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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Loves it when non-Christians are all "We should all be respectful and tolerant of others' beliefs, and not insult them!" and then turn right around and say something like "Christians are so horrible! Their whole religion is stupid and they're just sheeple!" Erm.... hypocrite much? >.

  2. Yay for bleary-eyed, foggy-headedness at work! On the plus side, my insurance has finally kicked in! :D :D :D

  3. "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards" ~Lewis Carroll, 'Alice in Wonderland'

  4. Ooooh, dark and cloudy outside! I can has storm please? With much thunder and lightning? We can lose the tornados though. :D

  5. The sky is falling, the sky is falling-and I'm stuck in class!

  6. Bright, gleaming weaponsAre housed out in broad daylightSquishing my brain waves.

  7. How doth the little crocodileImprove his shining tail,And pour the waters of the NileOn every golden scale!How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly spreads his claws,And welcomes little fishes inWith gently smiling jaws!

  8. You know a show is good when the characters are in mortal peril and it causes your heart to pound in terror. Oh Bones, why did you do this to us? *sob*

  9. Kitty Rule #34: Looking innocent is sometimes (usually) easier than BEING innocent. XD

  10. So yeah, Facebook chat just died on me. Lovely. >.

  11. Oh wow. Neil Gaiman + Doctor Who = ABSOLUTE AWESOME.

  12. "I've been looking for a word. A big, complicated word-but so sad." "What word?" "Alive." ~The TARDIS to the Doctor, "The Doctor's Wife"

  13. Hm, so the debt ceiling has officially been reached. Wonder how the politicos will resolve it? Hopefully not by raising the limit (what's the point of even HAVING a debt ceiling if you just raise it continually). Let's cut some of the unnecessary Defense budget (along with the unnecessary non-defense stuff, of course)!

  14. Waugh! Storms! BIIIIIG storms! Meep!

  15. Loves it when people try to act like they know so much about Christianity (and thus why it's "evil"), and all their facts are wrong. And of course, heaven forbid you try to correct them...that makes you one of the sheeple. :eyeroll:

  16. So, how is everyone spending the day after "Judgement Day?" I think we need to have an Apocalypse Afterparty! XD And another in December of next year!

  17. "It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it-and I feel fine!" ~R.E.M. "The End of the World as We Know It"

  18. Tick Tock...Oh dear, looks like either our friendly neighborhood prophet was wrong, or God's running a wee bit late. Guess I won't miss Doctor Who tonight after all!

  19. Okay. You know what? I'm done. I just don't have the energy to fight over something this stupid anymore.

  20. is LOLing at some of the stories on notalwaysright.com. Seriously, people are just STUPID sometimes!

  21. Attention everyone! Since Mr. Camping has revised his prediction to say that the planet will be destroyed on October 21st, I propose to use October 22nd for Apocalypse Afterparty Part 2: It's NOT the End of the World (as We Know it)!

  22. Sitting at work, getting paid to sit and chat with others here-gotta love tornado warnings!

  23. So, yeah, lesson learned. When your trainer starts running around the room telling people to "Get off the call ASAP", it means there's some bad crap about to hit the fan. Prayers going out for all those affected by the storm!
