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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Red_Hot_Mama

  1. I like all of the elements, so I ordered a 5ml of this based on the description alone.


    It doesn't smell "bad" on me...it just doesn't smell like much of anything at all.


    There's an inital burst of the "Tropics" but after that, nada.


    Off to the swap mines you go.



  2. There is a "trick" with the reducer caps, if anybody would like to know. Well, I'll tell ya anyway.


    If you hold the bottle up to a bright light(just for a moment you guys!), you'll see that the cap has a little feeder tube. If you tilt the bottle, ever so slightly, with that part of the cap in the deepest part of your remaining oil...the oils will come out readily. Sometimes too readily.


    Trick or no trick, there are some oils which are "thin" & they will "pour" out..no matter what. Maybe we should start adding a "Viscosity Rating" to our reviews?


    With these, I actually put the cap against my skin & tip the bottle. Of course, I do this only after dripping oil all over at least once AND only with the bottles I know I am keeping.


    In conclusion....I'll wait until you are done talking in the back.


    Thank You.


    Now, as I was saying, reducer caps...when you get to the point where there is less oil in the bottle than the length of the feeder tube, (Seee, you need to pay attention) then the only way to get the remaining oil out of the bottle is to pry off the reducer cap.


    To be continued...


    Lesson 2: How to pry off the BPAL reducer caps without getting oil all over yourself & the ironing board cover.



  3. Titus Andronicus is a *must* try (albeit my opinion) if you enjoy musk &/or sandalwood scents. The bergamot gives this a wonderful "brightness". I've always enjoyed frankincense in the cooler temperatures but I never thought to combine it with neroli!


    This is amazingly well blended & balanced. Nothing "jumped" out at me; instead it was wonderfully easy to wear.


    This is a wonderfully unisex, grounded & centering scent. I am enjoying it very much.



  4. I am wondering which blend you would select for "protection"?


    Now, I know that could mean a lot of different things. So which BPAL blends would you pick for different forms of protection:


    For example:








    or whatever other combinations you might suggest.


    Thanks for responding, I'd really like to know what you all think.



  5. A tiny bit of the cinnamon"y" bite but only at the very begining. My skin did not turn red, so it must not actually contain the cinnamon oil.


    Then Decadance morphs into a mellow "after dinner" scent. A tiny bit orange, almond with a hint (& I mean hint) of patchouli.


    I have no idea the oils that are actually in the formula but this is what I detect on moi.



  6. I wear this almost exclusively as a dreaming oil.


    Intention is always important & that is particularly true of this oil.


    Applying the blend does not knock you out: i.e. apply oil, head falls on the desk in front of you...no, no, no.


    However, Oneriroi does lull me to a wonderfully restful sleep with the added benefit of sweet, healing dreams.


    I won't be without it.



  7. I am dissapointed, sad actually, by my reaction to this blend. I set my expectations so high. It's a let down when they don't react well with my chemistry.


    Please don't get me wrong, Wildfire is a lovely blend. On my skin it smells ok, but nothing exceptional,


    It has to be my chemistry.


    I'll be a swappin' this one.




  8. My original comments didn't make a bit of sense to me, so I erased them. Was I reviewing something: Capricorn or Mars?



    Let me try again. At first I am whacked over the head with cedar.


    Cedar reminds me of Pipe Ceremony: very serious, deeply healing but not without emotional pain. Lots & lots of scent induced memories evoked by Capricorn. I'm reminded of quite a few people who have crossed over; JoAnne, Joansy, Grandfather first & formeost.


    I know that Capricorn will take time to reveal itself. This will definitely be a ceremonial oil for me.


    Astrologically speaking, my Mars is in Capricorn in the 5th house ( The House of Pleasure). My husband is a Capricorn Sun...makes sense to me.



    Tweak: 10-23-04


    An Imp of this is all I need. I decided to sell the Capricorn. Painful memories can have healing qualities but once the healing is complete, it's time to move on.



