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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Little_Rowan

  1. “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” - Jack London

  2. $65 and my car is fixed, now if work wouldn't harass me it'd be an awesome day.

  3. 2 Bpal packages in the mail, laundry going, and baking pumpkin cookies and cupcakes later.... this would be so much nicer if I didn`t have to work....

  4. 3 cases in one day. My day off. I'd give my left kidney for a back and hand massage.

  5. 4 hours of sleep. It's going to be a long day.

  6. 5th graders again, I`m going prepared this time- with a flask & lysol spray.

  7. 5th graders are such funny little creatures- at least the puker wasnt in my class

  8. 6g it`s been fun but 4g has way cooler plugs- BAF package en route : )

  9. 74 imps, and 37 bottles... BAA (Bpal Addicts Anonymous) here I come.

  10. 8am-9:30pm shift today ugnh, sleep and interview in the am!

  11. A BIG scary mean looking black dude just followed me down the empty hallway I take to go to the morgue (I left my CDs there) before I got to the point where I was going to start screaming 'white woman in trouble!' He mumbled I smelled pretty. Thanks big scary dude....

  12. A day spent with the boy seein the fishes and hippos- life is good : )

  13. About to send out my very first international perfume bottle swap- how freakin neat is that?!

  14. After 13 hours of sleep I feel human again.

  15. After a night of being wide the Fuck awake and thinking about the future, I'm contemplating trying to sell my soul.

  16. Ah lotus tea and bed...

  17. Ahhhh another day at the office

  18. Ahhhh bpal mail!!!! I think I have enough tea to last me at least a month

  19. Ahhhh day of nothing!

  20. Ahhhh freedom!!! Now to find something to do : )

  21. All dressed up and no where to fuckin go

  22. Alright, i`m officially fucking panicing over my senior sem. FUCK!!! :* (

  23. And people wonder why I like working with the dead, they're better company.

  24. Annnnnnddddd my hair still smells like hay..... though it looks all sorts of rad thanks to Elena Cottone : )
