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Posts posted by Firewaver

  1. Grape limeade!


    Or maybe my nose is just fooling me.. this actually smells like lavender from far away. It's a very soapy, floral smell.. in a good way, if that's possible. This scent isn't me by any means, but it's actually kind of a nice change from what I usually get.


    It's a high green smell.. with a soapy finish. Dried down, it's more herbal green rather than soap, but still green green.


    I like it, though this would be a "just for the occasion" type of scent, not one I would wear often. I'll have to contemplate this one.

  2. This is just a blissful scent. I went to the Spca today and wore Bordello... and let me say I had to promise I would bring back samples of this perfume when I returned.


    I can't pick out many notes, because this oil seems so well blended. It's sweet but not too sweet, rich but not too rich. It smells like a ripe plum after you take the first bite. Fresh and juicy and oozing with sweetness. It's pretty much the same from start to finish, this oil didn't morph much on me. It's much stronger when wet, naturally.. but softens and deepens a little when dry.


    So beautiful and sexy without being overtly so. If I had to give this one a color, it would be red-violet. I just got this imp today and I've ordered a bottle already.

  3. :P


    I'm really so disappointed in this one, I don't even want to review it!


    I put just a dab of it on my wrist.. and a light brown cloud of IRISH CREAM COFFEE screamed at me, threatening to drown me in it's sweetness. I don't smell any other notes, and it's just SO strong that I can't take it! I suppose I should wait for this to dry so I can get a real sense of what it smells like... but like Jack, the initial smell is so sickly sweet that I can't see myself suffering through it to get to the dry down stage.


    I had to wash this off after 5 minutes...and after searching and begging for it, I shed a little tear as I did so.


    Bottle and imp are up for swap/sale.

  4. I'm so in love with this scent!


    It makes me think of what the US must have been like before Europeans came over and tore the land apart. It's so fresh and free-spirited. It made me feel awake and uplifted when I put it on and took a deep sniff.


    Its like the wind whistling through the boughs of old and wizened trees covered with lichens and vines. Like a clear stream carrying autumn leaves down it's length. It's such a cool and pure scent.. it doesn't evoke any particular season, it smells like nature in general, in all it's phases. I must have a bottle of it.

  5. Mm.. very pretty.


    Bottled, it smells strongly of spiced oranges, I suppose that's the neroli? The first bpal I can think of that actually smells good in the bottle!


    On my skin, I smell bergamot and neroli first, rose and spiciness as definitely lesser notes. I wouldn't call this a rose scent, it's more a dusky citrus. I really can imagine a Gypsy Queen when I smell this. Intricate patterns on her silky skirts, gaudy gold bangles, lush red lipstick and gold eyeshadow.. the scent really encapsulates the name.


    Drying down, the bergamot softens but doesn't fade.. it blends gorgeously with the rose and the oil takes on a smoky sweetness. Really very soothing and sensuous.


    If I had to give this scent a color, it would be a deep hue of amber-orange.


    I wasn't sure about this after reading the reviews, but I do think this one is a keeper for me. I think I need to concentrate on the deeper florals like this one, rather than the foodies.

  6. Oh me oh my, a rose scent that doesn't strangle me with powder!


    This is refreshing!


    I smell the cinnamon most prominently at first. I do smell the roses, but they're spiced up and sexified by the cinnamon. It's like roses and red hots... the cinnamon almost makes my tongue tingly, it's so potent.


    Drying down, the rose does become more of a player, but the cinnamon kicks the rose notes in the ass, keeping them in line.


    I like this, I DO.. but I like my Love in the Asylum better.

    I'll probably wear this one full day, and then swap it out to a more covetous owner.

  7. Soo... this is an f***ing great scent.


    I'm trying to push back the tide of panic at the fact that all I have is a lowly imp.


    It's similar to Snake Oil, I suppose; but far superior. It's much warmer and far more smooth. It goes down easier than Snake Oil does, it's a delicious cup of vanilla spice.


    It smells the same wet to dry on me, it's mellow but spicy at the same time. I smell the amber and vanilla, but they're well blended, none of the notes really stand out and scream at me. It has a good amount of throw, i only put a tiny dab on my hand and I keep getting strong wafts as I type this.



    Really a beautiful scent, get your hands on some of this if you're able.

  8. This smells like a furry rootbeer. A musky, sweaty, hairy rootbeer float.


    Which, surprisingly, is not at all unpleasant. I got this as a frimp and thought "uh oh, vetiver". But it's actually a nice, strong spicy alternative to typical musk blends.