  9. Clary sage should be avoided. :P


    Basically, I'd say to write to Beth to double-check all the ingredients in case there's a subtle note of something. :D

    That's a very good idea. Beth is a certified aromatherapist after all.


    I know from experience that Peppermint oil should be avoided during pregnancy.



  10. I don't know what I'm going to do about this one...I really don't. In a recent order I recieved Mati Hari as a gift Imp. This is what I tested to respond here.


    Now mind you, I have 3 or 4 outstanding orders & one of those has an 5 ml bottle of Mati Hari. The ingredients listed were enough for me to order this on the spot.


    I am in big trouble.


    This starts out bad & get positively nasty smelling on me. Hey...and I am (at least ) one of the JASMINE lovin' BPAL junkies on this forum. Not this jasmine, not in this combination.


    Eeewwweeehh! Uck, I had to wash it off and that was a first in my experience with BPAL.


    So I have what, only 20...23 BPAL blends I'm crazy about. That's not too bad.


    Off to the swap mines with you wench.


    Da Mama

  11. Ok...I get the "Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn beans" stage mentioned by spaceprostitute but only a light pumpkin. Go figure, when the description actually mentions "pumpkin" it doesn't hit me over the head. (Unlike my recent experience with Mabon.)


    No attack of the 50 foot flowers, no narcissus but a complex, spicy floral that I adore.


    Harvest Moon also has tremendous "throw". It's wafting "bling-bling", reeeaallllly expensive my-lover-bought-this-for-me-cause-I'm-so-hot.


    But then, many of us know my chemistry is bizzarre or maybe I really am a



  12. Of the two, King of Spades & Queen of Spades, I have to say that I much prefer the King!


    He's tall, dark & handsome, a very sexy beast...in the most gentlemanly way, of course.


    The oil blend itself is more viscous than most I've tried: it's sweet, (but not over the top) like an attentive lover & likewise the blend lasts a good long time.


    I like this, I like it a lot.



  13. This was wonderfull smelling in the bottle but rather, how should I say, "so, so" when wearing it.


    The Queen of Spades was "sharp" smelling upon initial application. She then mellowed into a light, gender neutral "daytime" scent.


    The cyclamen & pear blossom were the most prominent, then after twenty minutes or so, the berries announced their presence. Finally the myrrh & amber smoothed everything out.


    It's nice on me but there are other blends I prefer over this one.



  14. No.....un huh.....well.....no, I don't think so, Mabon is definitely not for me.


    There aren't any "pumpkin" notes listed but on me this blend becomes "The Pumpkin from Hell". That may not bad thing for someone else; just doesn't work on me.


    And...it's giving me a headache.


    3+ hours later, this has mellowed into a beautiful "appley", light spicy pumpkin (yeah, I still get pumpkin-ish) scent.


    Much, much nicer than the first hour or so but still not my favorite.


    Added on 9-27-04


    And see....the blends that work really well on other forumites, just don't work on me.


    Damn thyroid!



  15. I LOVE this!


    My little cobalt stoppered bottle arrived today. This is the blend to replace my beloved Siren.


    I do not smell the clove very much but the blend of cognac, tobacco flower, dark musk & black rose meld together in a richness unsurpassed in any of Beth's other blends.


    Well....on me, at least.


    Updated the next morning to add:


    Lots of "staying" power with this one, too.


    Formula 54 is an exquisite, "classy" fragrance: imagine wearing a black velvet halter gown & pearls or a sexy corset & tight jeans. Either way, you will feel sexy, feminine & uber gorgeous.


    Added on 11-2-04


    F'54 continues to surprise & delight me. It gets me loads & loads of compliments, too!



  16. My chemistry does react differently to Beth's oils than most on the forum. Having said that, I will tell you that I've gotten more compliments when wearing this blend than ANY other fragrance I've ever worn (& that's saying a lot).


