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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by calivianya

  1. I am so thankful that I got to try this. Major props out to the forumite I swapped with for a decant! This may not be the most reliable review, as I have pretty severe sinus congestion, but I can't take it any longer! I've had it for three days and I haven't tried it yet; something had to give. :lol:


    In the vial: Fruity, fruity, fruity pomegranate! I can't really pick out anything else.

    Wet on my skin: Pomegranate and pepper! The patchouli slinks in almost immediately - wow! I can tell the difference in this patchouli and in other scents with fresh patchouli that I've bought from the Lab. This is really smooth. The fougere starts to show itself after a few seconds, making this slightly more masculine. It is still sweeter than I was thinking it would be with so many masculine notes. The pomegranate is a little stronger than I would have liked it to be, but it isn't doing horrible things on my skin yet. I'm surprised.

    Drydown: The pomegranate is still there, and still not nasty! I'm really surprised now. Every scent I've worn where the pomegranate is a major player has gone a bit rancid on my skin. Dragon's blood in all its incarnations also amps and goes rancid on my skin, but I was never able to detect that at all. Huh. What I do have is a very incensy blend with pomegranate. I am still getting the patchouli and perhaps a hint of ginger, but I can't pick out much else at the moment. I really like what I'm smelling. I think I'll keep my decant, at least for now, and do a re-test when my sense of smell is less impaired.


    Now, I wish I had tried for a bottle on Etsy. I just refreshed the page and enjoyed watching the numbers go down... :lol:

  2. I was really excited for this; I didn't think there was any possible way this could go wrong on me. Frosting? Check. Red wine? Check. Dry leaves? Check. Tobacco smoke? Check. Incense? Check. Snake Oil? Check. Dorian? Check.


    However... this is really not great on my skin. The red wine dominates initially, and it is very grapey, like Anthesteria. Red wine normally does not go grapey on my skin. It is usually very dark and sensual, not candy grape-like. What's going on here? :huh?: Okay now it's starting to go powdery on me the way that Tombeur does. This is also mystifying, as technically they only share Snake Oil. I can wear Snake Oil, I can wear Green Tree Viper, Boomslang, Lilith Victoria... what's happening? Maybe the tobacco smoke note includes a bit of vetiver to create the smokiness, as that might explain the similarities to Tombeur I'm getting. I really don't know, this just ends up an overly sweet powdery mess on my skin. I am very disappointed, and I am really hoping that aging works some miracles. I was really hoping that this was going to be my HG scent. :(

  3. I'm going to make a plug for The Wiley Grasser. I can't stop wearing it. :lol:


    If you like the smell of cotton candy, this is the most true-to-life cotton candy I have ever smelled with a hint of florals and pine needles. It goes through a period on me where the floral attempts, and fails, to take over, but other than that stage it is pure candy sweetness. I will be really surprised if this one isn't a hit.

  4. sime-grasserSMALL.gif



    Pine needles, wildflowers, and cotton candy.



    I was very excited to get this as I love pine and candy scents. The wildflowers I'm not too sure about; I'm not usually a floral person but some are okay. I really hope they stay in the background, or are of a kind that does not immediately spell nasty floral death or baby powder on my skin. We'll see.


    In the bottle: I smell mostly pine needles with a hint of candy and something else I can't immediately identify. I'm not too great at telling florals apart, to be honest. It smells a little sharp.


    Wet on my skin: COTTON CANDY... with a tiny hint of pine. This is very sugary and bright, with a little bit of pine holding it down. Right now, I love this scent.


    5 minutes: Okay, now it's still COTTON CANDY, but with a hint of something floral. I can barely smell the pine right now. I can't quite pin down what the wildflowers are, but something in this reminds me of this Lily of the Valley body lotion my mother used to wear when I was a kid. I can't tell if I'm getting that impression because The Wiley Grasser actually has lily of the valley in it or if it's because of how sweet this scent is. That lotion was very sweet, too.


    15 minutes: The wildflowers and cotton candy are warring for dominance, but in a good way. The pine needles remain totally in the background; I don't think I'd be aware of them if I didn't know they were there. I'm surprised at how much I'm still liking this with as much floral as it has. I'm picturing a field of flowers with piles of cotton candy scattered throughout. This scent is bright and very happy. If it had a color, I would call it a playful neon pink. I haven't smelled anything from BPAL that smells remotely like this before. If you lightened up Sugar Skull and mixed in a little bit of flowers, you might come close, but Sugar Skull can be very heavy and deep on my skin, and this blend isn't either. It's very interesting.


    Drydown: The cotton candy wins out over the wildflowers, though not by much. The wildflowers are also not turning into baby powder, giving me a headache, or amping like no one's business, so I'm a little surprised. The pine needles make a little bit of a comeback - they're not even half as strong as the floral or cotton candy, but they are lending a faintly sharp, woody note to this blend.


