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Everything posted by brilliantcat

  1. brilliantcat

    Robin Goodfellow

    It smells like a forest floor! Mossy, woody, dark, herbal. It's got a definite masculine vibe, it's clean and fresh and foresty and it would smell amazing on the right guy. The herbs remind me of those from Mutter Museum U. After a bit, the musk amps up and it's a really nice green/musky/foresty scent. I think I'll pass this on to my husband.
  2. brilliantcat


    Minty grapefruit in the imp. Yummmm! Pretty much the same on me. I love mint scents though mint doesn't tend to last long on me. I find the wet stage very pleasant and I could see wearing this in a variety of situations. It would be great to wake up with, lovely for summer, and a great pick-me-up anytime scent. As expected, the mint dissipated quickly and I'm left with a pretty grapefruit scent with a hint of lotus. Not sure that I'd need a bottle of this, but it's really pleasant and I could see reaching for it on occasion.
  3. brilliantcat


    In the imp and wet on me, I get milky dandelions. What a supremely lovely scent! It doesn't evoke truck stops for me, but rather playing as a kid and picking dandelions because they were far too pretty to be just a weed. There's a hint of sharpness from one of the other notes, but at this point, it could be a SN Dandelion. As it warms, it starts peeking into powder territory. I find it a surprisingly innocent, sweet scent. No hint of booze, tobacco, or hemp, just a soft, powdery dandelion. I may let my daughter have this, assuming she doesn't get any of the less-savory notes as it would be perfect for a young girl as it smells on me.
  4. brilliantcat

    Queen Alice

    In the imp, it's wine, treacle, and ink. Sweet and thick and just this side of cloying. Wet, it's still red wine and booze but the treacle isn't so overpowering and I don't get much of the ink. Oh wow, this sucker is a morpher! Apropos for Wonderland scents though. It's gone sweet, spicy fruity-floral that's just a hint of soapy in a very good way. It smells clean and sweet and wonderful. No more sticky sweet treacle (as a foodie, this even turned MY stomach a bit), and definitely evokes a more mature, confident, awesome Alice. As so many of the Wonderland collection, I need a bottle of this!
  5. brilliantcat

    The Robotic Scarab

    OH GOD I LOVE THIS. I'm a big fan of leathery scents and this is a soft, broken-in leather. The anise + frankincense give me a teeny hint of sarsparilla/root beer which I find enjoyable. The metal and oils add just enough depth to clearly bring to mind the golden gleaming of the scarab. Definitely need a bottle
  6. brilliantcat

    Empyreal Mist

    In the imp, it's fresh green plants, wispy air, and a touch of aquatic mist. Very clean and fresh. Oooh this is lovely after it warms up some! I think I get some white musk in there. It's less planty, more airy, and more evocative of mist. I like this stage better than wet. Definitely not long-lasting, but quite pretty while it does last. Probably not a bottle purchase but I will hang onto my imp!
  7. brilliantcat


    In imp, it smells like a very gentlemanly Victorian cologne. I get mostly the violet with hints of cinnamon and frankincense. On me, it's more frankincense and cinnamon with hints of violet. It still has a definite masculine feel to me. After warming a bit, the masculine feel is completely gone and it's gone a bit sweeter and spicier. Sadly I don't think this is working with me. It's turned out to be primarily frankincense and cinnamon which isn't horrible by any means, but the violet isn't working for me. Usually I like violet as a floral note but not here :\
  8. brilliantcat

    Deep in Earth

    It's mildly terrifying in the imp, as I'm not a huge fan of dirt notes and this is some rich, earthy, loamy soil! I get a hint of rose geranium. Ah well, I've made it my mission to test every frimp that comes my way FOR SCIENCE. On, it's incredibly realistic soil. I smell like I've been digging in a garden planting flowers. This is not a dry, parched dirt or dust, this is definitely wet earth. In time, the rose geranium adds a floral note. A twilight rose garden is the impression I get. Not my style or preference, but as usual, a very evocative, complex scent.
  9. brilliantcat