    Up close, like when I really stick my nose to my arm, it is a bit stinky.. like a smarmy man with a hairy back. But from afar, it wafts a lovely boozy, almost licorice musk.


    I like it. I just may keep it! Hah!

  9. Oh this is so very pretty. In the bottle it smells to me like stewed pears.


    On my skin, it's so delicious. I'm going to have to get a bottle of this, I can tell already. Yum. It doesn't smell like figs to me, it smells like pears that have been simmering in cinnamon and sugary spices. I do smell a touch of orange.


    Not a bitter orange, thanks be. A clear, bright orange. Sweet, like a clementine in spring. I love the subtle spiciness that I know is the fig (though I still like the idea of stewed pears better).


    It just smells so lovely. This is a simple review, I know. But I can't think of anything bad about this oil. Sparkling and luscious. I give it an A.

  10. tee hee.. my boyfriend and I spent the night playing the Arkham Horror board game and I decided to try out my Mi-Go while we played.



    First sniff.. smelled oddly like gardenia to me. A heavy, white floral smell..which was totally not what I expected from the reviews.


    Drying.. a sweet scent, definitely. Sticky and sweet, almost too sweet, like overripe fruits. I smell honeydew or cantelope or some kind of sweet melon.. and still with the gardenia.


    Dry.. it retains it's slightly sickly under tone, which seems appropriate for the little guys the scent emulates. Not sure if this is wearable for me, but it was fun to try; especially while playing Arkham Horror!

  11. POW.


    My first smell of this was akin to a "drive by fruiting", as Mrs. Doubtfire would say. Drive by fruiting with LIMES, fresh ones. My nose was tingling and all I could smell was lime for a few moments. Don't get me wrong, it's a very fresh and juicy smell, but it's really quite potent. My wrist stings a little!


    Mm.. now that I've babbled on intolerably about limes, the scent has been dutifully drying down to a luscious coconut-lime smell. I feel like eating a key lime pie with coconut topping. Really decadent and yet light and fresh at the same time. It really grows on you... At first it's just overpowering, but now the lime is fading slightly, though still lending it's fresh zing to the mixture. I smell a twinge of mintiness maybe, it's a nice touch.


    Mm.. drool. I'm loving this more and more. It's developing a softness, though it still has an edge that grounds it and keeps it from being too precious a scent. I love it and wish I had been able to use it over the summer months. Though I won't let the cold stop me from using this delightful blend.


    ETA.. I've been wearing this often, and it's really extraordinary. I love it more every time I wear it. If you've ever used quinquireme of nineveh soap by Lush (before it was discontinued).. this is it with a dash of lime. So beautiful.

  12. Jack is... buttered popcorn?


    Initial sniffs make me think of what shill must smell like.. pure unadultered buttery butter. Oh god please dry down to something less buttery and nauseating... please please please. I'm saying this now... and I haven't yet smelled the drydown.. I don't know if I can take this buttered popcorn stage, it's almost too much for my nose to contend with. It's just too.. yellow and dripping with butter.


    Ok.. I can detect some spicy pumpkin trying to come through, slowly but surely. Maybe a teensy bit of nutmeg. PHEW i just got a waft of cat pee smell, the boy needs to clean the litter box asap!-anyway.. OK, now 20 minutes later I can smell pumpkin.



    I like the drydown, I do.

    But I don't know if I'm brave enough to take the butter again! I think I will, because I'm DETERMINED to like Jack because I've been waiting for so long to get my hands on an imp.


    I give the wet smell an F

    I give the drydown a B+

  13. I feel kind of silly even bothering to post a review here, but ah well.


    Here it is... Villain faded on me in record time. I applied it, and in about...30 seconds it was gone without even sticking a gentlemanly victorian boot in the door and saying hello.


    I thought perhaps that my imp consisted of water and water alone because I applied without first sniffing the bottle... but I do smell a villain lurking in my imp! He's there, but he refuses to get close to the likes of me.



    HEAVY SLATHER=slight hint of manly scent but then it's off to the races. No villain in sight. So weird!

  14. I really think this is an underrated scent. I love the smell of chamomile, because it reminds me of California, where it grows wild in abundance.


    In the bottle, it's a deceptively floral/herbal and sharp. Not too appealing..and a little bit stinky.


    On the skin.. it behaves beautifully on the skin after about 5 minutes. I think it's the rosewood that really gives this scent a woody depth to it that's just lovely. Chamomile is lovely and herbal, as expected.. giving a good green! kick to the overall concoction. I'm not a fan of violet, but the violet here is unobtrusive and sweet without being overly powdery.


    Drying, the musk comes out a bit more, and I love it. This scent really is so well blended that the individual notes are difficult to pick out after it's dry.