    This scent has medium strength with little throw. I smell it best with my wrist almost to my nose. I can't really say as to the wearlength yet, as I'm going to have to get ready to leave for work in a bit, but it has been on for a little over an hour so far and it has not faded noticeably on my skin. However, I didn't even let this get to my mailbox - I ran up as soon as the postman came into the parking lot and got it right off the truck - so we'll see if it does something different when it settles. I'm hoping it doesn't change too drastically, though, as I'm fond of it the way it is. This may be a new top 10 scent for me - I'll have to try it a few more times to decide for sure. Either way, I'm very glad I ordered a bottle. :wub2:

  5. This is definitely a white scent.


    The grapefruit and white tea jump out immediately upon application. It's tart and sweet, and reminiscent of pink lemonade with a hint of tea. Lovely. As it dries down, the ginger becomes more prominent and sort of ruins this for me. That crystalline white tea/grapefruit combination is still there, but it smells like it's been dirtied a little by the ginger. And now I'm getting the cleaning product scent others are getting. I'm not sure if it's the combination or what, but this is a little sad. I really liked the beginning of this scent on my skin. :(

  6. I had some apprehensions about this scent since the Lab's Irish coffee note does not work on my skin sometimes, but I couldn't help myself when I saw an opportunity to swap. I'm really glad I did. At first sniff, the Irish coffee note threatens to dominate and sweeten this blend to the point of being nauseating, like it does in Miskatonic University. However, the woods and tobacco bring it under control so that on the drydown, this is a sweetened coffee/tobacco/woods blend. This is exactly what I hoped Miskatonic University would smell like on me, and I am very pleased to have a bottle. :)

  7. I received this as a frimp from the Lab. Only one rose scent so far (Lilith) has made it onto the like list, so I don't have much hope for this one.


    Wet, this is roses and creamy coconut on my skin. I can't really pick out the musks/orris. However, as it dries down, the rose turns to powder and the musks appear, making this a coconutty, powdery musk. It's really not my kind of scent.

  8. Envy starts out with lime, mint, and lavender - after about 30 minutes the only player left remaining is lavender with a faint grassy tinge. I wish the lime and mint hung around longer; it might have been worth keeping my decant if they did.

  9. Nero is a very masculine scent. It does smell very much like cologne, with strong bay and rosemary. I do like some pine scents, but this is not one of them. It is sharp and astringent, and it was not a good match with my skin chemistry. It might smell good on my boyfriend, so I'll have to try it out on him later.

  10. I don't know why I never reviewed this. o.0


    I'm not a huge fan of florals, but I decided to try this anyway because I received it as a frimp. I'm not exactly sure which floral it was that went bad on me, but this was spicy nasty floral that turned powdery on the drydown. It just was not appealing on my skin.

  11. I received this as a frimp a while back; I wonder why I didn't review it then.


    Oh well. I had some hopes for Nephilim with the frankincense, patchouli, lavender, oakmoss, and cypress, all of which I like, but I didn't really get any of those. What I got was hyssop, fig, and vetiver, with a bare hint of patchouli and frankincense. I'm not a huge fan of hyssop or fig, so this isn't a good fit. This is going to swaps.

  12. I can't believe I have never reviewed this scent. It is an absolute favorite.


    Dusty books, sexy musk, incense... what's not to love? It is just on the masculine side. The musk is the same musk from Black Lace, but where Black Lace goes slightly soapy on my skin The Lurid Library stays true. It is a wonderful scent and I am in love. I just wish it was a hint more feminine, because it would be my signature scent for sure if it was. :lol:

  13. An agricultural gargoyle. Though he is the Guardian of the Crops and Keeper of the Fields, his visage is still the stuff of nightmares. The scent of a hot wind blowing through desolate, scorched, barren fields.

    I got the nail polish smell as well. However, it disappeared on my skin, and just smelled vaguely like dry hay. I'm not a huge fan of hay in perfumes.

  14. I love lavender and I'm gradually learning to appreciate patchouli, so I thought that with the tonka to sweeten it up this might be good. However, the lavender is very sharp upon application. The rosewood and patchouli come out, making this a sharp dirty wood smell. Where are the amber and tonka? I really need something sweeter in this scent, and for some reason the amber and tonka are not delivering. I think if they actually showed up I would like this scent a lot, but since they don't, I don't. Off to swaps!

  15. I really love oppoponax, so I thought I might love this blend. Alas, this is not the case. It is very woodsy and dry with a bit of oppoponax, but it also smells strangely astringent. I'm not sure what exactly is giving it that sharp edge. I can vaguely smell the rose on the drydown, whose extreme powder puts the final nail in this scent's coffin for me.

  16. I really just opened this one to sniff, as dragon's blood turns absolutely horrible on my skin. Yep, I can smell the dragon's blood in here. I can definitely pick up the musks as well. I think this would be really good on someone with the right chemistry, but I'm not willing to risk it today.

  17. I've found that pennyroyal often makes a stronger mint than actual mint does, and this is no exception. I get an immediate blast of MINT! in my face. It's quite delicious. At first, the minty pennyroyal is all I can smell. Eventually, I get a hint of the lavender-citron cologne, but it is definitely in the background underneath the pennyroyal. I never do smell the black musk, which is unusual because black musk is usually extremely aggressive on my skin. This is a much lighter blend than I was expecting based on the notes. I love it.

  18. I received this as a frimp from a wonderful forumite. :)


    This is very pretty and lighthearted! Wet, it is mostly dandelion and honey on my skin, with a little fruitiness from the currant. It doesn't morph on me, but my skin does eat it. What a shame. If it wasn't gone within 30 minutes, this would be a bottle purchase for sure.
