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Posts posted by Tiada

  1. Persephone is so perfectly balanced on my skin, and so simple compared to many BPAL scents!


    Wet, the pomegranate is almost a single note. I don't smell rose at all until it dries and then the two mingle and dance in perfect step. This is a really good scent if you work in a workplace that may be less appropriate to wear some of the really deep/dark BPAL scents, or very foodie ones. This is delightful!

  2. Man this one is GOOOOOOOOD!


    Black Pearl is sweet, creamy and smoooooooooooth! Coconut and hazelnut without being "foody". Hazelnut is the strongest (which makes me happy as I luvs me some hazelnut!) with coconut just behind it providing sweetness. It's also got a bit of a high note, that reminds me of something glittery. I don't know how to describe that in scent form, it just makes my brain think of sparkle.

  3. Wet: When I was a pre-teen I had a gummy bears body spray. This smells like gummy bears! And tea. Reminds me of the tea in Dorian.


    As it dries: It starts to remind me more of Dorian (which on me smells like lemon cake and tea), but replace the lemon with strawberry.


    Dry: Gosh I love this, it's so sweet and takes me to childhood in such a wonderful way. It's bright and sweet and delightful! It stays true to the strawberry, but in a dessert, sugared way (makes sense with the trifle aspect). The tea has faded now that it's dry, but just enough to mellow a bit behind the other scents. I do smell an every so slight hint of the flowers, but they're so quiet that it's just complimentary to the blend as a whole. This is great!

  4. I was first attracted to the hazelnut and buttercream aspects of this scent, but unfortunately on my skin they're drowned out by the rum and almonds. Very VERY boozy. And I know it's probably just my skin chemistry, but it smells like the booze that oozes out of your skin with a bad hangover. So sad that this isn't working on me.

  5. Eos.


    I've tried a few other scents with honeysuckle in it and Eos was by far the winner for me (in fact, I have not liked the others at all!). I've read in the reviews that some people get heavy jasmine from it, but the jasmine note is not dominant on me at all.


    (Edit to add the others I've tried: Juliet was ALL lilies, Lolita was all heliotrope with none of the sweetness that everyone else seems to get, and New Orleans was just... yucky.) (Adding later: "yucky" is a terrible description, and not helpful at all. It amps jasmine like crazy on me and I guess the "decay" note is strong on me because it smells like rotting flowers).

  6. I just realized that I haven't reviewed Dorian yet, and that is just so many kinds of wrong! Both my husband and I have worn this, and I can't tell who suits it more. It treats each of us differently and I adore it!


    Wet: Strong black tea (I get Earl Grey, there's a hint of bergamot which I always smell as Fruit Loops) sweetened with creamy vanilla and a tad lemony. I love how complex this scent is! Typically when wet scents on me stick to one dominant note and get more complex on the dry down.


    Sometime in the dry down this starts to smell a bit like citronella bug spray and the first time it hit this phase I started to worry. Now I know better than to worry and just wait it out. Besides, I don't mind the smell of citronella, it reminds me of being at the cottage ;)


    Dry: Lemon cake, heavy HEAVY on the vanilla. There's a hint of the tea that wafts through now and then, but it's predominantly a vanilla/baked lemon scent. There are supposed to be musks in this right? I don't get any.


    Now on my husband it's mostly tea, with a hint of vanilla and I do get some depths of the musks. Either way it's delicious! I love how that works!


    (Oh, and also, I adore the very first review in this thread! It's perfect!)

  7. I have to say I've never had a perfume SMELL fizzy! I love it!


    There isn't a drop of rum in this on me. There's a tiny hint in the imp, but once on my skin it's all sweet orange pop. Wet and dry. Now, I love me some Orange Crush. Adore the stuff. A case would last a few days at my house because I guzzle it down like it's water. But I don't know if I want to smell like it. There isn't really any throw to this one, it's close to my skin, so it might be something I could wear just for my own personal pleasure. But then I'll spend too much money on pop because man is this giving me cravings!!


    Edit: FANTA. It smells like Fanta. Original orange Fanta that we can't get in Canada without some serious searching at import grocery stores. *sigh*

  8. Okay maybe I'm crazy, but Rapunzel turns into laundry soap or fabric softener to me once I've been wearing it for an hour or so. I haven't tested it on anyone else to see if this is just my skin, but it smells lovely!


    As for all the White Rabbit rec's, I don't get the clean linen note out of it at all. It's the only note that doesn't come forward after it's dry.

  9. This scent is absolutely magnificent. I tried out Elegba yesterday, and after reading al the comparisons between it and Misk. U, I knew it had to be the next one I tried (not sure why I hadn't yet, to be honest). The comparisons are right, they've got a lot of similar qualities while being very different notes.


    In the bottle and wet, this smells strongly of Irish Coffee. Sweet and thick and rich. Nothing but.


    As it dries, the heavy sweetness of irish coffee fades to balance with the oakwood. (AMAZING!)


    After a few hours, the oakwood is stronger, with a hush of dust and just a whiff of the sweetness of irish coffee deliciousness. I adore everything about this! MMMMMMMMMM.

  10. The Spirit of the Divine Messenger, the Lord of the Crossroads, He Who Owns All Doors and Roads in this World. He is the intermediary between the Orishas and mankind, and stands at the intersection of humanity and the Divine. He opens all paths of communication, both mundane and Heavenly. His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum.

    Another frimp from the lab that I'm in love with!!

    I don't even have this on my wishlist, because it's got coconut and hubby HATES coconut, so I just avoid it entirely to make things easy.

    What I've forgotten over the years, is that I ADORE coconut!

