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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Unseelie_1033

  1. After 9 years w/family Meg Shitman should have hired an immigration attorney, rather than just firing Nicky to clean house for candidacy #FB

  2. My nurses have packed up and headed out for the day; Bloodbath&Beyond for a shower chair, then Livermore for winery visits. =D #FB

  3. Super Awesome Accident week 1 summary: tonight is the first night i have thought "oh shit i can WoW all night!" when others go to bed. #FB

  4. mom didn't like me being really super bossy w/details to make the washer work; we made a call and in 2 hours have a new w&d set working. #FB

  5. Just checked and i have 219 sick hours. that's 27 freaking DAYS. i'm so covered.. this is the best horrible accident EVER. #FB

  6. In a spectacular accident on the way home, NICEST guy on a skateboard almost killed me. I'm okay, he's a <3 sweetie, story upcoming! #FB

  7. The Shark-demon in "Tabula Rasa" is totally Harlan Ellison. #FB

  8. Best work picnic leftover score ever: a baggie of shrimp to use in jambalaya! I have the mix, beans, and sausage, now we're ready to go! #FB

  9. HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY! 17days to regular season, pre-season starts tonight!

  10. Put $10 gas in the truck, drove it to do heavy shopping, might pick up the M8 just to keep the battery charged. That's funny to me. #FB

  11. Weirdly good mood. Rack on back of bike, back to one basket on rear & loving it. Forgot deodorant. Woohoo! #FB

  12. Finished ride with @walkmeter, on To Work route, time 20:14, 2.47 miles, see http://j.mp/b7DsHk, 7.34 average.

  13. Started walk with @walkmeter at 12:47, on a new route, see http://j.mp/bWDBvD, Walkmeter will speak your replies to me.

  14. Blowing off @Work WW because they don't have enough members for free eTools ($13/mo) and fee is $44/mo. WW MonthlyPass $40/mo w/eTools! #FB

  15. woman attacked by 3 dogs, guy comes out with a gun and drops one, then the gun jams: FUCKING WALTHER PPK PIECE OF SHIT! other gun works. #FB

  16. Needed Hot&Sour cold cure; just ordered from Ichiban Japanese & Chinese Restaurant on Campusfood http://t.co/mldVNZ8 via @campusfood

  17. Blood Centers of the Pacific requesting emergency donations beginning tomorrow, especially all you ubergoth Type O-Negatives. <3 #FB

  18. Okay, heck with it, riding bike to store for hotdogs, burritos and chicken, stuff for this week's lunches. Worst of the heat is over.. #FB

  19. WeeMe on iPhone → http://j.mp/cMUodb made with #WeeMee for iPhone & iPod touch http://AppSto.re/WeeMee

  20. Forgot, yesterday at Berkeley Bowl someone spotted my BPAL alchemy sticker on the back of the Bianchi. Brainlocked me "We smell good!"
