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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. I had a dream about the custom scent process last night. I actually flew out to the lab to have a face to face interview with Beth in order for her to really get an accurate picture of me for this custom scent. She was smelling my arm to see what my natural skin scent was and afterward I pulled out a roll on full of Zephyr and starting rubbing it on my arm. :P

  2. First Impression: Ripe, juicy apples hanging heavy on the tree.


    Second Impression: Oh this is such an evocative scent. This brings me back to all those times every autumn going apple picking at Honey-Pot Hill with Nerissa and her family, my sister and my mommy. And my mother would always "take home" a few extra apples in her big, giant hand bag. This is the smell of the orchard full of fruit-heavy trees, overripe apples on the ground, the cider and the donuts. It's very, very special.


    Final Analysis: It's not something I'd wear as perfume, but I *must* have it around to smell especially now that I live in Atlanta. As much as I love it here, the autumn time just isn't the same as in New England. I have another imp coming in a pending order. I'll save one for sniffing, the other will go into the oil burner in the fall.

  3. First Impression: Heat, it smells like heat.


    Second Impression: On the skin this is warm, peppery and very earthy/musky. I didn't like it on my skin, though it doesn't smell like civet, per se it gives that same feeling.


    Final Analysis: My friend who is always trying to rouse her man is going to get this and hopefully love it.

  4. There are no stupid questions...only stupid people :D


    I had a similar concern, I hate that almond extract smell and I'm not overly keen on the taste (though I really like almonds). But Beth's almond notes have captured my heart.


    I have tried and like or really :P these almond scents...

    Queen of Sheba






    Old Port Au Prince


    And I have Hecate on order.


    Yes, give them a try...you can always swap or sell them.

  5. Those seem like such basic questions at first glance, but then when you start thinking of them and the why's they're actually very challenging and even a bit intimidating. How could I even begin to describe my own skin smell. My sister always says "you smell like girlie" (our pet name for each other) but how does that translate onto the page.


    I'm quite interested in doing a custom scent. I've gotten to the point where with my next order, I will have tried everything that has been on my long running wishlist, with the exception of yet-to-be-released scents. When Rob asks what I want for Christmas/Anniversary I know what I'm going to say!

  6. First Impression: Received in a swap. Hmmm, I can barely detect any scent at all in the bottle, at point blank range.


    Second Impression: For some reason this scent is very faint, barely there. It's wonderful, but I wish it were stronger. The amber is slightly sweet and wonderful. The cinnamon adds a warm sensuality rather than hot spice. I don't get much patchouli, but on the long drydown the sandalwood starts to show.


    Final Analysis: I slathered my left arm with Sin and put a tiny dab of Scherezade on my right wrist. All I can smell is the Scherezade. I don't know if it's my skin or if it's the oil, but I'll have to slather on half the bottle of Sin to get any effect from this one. :P

  7. First Impression: How sad. This is such the smell of a church during a funeral of someone who was full of life and much loved.


    Second Impression: This is a beautiful and most evocative blend. The rose geranium is sharp at first but mellows on the skin. The flowers and the resin are mournful.


    Final Analysis: Personal scent, maybe not. But this will really work well in the burner.

  8. First Impression: Oh, piney goodness. Nervous that it will smell like pine air freshener.


    Second Impression: Not to worry, this is fresh, crisp pine and cypress as they smell out in their natural surroundings. As they fade the almost sweet and slightly sexy black musk mellows on my skin. How nice!


    Final Analysis: This was a generous extra from a swap. I'm glad I got to try it as it's not something I would have ordered for myself. I love that musky note.

  9. First Impression: Cherries in the bottle but they are gone the second it touches my skin.


    Second Impression: Cherries have morphed to almonds, which are gone in another second. A Vicks Vaporub-like scent remains.


    Final Analysis: Vicks Vaporub and burning rubber. Not working with me at all.

  10. First Impression: A pretty floral with a sharp bite.


    Second Impression: I can't pick out any individual notes on this. I don't like the sharp and almost sour drydown on my skin. It reminds me of another floral, perhaps Ophelia that didn't agree with me.


    Final Analysis: Off to the swap with you.

  11. First Impression: I adore anything with lilies in it!


    Second Impression: This is a lovely, soft floral. The tuberose is light and a touch sharp tempering the sweetness of the lilies. Lily scents normally have a golden feel to me, but this one is pale purple.


    Final Analysis: I don't love this one as much as some of Beth's other lily blends, but it's lovely enough to enjoy my imp.

  12. First Impression: Sharp, dry and woodsy. The bergamot really bites you on first sniff.


    Second Impression: The bergamot dies down quickly leaving a that lovely sandalwoodsiness that I love. The lily of the valley lends a very quiet sweetness, keeping the wood from being too dry.


    Final Analysis: Wonderful woodsy sniff. Seems a very autumnal scent.

  13. First Impression: OMG, I thought the same thing: Razzles.


    Second Impression: I like the sweet and juicy about this scent. I feared it was going to be fruity or citrusy (don't do well with those) but it's not. It's more like candy than fruit.


    Final Analysis: This was a lovely extra from a swap and I'll very much enjoy using the imp this summer.

  14. This may sound odd, but the one 5ml bottle I have, I apply it by gently turning it over than back. I take off the cap and tap the cap over my skin and all the little droplets of scent come out of the cap onto my skin. It works well and I don't think it contaminates the bottle.
