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Posts posted by Red_Hot_Mama



    In the vial this is very, very sweet smelling. I went stawberry picking with my daughter earlier this summer; this smells exactly as it did when we stood in the middle of the field of ripe, red berries.


    On first application, the champagne note is lovely but did not last very long. Too bad, I really liked that. The strawberry note is there & seems to be getting stronger.


    After an hour or so, the strawberry IS definitely getting stronger, it's very sweet smelling, almost too sweet. My daughter noticed the perfume right away & told me that "your hand smells very nice!"


    In the end, I think this is too sweet for me. The strawberry has really taken over.


    It still smells like "real" strawberries, not artificial in the least butI think this is better suited for a younger person.


    I will pass the Imp along to my daughter.

  2. As with so many of Beth's oils, this one is a shape shifter. Give it time to go through all of it's various "selves" before you make a final decision. It will definitely surprise you.


    This reminds me of oil paintings of a cornucopia. It seems to manifest all of what you might find there. It's sweet & "berry-ish" in the bottle & on first application. Then, on me, ultimately becomes deep spicy cinnamon & pumpkin.


    I can't normally wear anything with cinnamon oil in it. For some reason, this doesn't make my skin turn red. I'm very happy about that!



  3. Judgement has finally come to me and I welcome him home. This oil is masterfully blended & possess the morphing quality that characterize so many of Beth's blends.


    As Vanic said in his review, "This smells like potential." It most certainly does & with that potential is a feeling of confidence, of "right" choices made & positive results to naturally follow.


    I have used Judgement when I felt ill & began feeling better almost immediately. I has a centering, healing "vibe" & I am adding it to my medicine kit.


    Other than that, it smells really wonderful.

  4. If this blend were a jewel it would be a light blue sapphire surrounded by gem quality moonstone cabachons set in platinum. I would wear it on a plaited chain of rose, white & yellow gold so that it hung just over my third eye.


    This is a catalyst blend, a facilitator of intention. Make your plans carefully & for the highest good. I am of the opinion that this blend will work very hard for you.


    It's a little after 9 on the evening of the 29th. I walked outside to enjoy the moon but I had forgotten I was still wearing the Blue Moon oil blend.


    My first impression upon seeing the beautifull orb was one of powerful beauty & a sense of "home". This blend also helps me to feel very centered, calm & focused.


    Besides all of these thoughts & impressions, this is one exquisite blend! (See previous reviews.) It's extremely wearable. I may see if it keeps me a bit more "open" than I want to be when I'm out & about people. Will keep you aprised on any changes in these impressions.


    Thank you so much BPAL staff for getting it to me in time for the Blue Moon!

  5. Paperdoll's review is dead on!


    Lemon, since it is a "top note", doesn't usually last long. This surprised me in how long it stayed "lemony".


    Having said that, the drydown is definitely worth the wait.


    It's one of those "come sit real close & you'll get a nice surprise" fragrances. :P


    I really like it, just wish it lasted longer on me. (Please remember I am one of those with the weirdo chemistry.)



  6. Although I really enjoy wearing Black Rose as a perfume, it's true place in my home is as an add in my TIGI shampoo & conditioner.


    OMG, is this ever fantastic! :P


    My hair is significantly softer & shinier.


    I'm a natural readhead who must now color my hair to keep it from going so very light that people ask me "Where did your daughter get her red hair?"


    Anyway, this works great with my naturally coarse & not-so-naturally processed hair.


    I ordered a 5ml bottle & I'll always keep it around. A little goes a long way, so use a light hand. You can always add more, right?

  7. I think I need an intervention. I just spent more than I can really afford on oils. I only meant to get Blue Moon

    Oh YES!


    I ordered 10 ml Blue Moon, 5 mls of Lughnasadh & Black Rose (I kept forgetting to add that one).


    Imps of Shattered, Regan, Ulalume, Arcane, Kostnice & La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente.


    This is my 4th order since May 17th. I must be love sick.

  8. Let me attempt to review this blend from a little different perspective. Sometimes I use a blend, not as a perfume but for a specific physical, mental or spiritual purpose. This one, for me, is a very important & versatile blend.


    If I am feeling "scattered", Jupiter makes me feel not only focused but grounded & spiritually strong.


    Jupiter is 4 wheel drive in the snow. It doesn't mean you won't spin your wheels but if you do, you're in a better position to deal with it.

  9. I, too, received this in a swap & I'm glad I did.


    The Caterpillar is not a BPAL scent you can "pin" down with only one application. (And no, sniffing the Imp doesn't count as a test.) You must try it & try it a couple of times to know it's personality.


    He's a very changable critter. Certainly all of the floral & mossy scents are there but they create a synergy that is greater than the sum of it's parts. You can't judge this one my the individual list of oils alone.


    Jasmine is my signature oil but carnation makes me ill. This blend was a fragrance journey for me & a delightful one at that.


    The perfect fragrance for going to the garden center. Well, that IS what I did today.


    Put this one on the big bottle list, for me anyway.



  10. This scent surprisingly had a tobacco-y dry down on my which made me not like it as much as when I first put it on.  Did anyone else have this experience?

    :P I had the same experience but only many hours after the initial application. The fragrance went through all of the stages everyone else has mentioned but ended smelling like cigarettes.


    I'm wondering if it reacted with something else I had on earlier?


    I'll try it again & update my review.


    Update: 4-30-04


    My husband asked me what "medicine" cream I was wearing. Guess this one just doesn't "go" with my body chemistry.


    *making pouty lower lip sad face*



  11. Brian,


    It's very sweet of you to let us know! Bless you all & a big thank you to your MOM! We are sending loads of good vibes.


    Let us know if we can help at all, I know from reading the forum that there are lots of willing helpers...if we can figure out the logistics.


    I joined the forum in March & have had a wonderful experience. I'm all over & have a tarot card swap up for BPAL.





  12. Since I started this & had excellent results, I thought I'd add my opinion:


    First of all the advice I received here was very good. It's a good idea to start at the beginning & read through the thread for ideas.


    I can second the "Tears", "Zephyr" suggestions.


    These oils are very good for tension, Chamomile, Clary, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang. Depending upon your interest, you can search on any of these oils & come up with some very good selections.


    Lemon is particularly good for focus.


    I hope this helps & good luck.





  13. :P


    I agree with coffee spoons. A great deal of the frustations for newbies can be reduced by correctly managing their expectations. If the delivery dates are a month out but the shipment comes in sooner than expected, that's great "service". I suspect most of the new people, me included, do not know exactly how small of a small business BPAL really is. I found out only very recently that Beth works a "Day job".

    So we need to set expectations appropriately, communicate clearly, it would be great if the orders actually shipped when we're emailed that they've shipped. :D


    We can also have a serious discussion with Beth about "drumming" up much needed investment capital.


    She has an excellent product, a loyal client base...who wouldn't want to invest?


    So much for my very tired 2 cents.

  14. This is all fine with me! I did just place an order through CCNow. If you want me to, I'll cancel it & put it through later on Pay Pal. The order number is 42-5166, placed 4-12-04. I'll do whatever is best for you.


    Hope Brian is doing better. I've got a knock-you-out (I had written "kick-ass" but somehow that seemed like a contradiction) relaxation blend, if he would like to try it. Just promise me he won't wear it & drive.


    :P To the BPAL Ladies & Lords!
