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Everything posted by HerbGirl

  1. HerbGirl

    Lilith Victoria

    Lavender, Snake Oil and Dorian in that order. Very nice!
  2. HerbGirl

    The Phoenix in Summer

    This is my favorite of the four. This smells like Summer rain in Phoenix (ironically), after the asphalt smell dissipates. LOVE. 5/5
  3. HerbGirl

    The Phoenix in Spring

    This is definitely Spring! It reminds me a lot of Strawberry Moon '09 - without the Strawberry...and with Cherry Blossom. Very nice! 4/5
  4. HerbGirl


    Loving this! Lots of Tuberose, mandarin and Hyacinth. Sandalwood and Styrax come out a bit later with the musks rounding out the scent. This is so beautiful! may need another bottle before the Lupers come down.
  5. HerbGirl

    Bon Vivant

    Fizzy Strawberries...this is delicious. I can't wait for my bottle to arrive!
  6. HerbGirl


    Yes, luscious green indeed! Blackberry, Green Tea, Sage, Musk - they are all here and in such a lovely way. I have been wavering back and forth about this one for about a month. The first time I tried my imp, it didn't smell like much to me. Yesterday I tried it again and ordered a bottle. This is perfect for Spring/Summer - not sharp, but with quite a bit of throw and very pretty. 4.5/5
  7. HerbGirl

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet! One of my absolute favorites. I wore this to bed last night instead of Ephemera... On my skin this is Teak/Black Vanilla/Oak in that order. Delicious. The Black Vanilla is very sweet which is a nice balance to the astringent (but lovely) Oak. Teak is one of my favorite notes - if you like Teak, don't let this one pass you by. After about 25-30 minutes the Tobacco comes out and switches places with the Oak...absolutely wonderful. This is a very comforting unisex perfume. Definitely a 5/5 in my book.
  8. HerbGirl

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I'm thinking there is a Salon perfume that may be close. I will have to skin test Amour and a few salons and will reply back here when I do.
  9. HerbGirl

    Loosening of the Obi

    OK. Third time IS the charm! I had tested this twice before today and was starting to get depressed...the first 2 tries I didn't smell anything but Rice Wine. Wet - RICE WINE, with an itty bitty bit of vanilla and white musk. Quite a bit of throw... Dry - What a nice skin scent. Not so much throw now, and the Vanilla and Musk are more prominent with the Sandalwood providing a subtle base. The Rice Wine is still present, but has softened. This is very nice, and I'm sure it will age beautifully. 4/5 in theory, 2/5 on my skin ETA: When my boyfriend came home from symphony rehearsal tonight, I asked him to smell this on my wrists. He told me that it smelled like my skin but better. Um, that's a win. So, after 4 hours: this is a perfect skin scent.
  10. HerbGirl

    Dancing Koi

    This is definitely a keeper. Wet: My brain tells me I smell lots of Frankincense (could this be the Champaca?) and soft Leather. Drydown is amazing - warm, spicy, not heavy on the clove (thank goodness) and I'd even call it uplifting. The Sandalwood becomes more prominent after about half an hour, and this Sandalwood is GOOD (creamy). 5/5 - I love this.
  11. HerbGirl

    The Kingdom of Sweets

    YUM. Orange-y (citrus-y) effervescent sweetness! This is delicious...
  12. HerbGirl

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Nude Woman Reclining smells very similar to Armani's discontinued Mania for women (black cap) to me...but better. Just saying...
  13. HerbGirl


    Kypris is beautiful! I was so excited to have a perfume with Rainier Cherry in it - and it doesn't disappoint! Wet, this is ALL Cherry, Sugar Cane and Almond...I can't tell which kind of Cherry or Almond, but they are both there and strong! After about an hour, the Cherry defines itself as a Rainier and the Almond softens and takes a backseat to the Benzoin and Vanilla Bean which are stunning...spicy and creamy without being too sweet. The sugar cane calms down as well... A bit later this perfume morphs into something amazing - there's still a hint of Cherry here, the Almond is indeed bitter (and balanced by the Benzoin and Vanilla bean) but now the tart bitterness of lemon peel and softness of the Rose water shows up with just a touch of honey...just a bit. After about 4 hours I think I smell the Balsam...I thought he would show up in the very beginning loud and proud, but it just didn't happen. I never get much of the Honey, Balsam, Rose Water or Lemon Peel, but they are there - working together behind the scenes. This would be a perfect perfume to wear to the Portland Japanese Garden in the Springtime! Medium throw, long wear, subtle beauty. Definitely a 5/5 and I think this would be wearable year-round here in the Pacific Northwest.
  14. HerbGirl

