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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by agirlnamedfury

  1. The description of this was too intriguing for me to pass up.


    This is another in a long line of BPALs that I find "interesting" but not super wearable... for me at least. On me this is mostly linen unidentifiable florals -- it's surprising how accurate the "wilted" part of that is, as there is a bit of a flatness to them, something past their prime. I got a touch of yeastiness in the wet stage which faded nearly instantly, but then it came back in the drydown.


    I thought there would be a more noticeable booze note in this, as both wine and whiskey are listed, but I can't detect either of them.


    I preferred this one in the dry stage, once the florals had dissipated and the bread note became dominant.

  2. Wet: Black, BLACK cedar. I do detect the tea as well, but it's an overwhelming woodiness. It's quite pleasant in its way, though -- though I can't really pick out the supposed lime and other notes, there's something in there lightening it up.


    This mellows out into something lovely and comforting as it dries, and I like it more and more the longer it's on my skin.

  3. I only get the slightest bit of cedar in this, and zero honey, which is unfortunate as I'm a honey FIEND. This mostly smells like weird chemically plastic on me. Le sigh. This is what I get for buying bottles unsniffed.

  4. This is deep and resinous while in the imp and wet on the skin. Slightly spicy at first, then the pungent lilies come out from the depths. A bit more interesting than the usual run-of-the-mill floral scents, but still not really interesting enough for me to love it! Another one that's just not my style.

  5. This is very woody on me, I guess that's the frankincense? As it dries, I get a lot more florals. Unfortunately, florals aren't really my thing!


    I haven't been having great luck with my frimps lately, I've got to say... at least it's fun to try all these new things and I'm grateful to the lab and swappers for being so generous!

  6. After getting a frimp of this in my last order and looking up the notes and scent description online, I thought I would love this. Cherries? Wine? Vanilla? Clove? Yes please!


    Unfortunately, once I applied it to my skin all I could smell was the vetiver. I can't even get a whiff of any of those other sweet notes mentioned above. Sadface.

  7. Woody and slightly sweet -- but though I can barely smell the cassia (unfortunately!), it burned the inside of my elbow where I applied it within moments and I had to run and wash it off.


    I'll have to try applying this again in a less sensitive area, as I did like the smell for the minute I had it on!

  8. Mod Note: Please note that this is the review topic for the 2014 and 2016 version of this scent, which differs slightly from releases in 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, and 2015 (which have their own topic).


    Be good, or Krampus will toss you in a river! Sinister red musk, black and rust-brown leathers, dusty rags, and wooden switches.


    2014 version!

    This is a TOTALLY different leather note than Hans Trapp... it's interesting to me, because the scent descriptions and notes of the two of those scents sound similar but they couldn't smell more different. This leather is old and worn and dirty. There's definitely a woodiness in there, and I totally get the dust note!

    This would be super sexy to smell on a man, it's all rugged and bad boy. Don't know if guys would want to smell it on me though!

  9. This is pure leather, but it's actually a fresher, softer leather than I expected. It smells like a leather store or whole lambskins, as opposed to a worn-in old garment. Sweet, supple, and almost green in a way?


    I have a lot of leather scents so I can't decide if this one is a keeper imp or not, but it's definitely for leather lovers.

  10. This is a very unusual scent, but I don't think it's really my style. I'm not really sure what orris is supposed to smell like, but I'm pretty sure it is the floral, slightly herbal overpowering note I get when this is wet. I get quite a bit of coconut too, but it's subtle and light. The roses are mostly in the background, which I appreciate. There's definitely something very cold and delicate about this scent... just not my cup of tea.

  11. 2015 version!


    Mmmmmmmmmm! Sweetly, softly spicy and musky. Definitely a sexy scent, as the name would imply. I think I'm in love... or at least lust.


    This gets a little powdery on me as it dries, but not so much that I can't live with it.



    I love the label art too. Naughty!

  12. OMG I'm in sweet foodie heaven. This is all buttery caramel goodness on me -- it actually smells exactly like buttered popcorn jelly belly beans taste. Warm and delicious!


    I actually get barely any coconut, in the wet stage at least, and while I do detect sugary marshmallows, but it's mostly just creamy, sweet butteriness. I guess maybe that is the macadamia? There is definitely a touch of something nutty in there.


    I've had it on about an hour now and it doesn't seem to have morphed much, which is great! I have never ordered a backup bottle of anything from the lab so far, but I might have to have a backup of this one. It's just too delicous!

  13. I got this as a frimp in my most recent order. I was initially pretty leery of it after reading the scent description and list of notes, as I generally dislike lavender. However, I can barely tell there's any lavender in there (during the wet stage, at least) and it's much more light and refreshing than I was expecting. It's sweet with a touch of citrus and mint -- but fresh, herbal mint as opposed to the usual overpowering type.


    All those bright, fresh notes I like do seem to dissipate pretty quickly as this dries, so I'm not sure how much staying power or throw it has. The lavender also comes out to play a bit more in the drydown.


    This is very unlike the scents I usually wear, but I think I'll be keeping the imp. For now, at least.

  14. Spicy, deep, and resinous. I don't know what most of the listed notes are supposed to smell like (my nose isn't that educated yet), but I agree with the couple of reviewers who said they detected olives. There's definitely something distinctly olive-y in here. It's peppery and herbal all over as well.


    This is one of those BPAL scents that I like the smell of abstractly, but I don't know if I would really like wearing it as a perfume and smelling like it all day long, you know?


    More than anything, though, I'm really impressed by the color of this oil -- in the imp, it's so dark it's almost black. Maybe don't wear this one with white clothing!

  15. Sweet and fizzy, like some kind of candy! Maybe sweet tarts or smarties? (The American chalky-colorful smarties, not the British ones that are like chocolate, right?)


    This fades into nothingness extremely quickly, but it's still a fun, bright scent.

  16. Eeep, no. I'm somewhat new to perfume so I'm not 100% sure what vetiver is supposed to smell like, but.... I think that's it. I do get a lot of cedar as well.


    This isn't like "OMG get it off!" repulsive, but it's not something I would want to wear.

  17. 2014 Version


    Wow, this is delicious. It's a foody, gourmand scent and is definitely sweet but not overly so -- as opposed to many of the Yule scents that smell exactly like baked goods (which I LOVE, don't get me wrong!), this one is actually quite subtle, mostly just warm and comforting. The olive oil definitely takes center stage on me but there is also a hint of something nutty and almost chocolatey. It's a little fruity at first but that all but disappears in the drydown.


    I didn't really have huge expectations for this one but it has pleasantly surprised me. I might actually have to seek out a bottle...
