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Posts posted by Dharklady

  1. In bottle: Honey, fig and a touch of blueberries

    Wet: Green, bitter fig swirling through a haze of musk and sweet honey.

    Dry: The fig eventually calms down and it turns into this sweet berry blend. Unfortunately after a short time this then turns into candy.

    Notes: I really liked it up until the candy part of the equation…


  2. In Bottle: Cinnamon and amber.

    Wet: Stays pretty true to the ‘in bottle’ smell. The cinnamon is fairly dominant but it works well with the amber.

    Dry: The cinnamon calms down and plays nicely with the amber. A gorgeous simple scent with a good amount of lasting power and throw.

    Notes: I like this one a lot, and it will definitely go on the bottles needed list.


  3. In bottle: Mulled wine is dominant with a touch of juniper and berry.

    Wet: The woods play tag with the sweet dragon’s resin. One of the notes however is not playing well with the others on my skin in a disagreeable way. I’m thinking it’s the wine which smelled so nice in the bottle.

    Dry: I really wanted to like this one as I love King Arthur, however one of the notes added a mysterious sour tang that just did not suit me well.

    Notes: It has a lot of potential, but sadly does not work well for me. Seems like a wildly varying scent and worth taking a risk on if you like any of the description notes just in case.


  4. In bottle: Sharp lavender with the hint of a sweet floral underneath.

    Wet: The description fits this perfectly.

    Dry: Eventually the lavender steps back to let the magnolia shine a bit. It seems to be a quick fader unless slathered.

    Notes: While I’m not a fan of floral scents, this one is really pretty. The magnolia is a pretty floral without being TOO floral and I love lavender so no complaints there. Overall a win!


  5. In bottle: Definitely a dark, dry scent. The musk, myrrh, and patchouli are the strongest notes I can pick out.

    Wet: Musk and myrrh with just a hint of bite from the chili and subtle, sweetness from the vanilla.

    Dry: The vanilla warms up more and really blossoms, combing with the musk and patchouli. The other notes fade to supporting roles but are still present in a lovely background blend.

    Notes: This is a simply gorgeous lunar blend. It starts out dark and mysterious and ends up as warm and soft as a feather. The vanilla is simply delicious. I'm in love.


  6. In bottle: Bright and glittering. A high, sharp scent.

    Wet: This feels a lot like a daylight version of Yvaine. Where Yvaine is a clear starry night sky, Gold Phoenix is crisp beams of sunlight shining through a touch of wispy clouds in a clear blue summer sky.

    Dry: Dry this has very little morph. It glistens and sparkles and lasts for a good long while.

    Notes: Whereas I could practically see the red amber/orange of the Copper Phoenix, Gold is more yellow gold. The verbena really helps it shine just as brightly as the actual metal and it has very little morph. It’s a pretty blend but sharp.


  7. In bottle: Oooo almond and sarsaparilla!

    Wet: Mostly almond and sarsaparilla, and yet it doesn't feel foody.

    Dry: A good throw and lasting power. The heavy almond is mellowed by an emergence of the patchouli and wood and combines wonderfully with the sweet sarsaparilla.

    Notes: Very enjoyable blend, I'm loving the sweet sarsaparilla!


  8. In bottle: Amber, myrrh, and a sharp floral.

    Wet: The sharp floral fades quickly and leaves behind a super soft amber and vanilla scent.

    Dry: I can barely smell that there is anything there sadly.

    Notes: Too soft to really call to me though the amber/vanilla blend is simply gorgeous when you can catch it.


  9. In bottle: Caramel, teak and apple blossom

    Wet: This is a warm soft glow caressing your skin. The caramel is balanced by the blend of other scents. It almost smells like a caramel apple that’s been dipped in honey and cream, but the amber, musk and teak add a layer of depth and subtlety that keeps it from being at all foodie.

    Dry: The cream and floral apple come to the fore as the caramel, amber, and honey go to play out back. The musk helps make this a mature, sexy scent rather than light and girly.

    Notes: Seems to fade fairly quick, we’ll see what its lasting power looks like. So far all the CD scents I have tried have had wonderfully balanced components and this one continues the trend. If you like sweeter non-floral notes, this may be a good try for you.


  10. In bottle: Vanilla musk with just a hint of patchouli and the sweetness of fruit.

    Wet: The tang of musk is mellowed by the vanilla, the two fruits are a light complement to the blend but hard to pick out on their own.

    Dry: Light and mysterious. I was expecting a more intense bouquet then what the soft fruity/vanilla musk that I’m getting.

    Notes: It’s subtle and well blended. Not going to displace any of my current favorites but worth keeping around for when I want a lighter blend.


  11. In bottle: Patchouli, pepper, and clove.

    Wet: Pepper, clove and cardamom. Super spicy.

    Dry: Cardamom and clove with just a hint of pepper over a base of patchouli and tea.

    Notes: If it’s spice you like then this is a good scent to try.


  12. In bottle: Mint and ozone.

    Wet: Mint with an astringent bite of eucalyptus

    Dry: A light minty breath of air with just the touch of eucalyptus.

    Notes: This fades down to a faint sweet minty skin scent. I get no florals or ginger bite, but it is a smooth refreshing scent that I can see working nicely on a hot summer day.