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    So, I LOVED Pannychis. Loved it. I was so happy that it was in my order before the DC announcement was made. I just received Kataskopia in the mail today and the drydown is very similar to Pannychis. So, if you're missing Pannychis, give Kataskopia a try before she comes down...it's a shame she's a LE, but at least she is here for now.
  15. This is beautiful! Even though it is straight out of the mailbox, it is very well blended. Nothing screams...it's like a chorus. Gosh my reviews suck. Anyhow, I don't smell APPLE per se, but more of an apple blossom and apple peel vibe wafting getly over the GORGEOUS Mahogany. Mahogany is such a wonderful smell...who would have thought Apple and Mahogany?! I'm not normally a fan of Rosewood, but here it is playing nicely. I ALMOST think I smell a hint of Oak. Very nicely done, and I am certain this will age beautifully. 4.5/5
  16. HerbGirl

    Okiya Atmosphere Spray

    Goblin squirt. This was everything I hoped it would be: light and airy and perfect for spring. Cherry blossom with a hint of green tea underscored by sake. It makes me want to watch Memoirs of a Geisha over and over... the scent makes me think of the final scene. Perfect.
  17. HerbGirl

    Snow White Bath Oil

    Thank goodness! I LOVE how Snow White (the perfume oil) smells on others, but I just can't pull it off. This bath oil, however, gives me the opportunity to sniff to my heart's content. Just a bit of the oil as a moisturizer is quite a nice pick me up, and in the bath it makes me feel like a princess. Great stuff! A general note about the Bath Oils: a little really does go a long way, and they are non greasy on the skin and perfect as a moisturizer.
  18. HerbGirl

    Cranberry Cookie Bark Bath Oil

    My favorite of the bath oils. This is a perfect white/dark chocolate mix with a hint of cranberry and the lift of mint - I don't smell mint, but I can feel it, if that makes any sense. I love this stuff (used it the other night in the bath - a little goes a LONG way!). Tried a bit as a moisturizer yesterday and it was divine. My only complaint? I wish I had more money to buy two more bottles before it goes away!
  19. HerbGirl

    Cathouse Atmosphere Spray

    My least favorite...just got a goblin spray and I have to say that this smells a bit like cat pee to me as well as another reviewer. I wanted to love it, but I was walking around the house yesterday and was wondering if my new kitty sprayed...nope - it was located where I sprayed Cathouse...aw shucks. (The others I have tried are awesome though!)
  20. HerbGirl

    Gods of Intercourse

    I'm not sure how much I like this one yet, but I JUST got it in the mail and am sure that it will be glorious after a few days/months. Wet: faint peach blossom and gardenia (which I'm not a big fan of)...maybe a hint of the rose geranium After about an hour the florals soften and I think the pink musk is smoothing things out - still very light, with a more prominent peach note. I was hoping for lots of peach with red currant and pink musk, and I am hoping they will come forth with age. All in all - very nice. ETA: After about 3 hours this was pretty much gone, so I applied just a touch more and VAVOOM! There's the peach...holy moly!
  21. HerbGirl

    Metal Rabbit

    Metal Rabbit is amazing! Wet it is a quite strong citrus/light florals (tangerine/plum blossom, peony) blend. After about an hour, the scent settles into a light citrus with Dragon's Blood and Cypress peeking out. Very nice. I wish I had some of the other CNY scents to compare this to, but I don't: completely unbiased review!
  22. HerbGirl

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I don't know if it would appeal to you, but the first oil I thought of was Fox Fires on New Years Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree...Salon. The second that came to mind was Calaveras.
  23. HerbGirl

    Candles Moon

    OK. I am wearing Candles Moon today for Imbolc. I can't really figure this one out...I have worn this three times in the last few months and have to say that it is a comforting scent, but I only think I smell milk, candles and something kind of sweet (which I'm hoping is the Blackberry?). It's very nice, and a warm scent. I'm glad I have a bottle, and it will definitely be worn each year on February 2nd.
  24. HerbGirl


    I'm trying to remember my thoughts from last August about this one... I was visiting my family in NY, and received a partial bottle of this as a frimp - very generous! I put some on the next day, early in the morning, and my sister said that I smelled like baby powder. I smelled my wrist and said nope - I smell brownish furry musk and coconut milk. She said that it wasn't a "bad" baby powder, and then admitted that she could see how I smelled coconut... aren't our noses fabulous?! Anyhow, I like this scent more as a feeling or a mood... definitely not one I'd reach for to wear though. Very interesting, warm, nuzzly blend! 3/5
  25. HerbGirl

    Green Party

    Ivy and grass, straight up. I love it! Green Party mellows on me after the first 10 minutes, and stays true to the ivy and grass for about 3 hours. This is quite yummy, and I wish there was more of it!