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Posts posted by agirlnamedfury

  1. 2014 Version


    This isn't at all what I expected! I actually didn't think I would like this at all (light clean scents aren't really my jam), but it's got such a following that I figured I'd get a decant just to see what all the fuss was about. This is all light fresh coconut on me, almost drifting into suntan lotion territory but not quite.

  2. 2014 Version


    This is not nearly as fruity as I expected... it's actually almost floral. I do understand why it's described as "bittersweet" though. There's something dark and woody in there. I don't think I would describe this as a pomegranate scent without knowing that's what it was supposed to be.


    I'm pretty indifferent towards this one. It may go in the swaps pile if I don't like it any better on a second testing.

  3. In the bottle and on the skin, this is all sweet apples and cinnamon, with just a pinch of nutmeg. There's something a bit musty about it, though... I guess they're definitely bruised cider apples, as opposed to fresh crisp ones.


    Dry, there's a yeasty beeriness that comes out, and the mustiness is much more pronounced. The spices have all but disappeared on me as well.


    This is one I'm always re-testing because it sounds like something I'd love, but then I'm always slightly disappointed once I actually put it on. I don't know what causes it to go sour and musty on my skin, but it just does nothing for me. :(

  4. In the bottle, this smells like freshly cut grass with a hint of something that could be... leather, maybe?


    We on skin: Still predominately grass, but it's a bit woodsier now. There's a bit of underlying sweetness too.


    Once this dries down, the grass note almost disappears on me, and it's all sweet and powdery.




    Definitely an interesting scent that has very different stages, but I hardly ever find myself reaching for this one.

  5. I haven't tried Lust itself, but this Gingerbread Lust is definitely yummy. I've tried almost all of the Yule gingerbread scents now and this is definitely one of the better ones, I think my second favorite next to Gingerbread Sin which was insta-love.


    This actually isn't as much of a "sexy" scent as I thought it would be, it's more just warm and comforting. The spice is very mellow.

  6. In the bottle and wet, this is VERY fruity and a little bit boozy, even. Plum wine? Delicious!


    As it dries it mellows out into more of a bready, baked goods, almost skin-scent that's actually quite soft. Maybe that's the suet? Not sure. I wish I got some of the smokiness others reviewers mention, but sadly I'm not picking up on it. Still, this is another nice foodie Yule!

  7. Interesting... not at all what I expected. Light, fresh, and cologne-like, with something leafy and green -- can't exactly identify what the herb(s) are, but something grassy. I don't get cake at all, actually!


    This one isn't really my style, but I can see what others would like about it.

  8. Definitely STRONG rose. I'm not usually a huge fan of florals, but this one really isn't bad. I do get a hint of fruitiness too, though I don't know if I would immediately identify it as pomegranate.


    A classic, romantic scent.

  9. This is sweet, but not in exactly the way I was expecting. It's more beery than cakey for me. There is a bubbly, effervescent quality to it that definitely calls to mind hard cider, and the apples are definitely a bit sour and fermented.


    I really expected to love this, as I do most gourmand scents, but I don't know that I do. The sour, musty apple quality reminds me a bit of Lambs-Wool which I wasn't a huge fan of either, though I think this one is even more potent.

  10. 2014 version!!



    Very unusual, not a "perfumey" scent at all. It's strong and masculine, and I clearly smell the pine and cloves. Not really sure what pitch is supposed to smell like so I may or may not be getting that too.


    As it dries, the pine fades a bit and the cloves take over. It's a very strong, true clove scent -- like I just opened up the spice jar and took a big whiff. That exact smell.


    I like this but I'm not sure how much I would end up wearing it.

  11. So buttery and sweet! This is surprisingly un-boozy on me (unfortunately!) -- I get barely any rum. But it's mellow and nutty and delicious.


    This actually seems very similar to Butter Rum Cookie, which I tested just the other day -- and that makes sense, as I'm sure they have many of the same notes. Still, maybe a side-by-side comparison is in order to see which I prefer?

  12. Yum. I got a decant of this from a circle here on the forum, but after trying it I've just ordered a full bottle. I love the rich beeriness in here, it smells quite different than my (many) other BPAL chocolate scents.


    As a couple other reviewers have mentioned, this oil seems to be separated -- very visible in a clear decant/imp vial. There are basically big drops of dark brown oil floating around in the rest of the lighter-colored oil, and I actually resorted to shaking it rather violently but it still didn't really form a homogenous mixture. Not sure if that affects the scent or not?

  13. Gelt

    I've only tried the 2014 version.


    This totally smells like cheap milk chocolate. Very sweet and sticky.


    I've tried a lot of BPAL (and other) chocolate scents, and while I like this one (there's no such thing as bad chocolate, amirite?), it's not one of my ultimate favorites.

  14. I don't think I've tried the original Dodo scent, or I at least don't have a record of it.


    In imp: definitely smell lemon, cassia, and musk. Not tons of gingerbread?