    In the imp and when wet, this one is boozy. Very sweet and thick rum. Almost overpowering, and made me a bit leery of putting it on my skin. I'm glad I went for it! As it dries it mellows into a warm, sweet, buttery, coconut. Only a hint of the rum remains on my skin, almost as an afterthought.

    This is so delicious. Definitely one of those instances where frimping pays off, I'll be buying a 5mL.

  11. I'm glad I hadn't read this thread before I put Bastet on, or I never would have. All the talk of almonds and cherries would have scared me away for good (fake almond or cherry scented things makes me want to vomit and tops my list of least favourite scents in the world). However, I put Bastet on without any idea what was in her, and I'm very glad I gave her that chance!


    This is pure, luxurious HEAT. A hot day without a drip of humidity. The sun beating harshly down without relief.


    I've only ever tried amber in sweeter BPAL scents (like "O"), so this is a change and I quite like it! It's rich and spicy and hot. The musk and something I can't pin down are the front and center here. The almond is present, but not at all "fake". It's real almonds. Quietly balancing the other notes with a grounded, nutty warmth.


    This is absolutely gorgeous, I just don't know if it's "me". It may not be a scent I wear often, I will appreciate the heck out of my little imp!


    Edit after several hours: This one sticks around, which is usually a good thing. But in the case of Bastet, it has started to have an "old lady perfume" quality that isn't sitting well with me. I'm not sure which note is the culprit, but I'm reminded of one of my great aunts whenever I catch a whiff. *sigh* Sad.

  12. I got this as a Frimp on my order that arrived yesterday, and I loved it so much that I had to try it out before even any of the ones I paid for!


    In the imp: Fresh, bright, somewhat citrus-y tea.


    Wet: TEA. Reminiscent of the tea note that I adore so much in White Rabbit, but richer.


    Dry: The peony takes hold over the tea, but it's a light breezy floral not a thick oppressing one in the least. It hovers over the tea like a blooming centerpiece of peonies in the middle of a table set for teatime.


    Overall, this is sweet (in nature, not in scent), gentle and fresh. I'm really pleased with The Dormouse and it might be used often through the spring and summer!

  13. Here we go with the double entendres again! Strawberry and peach cheesecake, heavy on the sticky glaze.

    I just realized that this was released over my wedding date! WHOO! (We also had cheesecake for our wedding cake!)

    OMG :wub2:

    In the bottle this smells like the wild strawberries candy (the same people who make cherry blasters and fuzzy peaches and watermelon slices). YUM!

    Once I put it on it mellows into a creamier scent, but oh so sweet and delightful. I am in love.

  14. Bumping up this ancient thread because I'm hoping some experienced BPAL'ers can help me.


    I'm looking for a wisteria scent that would bring me back to standing on Monet's Japanese Footbridge. The thing is, floral blends tend to not be my favourite thing, so I'd love to find something where wisteria is the frontrunner, or the blend overall is subtle, rather than "kick you in the face" floral. I've read the descriptions of the GC scents with wisteria as a note, but they all have at least one flower that makes me very leery to try it out.

  15. This smells EXACTLY like what I expected from the description. It's very green!


    Grass is clear, and the other notes blend into a water-y floral (tulips are frontrunner). Light, crisp, bright. I just wish this had more of something. Anything. It's too light for me and disappears on my skin within an hour. It's a gorgeous scent, but doesn't have enough substance and presence for me to wear more than very occasionally.


    This actually does remind me of being in the tulip gardens near Amsterdam in May, I guess it's more like a wistful scent memory than "BAM" actually being there.


    Edit: I reapplied when it faded, and went much heavier on my application the second time, and it seems to be sticking around much better this time! I'm very easy on application, a little bit here and there, and with heavy/deep/powerful scents this is all that's really needed, I think with lighter scents like Amsterdam I just need to put more on to begin with ;)


    I do like it now that it's sticking around. And it smells way more like peony than any other note once it's decided what it's going to stay with.

  16. Bliss is so yummy! It really is pure milk chocolate. The good kind - like Lindt, not the cheap, waxy Easter candy kind.


    Being a true chocoholic, I can't help but adore this. It's not a scent I'll wear all the time, but I can see wearing it on those days were I'm PMS'ing and have a killer chocolate craving I just can't kick. I've worn it to bed a few times and it gave me happy dreams. Good stuff!

  17. Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum.

    Oh my lord I'm in trouble.

    I was so pleasantly surprised (more like thrilled!) to find a decant of this in a forum order as a frimp. I couldn't help myself and immediately washed off what I was wearing and put this on. This is absolutely DIVINE. It's warm and rich and sweet and just... YES. I was worried that I was putting it on and might have to wash it off before bed, which seemed like a waste, but I'm keeping it on as I don't want to stop smelling myself!

    I need to get a bottle of this. Like, yesterday!

  18. '08 version


    In the imp it smelled vanilla-y with a bit of something crisp and bright.


    Wet: PLAY DOH. Nothing but Play doh.


    Dry: As much as my co-workers insist that I don't smell like play doh, it's all I can smell for the most part. My one co-worker LOVES this, and keeps assaulting me to sniff my arms. I wish I could smell what she's smelling. I can tell there is a bit of vanilla, and coconut that are trying to make an appearance, but the play doh is stuck in my brain and nothing else is going to win.


    I'm going to give my imp to the co-worker who's so infatuated with it, and she can see if it will work better on her. Maybe on her I'll be able to smell what it's SUPPOSED to smell like!


    EDIT: I figured out what's bugging me. Almond. Almond is the one that's making me think I still smell like play doh. I HATE almond/amaretto/etc. It's gross. Both my co-workers adore it, which is why they're loving this so much.