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    I've been after this one for ages and I finally got a tester. I'm not sure whether I'm hoping it blows my mind like I expect it to, or whether I'm hoping it somehow doesn't work given the rarity. I guess we'll just have to see! In the vial, it's super sweet and reminds me of Boo quite a bit as they're both that super-sticky-sweet clouds of sugar. Both also have a kind of cottony or linen-y vibe to me, I get the vibe of scented clothing that's been in a trunk in an attic for years and has been forgotten, lost to time. On me, there's an oddly cologne-y aspect to MB: Underpants though. I have no idea where that's coming from as sandalwood has never given me that vibe, though I know it can for others. I'm going to blame the saffron. It's definitely a relative of the Lace blends, and really is evocative of um... a pair of lacy underthings I've never been much of a fan of the Lace series precisely for the fabric note, it's just never appealed to me. This is not quite as insistently fabric-y and is actually quite delicious. I do love it, but I haven't fallen for it the way I have, say, Silver-Haired Bat. I like it but I don't think I'll go to the lengths necessary to obtain it. Not that I'd complain a bit if a bottle happened to drop into my lap from the sky!
  10. brilliantcat


    I love peach notes but I am picky about them. This one sounds like it might work though so fingers crossed! In the imp, it's sweet bubblegummy from the fruit and heliotrope. I do happen to like sweet, fruity, foody scents so this is definitely not a problem. I do get a sense of juiciness and there's a hint of that musk once applied. I also love musks, btw, which is another reason I believe this blend should be perfect. On my skin, it's less bubblegum but still quite sweet with depth from the musk. Strangely I get a hint of creaminess from this that I tend to associate with vanilla. As vanilla is probably my favorite note, this has me smiling. Not super peachy, but I can smell it in there. I'm actually quite in love with this so far! Ooh, there's a hint of tart citrus from the bergamot. Over time the bergamot becomes the dominant note vs the creamy peachy vanilla musk that I loved so much. It's still lovely, but I far preferred the wet stage. I'll keep the imp but I don't need a bottle.
  11. brilliantcat


    In the imp, it's slightly aquatic yet airy, with a whiff of lemon and florals. It's quite pleasant on my skin. Whoa this fades very, very quickly on me. I am left with just a breath of lemon and florals.
  12. brilliantcat


    I'm another one of those people who adore elves in fantasy literature, movies, gaming, anything and everything. I almost always play elven characters when gaming and since I game almost constantly, that's added up to a lot of elven characters I am very close to. In the imp, it's very... pretty and smells like a high-end soap. On me, I get more of a sense of the woods and some ethereal quality that does mesh with the usual grace associated with elves. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It seems too floral to me. I get some slighly astringent woodsiness, more a feel than a scent really, along with a bit of sweetness, and what I think might be juniper? It still gives me the ephemeral feel of elves but is too one-dimensional, at least on me. I feel like I'm missing a lot of the notes though and what I do get isn't agreeing with my skin.
  13. brilliantcat

    Drink Me

    In the imp it's butterturkeypineapplecustardwithcherriesontop. Smoosh all those notes into one ever-changing foodie morph and that's what I get. Wet, I can definitely see the comparison to popcorn jelly bellies which to me have always smelled and tasted too sweet to be true buttered popcorn. This is more kettle corn. But there's also the pastry note I know from many blends that hit my nose first before it goes to popcorn. It sweetens up pretty nicely and loses a lot of the popcorn-iness and there's a lovely cherry jam note creeping in. It ends up being a buttery pastry that I think will be amazing with Eat Me.
  14. brilliantcat


    While this is not something I can imagine pirates drinking as it just smells too sweet, it is delicious. It reminds me of a drink I used to make in college to watch football games: butterscotch schnapps and rum, usually in hot chocolate only this doesn't have any chocolate. Sugary, caramel, rich. Less boozy than I would've thought. Buttery with a hint of vanilla. If this be pirate grog, they be some big softies arr!
  15. brilliantcat


    Not going to lie, I'm terrified of this blend. I adore leather blends but I amp rose like mad. I don't necessarily dislike rose and in certain cases even like it, but this is unapologetic rose. It says "Here I am bitch, like it or not." I love the attitude and I hope we get along because two strong-minded ladies like me and rose get into more brawls than not. All I get in the imp is my nemesis rose, not the one who loves me when she's in the mood. Oh dear... Very sparingly applied, this is definitely a lush, blooming rose. I think we might get along even if she refuses to share her leather with me. Color me shocked. This is a purring, sensual rose and she likes me. Really likes me and I like her back, a lot. The leather is not evident as a note but I'm certain it's adding depth to the blend and edge to what might have been a sweet little flower. This is NOT a sweet little flower. I do think I will need a bottle
  16. brilliantcat


