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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Honey is the bane of my BPAL existence but I couldn't resist all the other notes. Where is the boozy mead? Where are my spices? Where are my beloved lemon and rosemary? What I have here is a bottle of Honey single note disguised as a bottle of Mead Moon. Smells of golden, glorious honey in the bottle, but on my skin honey just goes all funky. I'm gutted at the moment, but I may cellar this and see of the other notes will bloom. *crosses fingers*

  2. I had no idea what this would smell like when I read the description, but I couldn't resist the pull.


    Perfectly fresh and uplifting, Hay Moon is also comforting. The amber is subtle, the components blend to give the impression of lemon without smelling like citrus. The hay, grasses and wheat are like a warm hug and the honey, spices and amber like a lingering caress. This is a happy scent, a scent to ward off the blues. :P

  3. Pickled Imp is everything I wanted it to be when I read the description and more. Autumn outdoors and Winter indoors and Grannie's Kitchen at Christmas all bottled up. Warm and welcoming, perfectly spiced, creamed with vanilla and laced with a touch of sap from the freshly cut tree. This little bottle of magic is making me wish summer away.

  4. No chrome in this little vial! :P


    Oooh, so pretty. Reminds me of fresh Spirits of the Dead. They both have this lovely ghostly freshness about them that I love. A light, musky and slightly floral vanilla tea scent that is delightful for the dog days in the south. I think I may need a bottle or two. :D

  5. No, the notes are not listed by percentage. Also, Beth does not even list all the ingredients. And the notes are not always just notes but a combination of ingredients to approximate a particular scent so a perfume where the copy lists say five "notes" there is most likely a lot more than five separate ingredients blended to create said scent.

  6. I spotted this thread on the main page just as I was taking my first swipe of Licwiglunga. This fits the bill perfectly. :P It's a very interesting combination, resinous yes, but there it has a pine-like coolness combined with the refreshing lemony-herbal undertones which the lavender smooths it out very nicely. I'm wearing it to work today where I will get very warm and no doubt be stressed out. Licwiglunga will help me keep my cool on both levels.

  7. Gwyneth hits me with a heady scent memory, she's a melange of all the grown-up lady scents I remember from my childhood, Pond's cold cream, Camay soap, Rose Milk body cream all floating around my head on a rose-colored powder puff. In BPAL-land she reminds me very much of the now discontinued voodoo blend Crucible of Courage.


    Rose scents that I actually can wear are few and very far between and there is a whole lot of rose going on up in here. Very pretty, quite sophisticated, tons of throw and very long lasting. The tonka is almost as prominent as the rose, the lily and skin musk don't show up until hours later. The coconut and sage don't show up at all.

  8. I had to give Clémence a time out after she first arrived here because the conjoined twin blast of clove and carnation was so HOT it overwhelmed my senses.


    Time out ended this morning and I'm thrilled with the results. First scent is the carnation/clove twins but they are just simmering now, the heat having mellowed. The pepper and cardamom blend with the tea giving a chai like vibe but not a honeyed chai tea latte rather the dry chai tea blend sniffed straight from the tin. There is an impression of sweetness here though she isn't really a sweet blend, my chemistry amps sweet. I'm not getting a whiff or even an impression of patchouli here, but honestly the patch is not missed at all. :P

  9. Have you ever made homemade caramel sauce? Brown sugar bubbling in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, pour over the heavy cream and there is an eruption of burnt brown sugar and cream lava. Beth captured that scent perfectly.


    After a few moments on the skin a bit of woodsy floral undertones begin to peek out from under the rich cream and burnt caramel. After an hour or so this morphs into a bold honey musk and amber perfume with a base of caramel and teak.


    I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying this scent because while I adore sweet scents (and amp sweet like crazy), I do not like foody/butter/cream/caramel notes and honey never turns out well on my skin. I think the teak and amber might be the lasso that are keeping the other notes from going funky on me for the time being. I know the aftermath drydown will probably turn me off, but this scent is comforting and delicious for now.

  10. Unabashedly strong and dark from start to finish, if a feminine scent can ever be considered swarthy, Marianne is the one. I had to dilute just a dab in unscented lotion and it was wafting around me like a giant Play-Doh cloud. The Play-Doh scent subsided rather quickly and turned into a very dry, musky floral perfume that is so very sexy, I actually feel conspicuous wearing it. I was expecting and dreading Snake Charmer from the will-call reviews, but Marianne is more Snake Oil-esque with that bold, unapologetic style. Marianne is one for the perfume cellar, with age she will be exquisite and highly coveted. This is not a perfume for day or a scent to be taken lightly.

    Snake Oil has has a dirty bitch of an Auntie and she is one haughty, overbearing whore.

  11. I adore lilace and blood orange and have found that ambergris is one of those "secret ingredients" that gives some of my favorite scents that extra something special but overall the note listing didn't give me much pause to exclaim, "I must have this!" I had the opportunity to try this yesterday and :P to the millionth degree!


    Love at first sniff out of the bottle, the amazement continued as I applied it. I had my forearm to my nose all day, drinking it in. It stayed true to its character for hours and hours, never getting powdery or funky as amber scents tend to on my skin. Resinous without being head-shoppy, incensey but in no way churchy, floral but not heady in the least. I'm at a loss for words to describe how it actually smells because there is this disconnect between reading of the notes on the screen and sniffing the perfume on my skin. This is one of those scents that is exponentially greater than the sum of its parts. I am completely blown away by the style and substance of The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus. Even this morning, the scent memory is making me long to sniff it again, wrap myself up in it.

  12. Oh, Dionysia, never did I think I'd be able to wear a plum scent so deliciously!


    I think that Dionysia is the best artwork/scent combination, if that makes sense. The scent evokes everything that the artwork and character represent, together they tell a perfectly cohesive story. This perfume smells like there is going to be some serious Roman-style debauchery going down! I smell incense burning in the great hall, the challis' full of wine, the bowls bursting with ripe fruits, skin bathed in flickering light from oil lamps...


    Gorgeous, evocative, lingering.

  13. Ashlultum~

    Babylonian musk, vanilla tea, tonka, tobacco, coconut, hyssop, and lilac.

    The scent has completely captured the character depicted in the story/artwork while simultaneously being one of the most "me" perfumes I have ever had the pleasure of wearing. Beth's abilities never cease to amaze.

    In the bottle~a hit of herbaceous hyssop followed by sweet lilac, rich coconut and warm tonka. Love at first sniff!

    On my skin~I never imagined that coconut and lilac could smell this fabulous together, truly sublime. The sweet and fresh qualities of both scents play off each other and complement each other very well. Tonka and tobacco are two of my favorite notes of all time, so warm and rich, very present in this scent.

    Drying down~ The lilac starts to yield to Babylonian musk, which totally smacks of my most coveted musk of all time, Egyptian. :thud: Wafting up from my skin is a perfect sexy cocktail of tonka, vanilla tea, deep tobacco, sensual musk and coconut. To my delight, the lilac never completely disappears, lending a soft, floral depth to the whole experience. All the notes play so well together, one never overwhelming another.

    I am feel honored to be a small part of this unique and amazing collection. I'm definitely going to have to hoard "my" scent. wub.gif

  14. Soap opera sex on a tropical island after a sensual massage with monoi oil. :P


    This perfume is so expertly and harmoniously blended. Gardenia can be such a gaudy bitch, but she's been tamed in this bottle. For evening wear, almost too special, too sensual to wear in the light of day.
