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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Edeniade

  1. Saw Inception tonight & I loved the idea behind it!! The "emotional backstory" could've been a bit better though.



      I totally agree with that. It just needed a little more sumthin'!

    2. phantasmmysteria


      See, I loved it. I thought the slow reveal of Leo's character's past was great.

  2. Bus driver's reply (when the 24 finally showed): "The bus just never left the station." O OK THX.

  3. DYING XD RT @percipere: lmao omg RT @partipo: The top 1% of Van Persies control 70% of the goals in the Emirates. #occupyemirates

  4. My take on the #F1 race today: Massa has never been a good driver. People who have not realized this over the past 10 years are blind.

  5. Montreal is #2 on the Top 10 happiest places in the world according to Lonely Planet?! http://j.mp/a9TNhj

  6. There is this woman on the 24 next to me who looks almost identical to Victoria Beckham & she keeps staring at me, wtf D:

  7. Unf sat next to gorgeous German guy on the bus, made my morning. Also just realized that most of my tweets are from the bus...

  8. Omg Sundanse is still in MTL!!! I can spot that trenchcoat & that hat from miles away!

  9. Okay, so I just heard that Per did Rihanna karaoke at Arsenal's xmas night out. WHERE THA HALE ARE THE VIDS.

  10. I am so proud of Vitaly Petrov today, clocking in a 5th fastest time @ the Hungaroring in FP2!! @rf1paddockpass must be happy too :D

  11. AAAAHHH YESSSS Vitaly is in the top 5! COME ON YOU CAN STAY THERE IN Q3 #F1

  12. At Quebec City, a pretty good day to chill like a tourist!

  13. HaHA!! Vitaly finishes the race P5, that's 10 points for him to bring him up to 17pts, 12th in the WDC. I couldn't be more happy!

  14. Photo: Postcard from the Netherlands http://tumblr.com/xlvetf64g

  15. Finally bought myself a swank red wireless mouse. Never thought I could love a mouse before!!


  17. Watching last week's Psych, realized the opening is in the same opera house as the one in BSG, damn all my fav shows being filmed in Van!

  18. Is it just me, or does the actor who plays Sherlock in the new Sherlock series look super young? I could've sworn he's 26, but he's 32!

  19. Meteor shower tonight! Got my ice cream bar, got my chair, got my rooftop. I'm set. :D T-4 hours

  20. have set up on rooftop across the street. Was some cloud cover but is moving away. Meteor sighting: 0 Will nom on ice cream.

  21. first meteor sightings! Let the show begin :D

  22. UGH wtf is wrong with me? I'm all sneezy & my nose is runny, I do not approve. I better not have a cold, that is so weak.

  23. "Never stop dreaming. Follow the omens." - Paulo Coelho, “The Alchemist” http://tumblr.com/xlvfulrfi

  24. the cactus was the drunk driver *twilight zone music starts up*

  25. Stuffy nose all night wouldn't let me sleep, now I feel absolutely miserable for work. x_x
