've only had The Magician on for a few minutes. In the vial, and still wet on my skin it seems very lavendar with something else astringent in there as well. Now, mind you, this is one of the old style imps with the cute little parchment tag and frayed string; I have no idea how old it is.


    It definitely smells somehow magickal, not like an ordinary perfume. I'll have to wear it around for a while, and see if it changes or morphs or what happens.


    *Later -


    Wow! It did change. Alot! It became this really pretty, light floral blend. Words don't really do it justice. I was truly amazed!

  4. The perfect scent to wear to your next bondage ball, dungeon adventure or sojourn to your favorite pleasure dome. Smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather with a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a sensual, sweet, and deceptively magnetic base of tonka.

    I get that coconut tinge at first. and then it's sort of rummy, dark, yumminess. The leather is really nice in this. Usually I have problems with the leather smell, but this is really good.

    I don't really get any chardonnay, but I've only had it on for about a half-hour, so maybe later. If it changes, you'll be the first to know.

  5. Maybe search around on the net, find out what notes Omar has in it... that could help you pinpoint one that would work for her! Or one that would be similar or that she'd like!


    I tried that already. That was the first thing I tried! But it's only listed as Omar. As if that is a single ingredient!! So weird.


    I just bought a 5 ml of Ahathoor (Sun Station - Bewitching Brews) and this is what is smelled like to me (as you described). I just put it up for sale if you're interested, as it really wasn't me.


    Thanks Lorajc. I am completely dead broke at the moment, so I can't buy it. But I think I've got an imp of it coming in my next order, I can let her try it then.


    Thanks so much everybody!

  6. Sea of Glass is just as everyone has described.


    It is very light and clear and aquatic with a bit of a citrussy floral thing going on. I don't think the flower is gardenia, though.


    As nice as Sea of Glass is, it is not the one for me. I picture a Grace Kelly type person wearing this. Someone who wears light colored clothing, and is always perfectly coifed and accessorized. I'm a slovenly rock chick who almost always dresses in black, so this perfume makes me feel not myself. But it will be perfect for some people, as the above reviews attest.

  7. On me, blood kiss is all dragon's blood. a slight spiciness below, and an even slighter hint of vetiver. It's nice, but I'm beginning to think that dragon's blood is one of those things that just takes over on me.


    Oh well, off to the potential swaps pile.

  8. R'lyeh is definitely aquatic, but not really menacing. Which I'm actually glad of. I had been putting off trying this one because I don't like to be scared by my perfume. :P


    At first it smells like the ocean, but with flowers or something sweet. It smells like salt water taffy. Aquatic scents are usually totally gross on me, but R'lyeh is not. It would be a great scent to wear to the jersey shore. Or after a day at the beach. Or when you want to be reminded of going to the beach.


    Wow. It's really a nice, light scent.

  9. Samhain in the bottle smells like a wet, spicy forest. But I put it on my skin and I can't smell anything. While it is still sitting as a great big drop on my wrist it smells delicious. But once I've gotten it transferred to my other wrist and my neck and my hair, I can't smell it at all. So, a couple of hours later, I put on some more. And then just before going to work, I put on some more.


    At work, the question my other cubicle dweller kept asking was, "What smells like syrup?" I told him that it was probably me, and explained about not being able to smell it. He sniffed my wrist and verified that it was me who smelled like syrup.


    On my boyfriend, Samhain smells like everything it's cracked up to be. Delicious, warm, autumnal.


    Hopefully my chemistry is just misbehaving this week. I'll give it another try next week.

  10. Wow, The Coiled Serpent is not what I expected at all. It doesn't smell like patchouli to me at all. At first it was dish soap with black pepper. Odd. The dishsoap didn't last very long, now it's creamy and spicy. Still mainly pepper, but some other spices as well, and some vanillayness.


    And it makes me sneeze repeatedly.



    Maybe I have big problems with the "mental and emotional issues" and "information stored" items mentioned by Falathwen. heh.

  11. I've been keeping Baku next to my bed to use in case of nightmare. Last night I was "lucky" enough to have a nightmare. I woke up, terrified, put Baku on and said "Baku , please eat my dreams". Then I sniffed my wrists and calmed down. The scent is very lavendar at first, and extremely calming. I fell back to sleep much more quickly than usual after a nightmare and no more nightmares that night!


    So Baku gets a big ol' thumbs up from me.


    If you have nightmares, give it a try.

  12. Somnus is fantastic. It works, but not in the way that I expected. I expected it to make me sleepy right away. It didn't really do that. But, once I was asleep I slept much more soundly than usual. Works unbelievably well.


    As to the actual scent, it's definitely herbal. Somewhat comforting. And strangely enough, it brings to mind a bright turquoise. I've never had a scent make me think turquoise before, they are usually orange, red, yellow, brown, purple, etc. but never turquoise. Unique in all aspects.


    This one's going on my big bottle list.

  13. Butterscotch is right. Supersweet butterscotch at first.


    Then it turns into vanilla ice cream drenched in hot butterscotch.


    Then it's butterscotch with rum and extra butter.


    It smells like Hot Buttered Rum! And now I can't wait for Christmas because hot buttered rum is the best drink for Christmas, especially if it's snowing.


    ADDED 4/15/07:


    Yummy sweet butterscotch. Gets a bit of a burnt sugar smell that I quite like.

  14. Nosferatu is a very strange experience for me. At first it is very similar to Zombi, but with wine thrown in. But then...then... it smells like blood. Not like dragon's blood resin. But like actual blood. It's a scent that catches in the back of my throat. It makes me think of the time I was in a bicycle accident and smashed my face into the sidewalk, scraping my face, breaking my teeth and cutting my lip. That smell of the blood on my face brings it all vividly back to my mind.


    But it also smells sexy.


    Very strange.

  15. My coworker's favorite perfume is being discontinued by our local health food store. Ever on the look out for ways to spread the BPAL addiction, I am trying to find something to replace this for her.


    I've searched for notes online, but there are none listed.


    To me it smells sort of lemony, herby in the bottle and sort of incensey woody on her skin.


    Has anyone tried this perfume? Have any suggestions? I've got quite a huge stash, so it's likely that I've got an imp or two for her to check out.


    Thanks in Advance!

  16. Creamy sweet complex smoky floral. Heavy on the sweetness and complexity.


    Dia De Los Muertos is not what I expected at all. And I got an unsolicited compliment at work. (Possibly due to my inevitable reducer cap difficult. I always end up pouring a huge drop down my arm. heh.)


    I really can't get over how beautiful this is.