    It's deep, creamy but "fresh" smelling all at the same time. The "throw" is magnificent but not overpowering. However, only the smallest amount is needed to achieve this effect.


    My daughter always snuggles in close when I'm wearing Horn of Plenty & remarks how good I smell. It's a lovely way to start the day.


    I've already ordered a big bottle of this one.




    Post Script: My opinion of this blend has only improved with time. Too bad my spelling didn't. I've since corrected "bit" to "big".

  17. Lemony scents usually make me more clear-headed.  So I vote for Embalming Fluid.

    Definitely lemon scents. You will make far fewer mistakes & be able to focus better.


    I can also recommend these folks: Nature's Gift FOCUS Blend It is fantastic & they ship quickly too.


    Hope it Helps. If you need some of their Focus blend sooner, I can decant some for you & mail it ASAP.


    let me know



  18. Refreshing minty & more refreshing minty.... then I worked on my tomato plants. (Which the whistlepigs have discovered.) Now all I can smell is tomato leaves.


    I'll try this one again later & update my review. However, I do smell very "clean", if that makes any sense.


    Updated 11-1-04


    This isn't a blend I would wear as a perfume. However, having said that, I have found many, many uses for Nine Mysteries.


    Here are just a few:

    *Clears my sinuses after raking many, many leaves

    *Works wonders on "regular" (i.e. not migraine) headaches

    *Settles upset "tummies"

    *Is a fantastice & very "holiday" room freshener


    I'm making a lip balm & body lotion with it next.



  19. My Chaos Theory arrived today. It's marked "Chaos Theory XV" & it's beautiful, really beautiful!


    It's sweet, coconut cream with the really expensive smelling vanilla. There might be a touch of sandalwood & a smidge of jasmine. The blend is so smooth, it's very difficult to pick out individual notes beyond the obvious.


    A triumph!


    Enjoy your fragrant fractal.



  20. My darling man, who loves chess btw, has eyes of mahogany brown with tiny flecks of gold & rimmed with moss green. His eyes are one of the first things I noticed about him.


    The Red Queen reminds me him, eyes focused on the chessboard. Mmmmm

    Oh my, I best review the scent, instead of day dreaming.


    There is a rich "creaminess" to this. Yes, I smell the black cherry & currant but it isn't strong on me. More noticable when first applied then when it dries.


    The overall impression is more like firelight dancing on polished wood. Cozy but with undercurrents of intensity.


    This mellows as it drys & I like it...a lot. Wonderful "staying" power & "throw"!


    Not a scent for warm summer days but stunning for Fall & Winter.


    Updated 8-30-04 The Red Queen likes her privacy. I mixed her with a few "BPAL friends" with disasterous results. She's regal & aloof. I think I'll keep her that way.


  21. Ooooh, oooohhh, me too, me too!


    This is really remarkable. Usually anything with cinnamon oil "burns" my skin. Red Moon smells just like it has an ever so faint touch of yummy cinnamon but no cinnamon oil is listed in the description. So...I can wear it!


    *break away as she does the happy dance*


    The fragrance is soft but "warm", very "smooth". It reminds me of fine cognac, poured out into a cut crystal glass, red flashes sparkling in the firelight.


    And.....what asa805, Shollin & violetblue said!




    *edited for spelling


    ADDED June 29, 2007:


    I reviewed Red Moon when it was first released, oh so many moons ago. I wanted to add that Red Moon became one of my all time favorite BPAL blends. It was THE blend I wore every single month during my moontime. Somehow, someway Red Moon eased the pms, the cramps, the mood swings....it made everything, during "that time of the month", so much easier to endure.


    The actual liquid was much thinner than other BPALs I own, so when I put in the reducer cap, I needed to be very careful or else I was drenched in Red Moon. Not a bad thing, mind you, but it meant I used up the scent a lot faster than I wanted to.


    Red Moon gets 4 thumbs up from Red Hot Mama