    Wet on skin: Starting to get a little bit of the gingerbread, but it's still quite lemony and fresh. I definitely smell some of the sandalwood starting to come through as well.


    Dry: There are obviously lots of different notes in here and I keep thinking I catch whiffs of different things, but then can't quite identify them. The lemon does stay pretty constant, but it's not your typical citrus: it's more like a mellow lemon oil, though it is nice and bright. I think I'm getting a little of the mango as well. But then it's also spicy and woodsy?? A very odd combination, but all the different notes somehow blend really well and it works.


    Curious to try Dodo itself now!

  15. I somehow got my wires crossed and ended up with both a decant and full-size bottle of this, so I hope I end up liking it a lot! I haven't tried the original Goblin scent yet, so I can't compare.



    In the bottle: dark, not too spicy gingerbread. I get a bit of the coconut too, but it's a dry coconut or even husk, not fresh or fruity at all.


    Wet on skin: very similar to bottle. Dry, woodsy gingerbread and coconut husk. It's got a dark, nutty, caramel-y sweetness but not much ginger at all. I actually wish it had some more kick.


    Dry: The patchouli comes to the forefront, but this actually doesn't seem to change much from wet. Still dry and woodsy. I don't know if I would necessarily identify it as gingerbread if I didn't know that's what it was supposed to be.



    I like this one and will wear it, but I'm not totally blown away. I wanted GINGERBREAD, damnit!

  16. I got this as a frottle from a very generous decanter, and she may have been psychic, because I love it. Completely sexy but a very unexpected combination of notes that all somehow work together. It's definitely a date-worthy scent but not totally vampy.



    In the bottle: dark, almost boozy cherries and almond extract.


    Wet on skin: Marzipan. It becomes just slightly musky and spicy as it dries.


    Dry: Fainter almonds and patchouli. It's quite musky now, and while it's still sweet, most of the cherries have faded.



    If I sniff this one too much I get a bit of a headache, but it's delicious enough to deal with it.

  17. In the bottle: leather and patchouli with just a hint of roses. It also seems strangely minty or herbal?


    Wet on skin: ROSE. again with that slight fresh, green minty-ness.


    Drydown: The pepper comes out a bit, but it's still mostly roses... with some other notes I can't identify.



    I don't know that I'm a huge fan of this one, it's very strange. I have to admit I bought it mostly because I loved the name! I'll try it a couple more times to be sure, but I have a feeling this one might end up in the swaps box.

  18. So sweet and buttery! It smells pretty boozy in the bottle but not so much on my skin. There's something almost maple syrup-like about this.


    I will probably end up slathering myself in this for much of the winter. It's always good to smell like fresh baked goods, in my opinion.

  19. AMAZING. I love chocolatey scents and this is a great one. It does seem to have a hint of coffee as well.


    This is a new favorite and I've been wearing it a lot. It does seem to fade pretty quickly though, so it's a slatherer.

  20. I think I'm missing something here.


    I tried this years ago, when I first discovered BPAL, and couldn't understand why it was such a popular scent. It just did nothing for me. But the lab included a frimp of it in my last order, so I figured it was time to try again.


    Sorry to say, but still not a huge fan! It's certainly a tolerable enough scent, but not super appealing to me. I don't get any of the spices or vanilla that others mention, which is unfortunate since I love spicy and foody scents. This actually smells mostly like Dove soap and baby powder on me. Maybe I just have weird skin chemistry?


    I'm going to try aging this a bit and seeing if it improves.

  21. The cinnamon everyone else seems to be getting in this smells more like menthol or eucalyptus on me. Bummer, because I love cinnamon scents! But the menthol quality isn't actually medicinal or overwhelming here, it's actually quite bright and refreshing. I do get a little of the clove too.


    I quite like this one, it's very different from any of the other perfumes I own or wear. I'll have to try wearing it for its intended uses.

  22. In imp: sea air.


    Wet on skin: Same as above. Very aquatic, though not exactly fresh. Starting to get a bit of the leather as it dries, but there's also some kind of sour note surfacing that I can't identify.


    Dry on skin: Soft leather and damp wood. I wish I were getting some of the spices in here, but nope.


    Verdict: Meh. This reminds me a bit of Havana, which I also wasn't that into. It's okay, but not one I see myself reaching for.

  23. I tried this years ago and remember wanting to love it because I loved the name, but it just wasn't for me. Anyway, I was re-organizing my imps and found this one again, so I figured it was time to re-test.


    In imp: lemony and fresh. It's a soft, subtle lemon though -- almost like lemongrass.


    Wet on skin: Definitely very bright and green -- reminiscent of grass and laundry detergent for me.


    Dry on skin: If I had to guess I'd say I'm getting the white musk mostly, but I'm not very familiar with that note so I'm not sure. I really wish I was getting more lemon or something as it's not very bright, just subtle and sits close to the skin without much throw.


    Verdict: This oil smells fine enough and I can see that some people would really like it, but I think it's just not my cup of tea. I'm pretty meh on it though, not a very strong reaction either way.