    I slather regularly with this one, and my imp is about gone. I may have to order a bottle with the lunar update. Praise be to libertine.

  15. Hymn is really a vibrant and clean scent.


    I smell the rose in the bottle and right out of the gate when applied to my skin. It's a slightly astringent rose, accompanied by lily (which is usually also astringent on me). Soapy and freshly plucked. The rose in this scent doesn't smell like a fully bloomed rose; more like one that is newly budding.


    If I were to suggest a color for this scent, it would be a light greenish-yellow.


    Drying down, it's becoming a bit more sharp and serious. This really makes me think of sitting in a church and trying to sing along with the hymns, though I don't know the words. It's the combined smell of the perfumes worn by the faithful ladies in the choir, singing their hearts out. Very floral and innocent, though perhaps overwhelmingly so.


    A nice and evocative scent, though it definitely isn't a "me" scent.

  16. I was excited to get this one, as it's unreleased and all... but I was a bit disappointed.


    To me, this smelled like a fairly run of the mill almond/orange scent. What it really made me think of is suntan oil. Upon first application, I smelled plenty of almond and an undercurrent of a dry orange scent, accompanied by some spiciness.


    Drying down, it's more of a cinnamon orange, but not really a true orange/true cinnamon. It smells a little artificial, like holiday potpourri.


    It faded away about an hour after application, even after a fairly hearty slather.


    I fully expected to love this one, as I love spicy scents, but I honestly didn't.


    I give this one a 2 out of 5

  17. Oh geez.. is there cedar in this one?


    Why does it smell like Intrigue and Urd to me?

    I get the same cedary smell as i did with those two.


    This time it's a little bit sweeter, but STILL with the cedar. My boyfriend said this about it "It smells like a box, like a cedar box that's held insence in it since the beginning of time, but is now empty"...and then he said "no wait, it smells like the combination of all smells in the universe, like if all the smells were boiled down to one, that's what it would smell like".


    Uhh.. so I don't know about that last one, but the cedar box full of incense is definitely spot-on to me. It's like vanilla cedar.


    Pretty but a bit too cedary, even more so when dry.

    It's definitely my skin chemistry, though.

  18. In the bottle it smells similar to Love me.. like cherry liquor and spices.


    On my skin.. It's initially very spicy and dark when first applied. I still smell black cherry and also a spicy resinous/incense smell. Maybe patchouli, though I'm not sure about that. I usually try to steer clear of patchouli so I'm inexperienced with it's scent.


    Drying down.. it's taking on a powdery transformation. It kind of smells like wild cherry incense cones right now. It has a bitter edge to it, I can see this being appealing on guys as well as women. This smells very unique to me when compared to other bpal scents I've been exposed to... which is most likely why it's a signature scent.


    Dry.. ooh, a bit more of a cinnamon spice kick is coming through, very pleasant. It does still remind me of Love Me, maybe a slightly more unisex version.



    I like it. It's a good spicy smell, and I love a good spicy smell.

    I will think about getting a bottle of this, and there's no way I'm giving up my imp.

  19. Holy moly.. orange-almond cake madness.


    Almond at first, which kind of reminds me of this weird little shop in downtown fredericksburg called Corky's that sells little pots of solid scent (and just about everything else under the sun). Someone had spilt a little pot of "African Queen" that had melted all over the carpet and the store forever smells like almonds and oranges.


    Unfortunately, it's kind of a trashy hippie outpost and the sandalwood that's peeking out as I type this reminds me of that aspect of the store.


    I dunno if I want to smell like Corky's.


    It's not bad though, if you want to smell like a freshly baked orange muffin with almonds on top. It's pleasant in a hippie kind of way.

  20. In the bottle: decemberine is right, it smells quite like a jar of sweet pickles. Which, of course isn't what most ladies enjoy smelling throughout the day.


    On the skin: strong jasmine and a slightly sour note. I'm not too familiar with floral notes, so I'm not apt at picking them out, but since this is a note I definitely haven't come into olfactory contact with.. i'm going to guess it's frangipani.


    Side note: frangipani is a cool word!


    After a few hours.. in the drydown, the jasmine is definitely a front runner, with the slightly sweet/sour note as a sideliner. I don't get a ton of rose in this one, but it's present and soft.


    Overall, this is a medium strength floral (neither especially cloying nor very light) and it's pleasant in a different way. It makes me think of India and bellydancers. Not sure if this would ever be a favorite, but it's unique.


    It does strike me as something of a summer scent, so if I keep my imp, I'll save it for the steamy months.