  13. Nobility and haughtiness befitting the Antichrist: sage, carnation and cedar with lavender, vanilla, white musk and leather.

    In bottle: Cedar, vanilla, and a light musk
    Wet: The sage, lavender, and carnation all shine through a veil of vanilla.
    Dry: The carnation and lavender seem to have merged nicely and the vanilla mellows them out. Slightly spicey, slightly woody, lots of vanilla and lavendery floral.
    Notes: This is a great blend for me, I was hoping to find a good vanilla/lavender blend and this appears to be it!

  14. In bottle: Praline, hazelnut, and toffee. It smells like a spiced dark mocha drink from heavan.

    Wet: I’m not sure how but I’m amping everything BUT the notes that would make this smell too foodie. I’m getting a lot of spice overlayed on a dark chocolate and caramel base.

    Dry: Dried it smells like a drier spicier, version of one of my favorite winter candles. I’m definitely digging this one.

    Notes: I’m thrilled with the notes that came through for me. Sweet and decadently spiced, without making me think my arm is literally nom worthy. Definitely a keeper for me and possibly worthy of a bottle in time.


  15. In bottle: Incense and herb, a fresher, more green scent then Odin.

    Wet: A soft scent, green and herby with the incenses playing a solid base underneath. It evokes imagery of a clean spring day spent outdoors.

    Dry: This is a great clean blend. Not a lot of staying power or throw sadly.

    Notes: A really nice scent, just wish it was a little stronger.


  16. In bottle: Honey and musk. It has such promise!

    Wet: A softer scent, the honey and musk are prominent with just a touch of floral.

    Dry: And then the floral pops and the honey recedes and I'm left with just a trace of the note I wanted most.

    Notes: Much flowery then I had hoped for. A pretty scent but not for me I think.


  17. In bottle: hmmm, This SOUNDS delightful.

    Wet: Soft floral musk? Really? How am I getting just soft floral musk out of this?

    Dry: Yup smells like soft floral musk. Exciting.

    Notes: Aaand for the finish we have baby powder. Apparently my skin REALLY like Coyote and does not want to share its wonderful notes.


  18. In bottle: Wood and rum

    Wet: Wood ash, the lingering trace of smoke, and rum, definitely a fitting scent for the Baron.

    Dry: I was expecting more of a boozy debauched scent. Instead it smells like someone poured a token drink over the last remains of a fragrant fire. Solemn but not sad, a joyful celebration of death.

    Notes: Not one of those everyday scents for me but I definitely like it. We’ll see how long the imp lasts.


  19. In bottle: white tea and apple blossom with a touch of ginger.

    Wet: Grapefruit and ginger, with the tea starting to rear it’s head.

    Dry: The tea takes dominance over the fruits and florals and gives it a sophisticated feel.

    Notes: A nice scent but more “perfumey” then I was hoping for, I prefer the playfulness of Cheshire Cat’s grapefruit to the more sedate and classier version here. I think it’s the tea that makes the difference on me.


  20. In Bottle: Sharp and astringent. It smells like a very light green.

    Wet: The mint and lemon slide and slither over a base of spice.

    Dry: A light scent that remains true to the in bottle smell and description.

    Notes: If the drink is anything like how this scent smells, I’m really curious to try it now.


  21. In bottle: Scorched and charred are good adjectives for this. Smells likes something musky and floral lit on fire and this is the remains.

    Wet: Okay the burned smell is present but more of a background haze. I'm not super familiar with the separate smells of most of the notes, but it's much more mellow then in the bottle. Leaning towards the amber/musk and darker notes then the light florals.

    Dry: The haze is gone leaving behind a complex amber/musk concoction. It is much lighter then I thought it would be.

    Notes: Definitely a unisex scent, for me anyways. It's got a hint of bite and could work well for someone not keen on florals and into the bpal musk or vetiver notes.


  22. In Bottle: Bright citrus with a hint of earthier scents.

    Wet: It glistens and shines. You can almost smell the effervescent pinkness of it. I’m getting more lime and nectarine for fruit notes then the grapefruit that I was hoping for. The rose and sage seem to be shining through as well.

    Dry: Fruits fade and I get more of the rose now, with the patchouli and musk slowly making itself known, but they add to the lightness rather then ground it. It’s still a very pink scent and everything appears to be blending and swirling together rather then one or two notes stealing center stage.

    Notes: This appears to be a light throw and quick fader on me (granted I only tested lightly). I wish the grapefruit note was more dominant instead of the nectarine but overall it’s a very pretty blend.


  23. In Bottle: Mostly pine and eucalyptus with just a hint of citrus.

    Wet: A pretty simple combination. I like how fresh it smells.

    Dry: Stays true to the in bottle scent.

    Notes: Clean, tangy, and fresh. I love it's simplicity and fresh forest feel.


  24. In Bottle: Hello cherry! Lightened by the myrrh, but mostly cherry.

    Wet: Cherry cough drop with a touch of spice from the clove upon first application but it quickly morphs to a spicy resin, with the cherry fading to the background.

    Dry: Spicey clove and resin with a subtle sticky sweetness from the cherry.

    Notes: A good solid spice, incense scent and fun for anyone looking for a fun morpher! Don't let the "in bottle" scent mislead you on this one.

