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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Larinessa

  1. Truest leather note I have ever smelled. Being a renaissance festival girl, this smells just like the leather armor one of my guy friends wears (also red). Lovely. Great throw, and longevity on me. Bottle purchase for sure.

  2. In Vice, and now in Vixen I realize there is finally a floral note that not only do I not hate, but actually really love: orange blossom! In the imp this is pretty sharp patchouli, but on my skin its the orange blossom that moves into the fore (same as in vice). Lovely. I think I may need a bottle of this in the future.

  3. This is one of my 'holy grail' scents and is hasent disappointed me! In the bottle: deep dark cherry with smooth dark chocolate under it. On me the cherry brightens up smelling exactly like the inside of the cherry cordials I so love from godiva. Rich, deep and sweet. The dark chocolate gets even richer and creamier. Yummy. And it has serious lasting power on my skin. And best of all, my skin doesn't suck up the cherry and make it disappear!

  4. This is the 2010 Version I bought a half bottle off a lovely forum friend. In the bottle I get strong patchulli and some red apple. Fresh applied patchulli and a very faint wiff of apple. Dry, patchulli and the apple is coming out a bit. While I like this, I am not in love. I am glad I have this portion, and will leave it to age for the fall, I don't think it will displace my beloved Devil's Night and Jack for my autumn scents. This scent is starting to really grow on me. The apple is coming out more in the bottle, and I am getting a bit of the fir as well. I think p may try layering this over Jack or Creepy to see what this baby does. I may have to hunt down another bottle of this, say, the 2006 version or 2007. May become a fave after all.

  5. Who ever said this smells like sex is right. On me, this is wonderful. I got a sample of this in an order from another wonderful forum member, and could not resist trying a tiny amount even though my best friend had said I had to wait until she was around to try it. <_< This is softest seude with the lingering scent of tobacco and coffee in the background. The spices peek around the edges of it and wave, but are not overwhelming. It smells soft, subtle, and invites the sniffer to come in closer. LOVE!!! :wub3: I will now make this my current 'holy grail' scent and will scoure the earth to find myself a bottle. :squee: Beth, I bow to your mastery! :bow:

  6. I got this as a frimp about a year ago and was so put off by how strong it was even without opening it I put it in my little cedar chest without even trying it. Today I was looking for something out of my usual bottle rotation to wear and came across it and noticed the scent wasn't as strong so I decided to give it a try. Boy am I glad I did. Wet it came across as a rich, buttery spicy chocolate caramel mix. Heady, like walking into one of those candy shops that make chocolates, caramels and those terrible for your waistlines prailine turtles. Dry, it mellowed out and became smoother. 10 hours later I am getting a wonderful dark chocolate caramel scent wafting from my body. I think I may need to get a bottle and let it age for a year. :)

  7. I bought this one because I had gotten an imp of Inferno, and while I liked it, I was lusting after the almond note that was lurking underneath. :joy: I was delighted to find the reverse in Eclipse. :woohoo: This is a warm, spicy almond on me, and it blends fabulously with my skin chemistry. It layers wonderfully over Kabuki. :wink:

  8. A play of geological darkness and jagged brilliance. Soft and luminescent with flashes of black fire.

    This is a soft, sweet scent with the predominate note smelling something like a vanilla/coconut, with something smooth that eludes me under that. This is a skin scent on me, inviting others to come in closer for a sniff! :yum:

  9. I am uncertain what year my bottle is, but it is the reason I haven't bought a bottle of Samhain, because this is the perfect autumn scent for me! I work for the renaissance festival in my state, and it rolls over right to the local Halloween festival where many of my fellow actors participate with me. This scent reminds me of the late nights sitting around the bonfires passing a flask of whiskey around hearing the screams of the paytrons in the distance with the scent of woodsmoke and falling leaves in the cold air. Some of my best memories are of those nights. This scent takes me there when I am feeling nostalgic for those times. Love! Edit: I was wearing gypsy moth today and realized the vanilla bourbon in it smells similar to the 'boozy sweetness' in DN!

  10. This one I am on the fence on. In the bottle I definately get the watermelon jolly ranchers smell, similar to Midwinters Eve, which I love, but on my skin the Tiare takes over and everything else gets pushed to the background. My skin amps floral all to hell, so I don't see myself wearing this very often. Best saved for summer for formal events.

  11. Lusty and luxuriant definately describes this! Juicy and very red. I can absolutely pick up the wine and currants in this, with the amaretto bringing a sweetness to it- not a sugary sweet, more of a softer glazy sweet if that makes sense. Yummy. I wore this out to a 'Twilight' movie event and one of the actors spent the better part of the night with his face in my neck saying how good I smelled. If that's not a screaming advertisement for its sex appeal I don't know what is! A winner!

  12. This is chocolates big sister out boozing it for the night and comes home with a hickey on her neck and her undies balled in her pocket. This is SEXY chocolate. The whiskey and cognac warm it up making it slightly spicy, while the deep chocolate grounds it. However, this is a night scent. I could never wear it to work. I do hope Beth brings this back.

  13. This is my first review, so bear with me on this.... This is hands down my favorite BPAL scent, I am a cherry freak so this is right up my ally. Fresh out of the bottle I get sweet Marachino cherries with almond extract, and something vaugely spicy which I am guessing is the saffron. On my skin it warms up, and the saffron comes out, along with the coconut. The cherry is still present, but moves to the background more as an accent rather then the primary. This makes me feel like I am wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket, soft and warm. Instant love. If anyone wants to unload their bottles, send em my direction, I will be happy to give them a home!
