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Status Updates posted by StevenBoatman

  1. Sigh...I hate sleeplessness. > : (

  2. "Destati! Tendi la manoE'giunta l'ora, destatiLe porte verranno schiuse.Su rimembra tu trepidaSu sveglia! Ehi ricorda"~"Destati"

  3. "El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El-Elyon na Adonai, Age to age You're still the same, By the power of the name. El Shaddai, El Shaddai, Erkamka na Adonai, We will praise and lift You high, El Shaddai.~Amy Grant, "El Shaddai"

  4. From The Nanny:(Niles to CC)Niles: Oh now, no sour grapes. You could have foreign men worshiping you too. Go to India-you'd be sacred!~The Nanny, "Green Card"

  5. From The Nanny episode "Finale Part 2":Brighton: (to Grace) All right now, I'm gonna e-mail you every day, of course until I meet a girl, in which case, I'll really have no time for you, so...Grace: So, I'll hear from you every day!XD

  6. Er, anyone else getting random chats from people trying to link you to a "pic" you were tagged in? O.o

  7. "The history of the world, my love,Is those below serving those up above.How gratifying for once to know-That those above will serve those down below!"~Sweeny Todd, "A Little Priest"

  8. "We are all a happy, as we've made our minds up to be. I have just decided that's nothing's gonna take this joy from me! So, say "Hey, it's a good day, even if things aren't goin' my way. Jesus is Lord and I am saved," so say Hey, it's a good day."~FFH, "It's a Good Day"

  9. is ready for another awesome week! Can't wait to go back in to work! :D

  10. "There is an endless song, echoes in my soul,I hear the music ring.And though the storms may come, I am holding on,To the Rock I cling."~"How can I keep from singing"

  11. Well, it's been a really good day (mostly). We had a much smaller group in Junior church (only 20 something kids as opposed to over 40 like last week). Had most of the day to myself (the rest of the fam had been in TX for John's gym meet). Sadly, both mom and dad seem to have picked up food poisoning. :(Can't wait for work tomorrow!

  12. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go!

  13. thinks that everyone should be required to pass a combination IQ/Common Sense test to get their driver's licence. XD

  14. Goodnight all! I wish you all sweet and wonderful dreams, as I drift off to sleep to the sweet scent of The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love bubbling away in my oil warmer... :)

  15. Idea #2 for clearing traffic on the highway: People who cause wrecks because they're texting/putting on makeup/reading/on the computer should be taken out of their cars, stapled to the highway, and run over by the other drivers.

  16. Sigh. For some reason, I can't seem to focus at work today. Blah. :(

  17. Gah. It sucks when you get caught up on an awesome web comic-because that means having to wait until the next update for more of the story!! >___

  18. Oh my. Pray for japan guys, they got hit by another one! 7.1 this time. :(

  19. Sigh. I need to make plans for this Friday-I gotta get out of here and go DO something!! *pokes ashley with a stick*

  20. Mocking someone or making comments about them because of their religion is not clever, witty, or cute. This is a country founded on religious freedom.

  21. "i used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word. Now I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own."

  22. From Doctor Who "Amy's Choice":Rory: "We have to grow up sometime."Amy: "Says who?"