    Oh wow. The first thing I smell in the imp is flowers. Sweet flowers. Then I get sweet, sweet, sweet. Must be the fig. It certainly evokes the airiness of the inspiration! I'm intrigued. Freshly applied, it's the sugariest lemonade ever. Still that major punch of SWEET with some hints of sour. Not at all what I expected but not unpleasant by any means. Slowly that sweetness is tempered by the patchouli and this blend is drawn to the earth. I'm having difficulty picking out the other notes which isn't surprising considering just how many there are! I like this stage quite a lot but I suspect like its namesake, this Nephilim is more than it appears. I'm not disappointed as I'm dragged back into the air by light wafts of tamarind (I think) and perhaps the lemon, but this is not the sweet lemon of earlier, this is tart and refreshing. Surprise! It's morphing again. And again, I can't make out specific notes but just a general feel and it's somehow light yet grounded, floating with one foot on the ground. Definitely holding on to my imp and I may even consider a bottle. I love the way it changes and drags me on a rollercoaster of scent from high in the sky, down to terra firma, and back up again.
  17. brilliantcat


    It smells AMAZING in the imp, herbal and green and lush with just a slight bit of raspberry. On me at first whiff it hasn't changed at all, yay! Juicy, sweet raspberry with a tiny bit of cedar and herbs. I don't get vetiver or grape leaves as distinct notes so I think they're combining to give that lovely herbal scent. It's gradually becoming more and more raspberry and is a bit too B&BW for my tastes now. I loved it when it had the woodsy/herbal nuances and was considering a bottle. There's still enough left that I will keep the imp because I think it'll be lovely in the spring/summer though.
  18. brilliantcat

    Ameles Potamos

    A deep, dark aquatic with a salty note. It smells like laundry detergent or soap in a good way, it smells clean. I think I would wear this when I wanted a simple, easy scent that just smells good without being overpowering.
  19. brilliantcat

    Expressive Head

    Teakwood, patchouli, green pepper, clove, white cognac, vetiver, and champaca absolute. In the decant, it's all vetiver, grassy and dry. On me, it's still primarily vetiver though I can pick up hints of other notes which I can't really make out except to know it's not pure vetiver. It's turned sweet, from the teakwood is my guess. A touch of pepper here and there. Interesting, but not something I love.
  20. brilliantcat

    The Peacock Queen

    Well, it's rose so I don't have high hopes as rose and I often battle (with rose winning). Yep, that's rose all right. It's fresh rose petals and a very realistic rose scent. Very slightly soapy. This is unapologetic rose, in-your-face rose, it screams "I AM THE ROSE QUEEN, I CAN DO ANYTHING". And it's definitely not for me
  21. brilliantcat

    When Thy Will Stung the World Into Strife

    In the decant, a strangely creamy yet dusty floral which I suspect is the geranium. Wet, it's still that odd florally note. Dusty, powdery, rose-reminescent. Geranium is apparently a bad note for me.
  22. brilliantcat


    In the imp, citrus, citrus, citrus! I definitely get lime, but the rest are eluding me. On me, lemon is strongest giving me that Lemon Pledge feeling. Well this went wrong fast. It literally smells like vomit. It's getting washed off now.
  23. brilliantcat

    Belle Vinu

    Herbally floral in the imp. No woods, no vanilla, no peach. On me, the peach blooms immediately, though it has a sense of sugared dried fruit rather than fresh peach. This is lovely! As it warms, the vanilla lends a light creaminess and the woods add some depth. It seems more like peach blossom than fruit, but it's definitely something I would want a bottle of!
  24. brilliantcat


    In the imp, it's strongly rosemary/mint and can definitely clear the sinuses! I'm intrigued, I like herbal blends, but I fear the rose. Mentholic on my skin, but I catch whiffs of the orange and lemon. For about a millisecond it was a quite lovely rosemary/orange scent and then the roses took over. Why do you hate me, roses?
  25. brilliantcat

    Black Hellebore

    Imp: Green, herbal, a little floral, and a little sweet. This doesn't smell at all like I expected! It's a lovely floral, must be peony as I amp rose and I don't smell any rose. It's very definitely a floral perfume and reminds me of a commercial perfume but I can't remember which one. Not for me.