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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. I'm sure I'm the absolute last person to find this out, but...YOU GUYS, NETFLIX HAS COSMOS. THE NEW ONE. THE WHOLE SEASON.*brews tea and gets comfy*

  2. Update again.Per management, the motor for the a/c unit will be replaced after 4pm, but will take 4-5 hours to complete. No air until after that.They're bringing in ice cream for us. I don't think that is buying them much goodwill at this point.

  3. Update on the work situation:A/C has NOT been fixed yet. They have all the doors open to allow airflow, but it doesn't help much.Yay for another fun 8 hour shift being hot, sweaty, and stinky! x_x

  4. “...what if you wake up some day, and you’re 65, or 75, and you never got your memoir or novel written; or you didn’t go swimming in warm pools and oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination and radical silliness and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It’s going to break...

  5. Mmm. Feeling somewhat better (and significantly cooler) after getting home and showering.That A/C had BEST be up and running tomorrow though, or I'm bringing holy wrath down on someone.

  6. No a/c, no blower. It is about 100 degrees on the call center floor and I feel like I can't breathe.

  7. Our Angels are Different series: #1 (Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Flame), Final.Meh. I like the idea of the series, but I'm not sure about this one.

  8. “By means of all created things, without exception,The Divine assails us, penetrates us, and molds us,We imagine it as distant and inaccessible,In fact, we live steeped in its burning layers.”— Teilhard de Chardin

  9. A lack of water in the morning is just sooooooo delightful. [/sarcasm]

  10. So, I realized the original coloring didn't show up well online. Here's a better version.

  11. FYI peeps, Facebook Messenger isn't working on my phone, so I can't answer messages. If you need me, text me!

  12. Monsters, concluded.The Floatstinger, final.

  13. Monsters, continued.The Smog, final.

  14. Monsters, continued.The Smog, from Silent Hill: Homecoming.

  15. I'm feeling a bit Puckish today, and I'm half tempted to wear Gore-shock to work. Hmm.....

  16. *apartment is silent**is typing quietly while enjoying the peace and quiet**phone buzzes LOUDLY right next to me**yelps, flings laptop up in the air, and falls sideways out of chair*

  17. Did you know that you can't change the volume of your own thoughts (aka the voice in your head)? Try it. Go on. Try shouting inside your head. Or whispering. What happens?

  18. Monsters, continued.Lurker, part two:

  19. "A cynical young person is almost the saddest sight to see, because it means he or she has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing."-Maya Angelou

  20. Firming up with a bit o' black.

  21. It seems even my unconscious mind is sick of summer. I had a really nice dream last night where it was snowing in the middle of August-HUGE wet snowflakes falling and sticking to everything!...I also dreamed that I kept trying to send pictures of the snow to Mom, but she somehow managed to keep deleting the pictures without seeing them. Whoops? XD

  22. When the crucified Jesus is called the ‘image of the invisible God’, the meaning is that this is God, and God is like this. God is not greater than he is in this humiliation. God is not more glorious than he is in this self-surrender. God is not more powerful than he is in this helplessness. God is not more divine than he is in this humanity. The nucleus of everything that Christian theology says about ‘God’ is to be found in this Christ event. The Christ event on the...

  23. Not at all sure what I think of this new Doctor. I suppose I'll give him another episode or two.Also, the new intro is AMAZEBALLS.

  24. Both of these are things I would probably do as a parent. Which is one reason I am not remotely interested in being one.
