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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by DamnSatyr


    http://bbc.in/kFhMdP So a Salvage Diver is now on the quest to find Bin Laden's Body. Because you know, that wasn't eaten within a few days


    http://bit.ly/gxfrXB < This was an atrocity...and now we're making a comedy movie about it? Good job, humanity. http://youtu.be/Yh12cKUob_M



    http://bit.ly/jkdZcj Go get that promotion ladies, but make sure you're ready in more ways than one! #WrongOnSoManyLevels



    http://bit.ly/jTzP9m Who is this ad supposed to appeal to? Serial Killers? CREEEEEEPY. #AdvertisingGoneWrong #Oh,Misogynists


    http://bit.ly/kmOm41 "Kill me if you Can" - one of the weirdest docus I've seen in a while. #Docu



    http://bit.ly/lQsT5v The weebs surveys his domain.


    http://cbsloc.al/mgbOf8 Good job, Boston pool inspectors. Just... Good job. #WhatTheChrist



    #BreakingBad has completely sucked away the past several days. Why does this show not get more attention? OMG. So good.


    #FCRedbox Twitter Party by @FastFixin & @ConsumerQueen to Win a Blue-Ray player & more!http://bit.ly/oDV1Qs


    S… (cont) http://t.co/GVqDdlL



    #OnlyFatPeople have to deal with this kind of fucking ridicule. Grow up, Twittards.


    #Pidgin is pissing me off. "The certificate for omega.contacts.msn.com could not be validated. The certificate chain presented is invalid."


    http://yhoo.it/eQ0Ob4 I wish my cats got jury duty. :(


    http://yhoo.it/g73vor This is one of the most lovely videos I've seen of nature in a very long time. #spacescape #video #TheMountain


  14. This is pretty much the best Rapture video ever.

  15. ._. since when does Borders carry art supplies?

  16. "[85:Niam]: I do not, nor have I ever (except once on accident) poisoned anything I have fed you." ...I'm never eating Kas's cooking again.

  17. "Everyone knows once you get eyeball nipples you pretty much can't die." - My raid group, on Cho'Gal

  18. "I didn't want to touch you baby, but you're pretty when you cry..."

  19. "If you Order It, Pizza Will Come" #SNL

  20. "No one ever dies peacefully in their sleep. They just become too weak to fight us and we take them to hell"
