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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    La Papesse

    A visionary heretic, martyred to usher in a new Aeon: rose oudh, blackened myrrh, and cathedral incense. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. I've never been a "church" person, but I do love the smell of an old church, especially ones that have candles and incense burning. We have another glorious church scent here. Slightly smoky, but not cloying, but almost fresh, like a drafty church on a chilly day. The floral is a suggestion, so no fear here floral averse people! There is a touch of a creamy overtone that I can't quite explain. I think this will be traveling to Paris with me to wear on the day we tour the churches and cathedrals of the city.
  2. Ina Garten Davita

    The Initiatrix

    Guiding the aspirant to spiritual knowledge and attainment through silence, reflection, intuition, and direct experience. Red benzoin and rose. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. THIS THIS THIS!!! A scent with rose that I can adore, and wear with reckless abandon. She is so gorgeous. Smooth, creamy, feminine, this combination of red benzoin and rose is a winner. The creamy benzoin is the first thing I noticed. I didn't even realize this had rose until after a few minutes. Then she appears, but is kept well in check by the benzoin. It's like the perfect vanilla rose. I'm going to wear the hell out of this. Reminiscent of a softer, creamier Crucible of Courage, which has long been a favorite of mine. If you don't like rose, give this one a try, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised and loving the rose perfume life!
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Pomegranates and Date Palms

    The Mysteries of Persephone’s divine descent entwined with the Mysteries of the Temple of Solomon, forming a map of the Tree of Life. He made chains in the inner sanctuary and placed them on the tops of the pillars; and he made one hundred pomegranates and placed them on the chains. Pomegranate, dates, and cypress infused with ketoret smoke veiled in violet, purple, and crimson. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. Purple and green, with a hint of smoke. This starts of a tiny bit sharp, and a little soapy from the green, and like the pomegranate itself, it's sharp when you first bite down on the juicy arils, but then the purple sweetness coats your tongue. The drydown on this one is definitely evokes the violet, purple, and crimson. I'm not sure I love this one on my skin, but I may have to let it age out a bit to to see if it smooths out a bit.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    Amber & Lace

    I adore Beth's amber. Some amber is so potent and powdery, but whatever amber that Beth sources, is so smooth and so golden. Amber goes so perfectly with that cognac-vanilla-musk trifecta. This, like most of the Lace family, is going to age to perfection. I feel like there is a whiff of tobacco here, too, and that's not a complaint because I love it.
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Shadow Lace

    I'm all about the plum with resins. I love it. It's a little powdery, but I think that will age out. I'm an avid "Lace" collector and this is a perfect addition to the family. The vanilla is SO SWEET.
  6. Ina Garten Davita

    The Dream is Big Enough for Everyone

    Lilith has such a kind heart, tempered by a soul of Virgo. She is the future, a changed future. This makes me happy. Fig and patchouli are beautiful together, though my skin is a bit finicky with fig. This scent is sweet, and fruity, though it's not particularly foodie. The red currant is much more prominent as it dries down. I'm not finding much vanilla cream. I'm thinking this may need a little age on it for me to truly appreciate it. I'm digging the fruity patchouli quite a bit though.
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Dignified. Elegant. Sophisticated.

    I layer Snake Oil with just about everything, so when a Snake Oil is in a blend, I automatically want it. My favorite SO combinations are with Eat Me, and Very Pink Cake. This scent is the embodiment of my favorite combinations. Rich mysterious Snake Oil and a screaming pink sweetness. This will be in heavy rotation, I'm sure.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    Whole Unto Herself

    I got a handful of Liliths at DragonCon. I chose them by cold sniff, not even remembering the notes as I went happily along sniffing. At first I thought this was going to be a juicy floral, and it is, at first. Wet flowers present juicy and fruity at first, though nothing aquatic about the wetness of the florals. The frankincense steps in and keeps the roses quite tame and grounded. This is a beautiful, thoughtful scent.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    The Cross

    The integration of spirit with the material world: frankincense, styrax, oakmoss, patchouli, and birch tar. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. The notes suggested that this was going to be perfect for me. But the oakmoss is not playing well with the beautiful resins. Sharp, not smooth and creamy, like it should be. Patchouli is a winner for me 99 times out of 100, but this one is a miss.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    The Scroll

    Her scroll is sealed, her book is closed, and she is silent: the wisdom that she grants is that which cannot be put into words, that which cannot be recorded but must be experienced. Honeyed myrrh with a drop of Ceylon cinnamon. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. Two problematic notes for my chemistry, honey, and cinnamon, and my skin is not having it. Myrrh is typically great for me, but unfortunately she's nowhere to be found. Honey and spice lovers are going to have so much fun with this one.
  11. Ina Garten Davita


    Crushed herbs and sweet amber resin with a streak of patchouli, neroli and golden musk. First Impression: Light citrus. Second Impression: This smells like grapefruit with the lightest touch of herbs. I'm not getting much musk or amber. Final Analysis: This will really appeal to the citrus scent lovers.
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    The Eternal Virgin

    Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. This is the first scent I tried when I got my box yesterday. Absolutely gorgeous, feminine, and ethereal but not in that ghostly way. The carnation and cardamom is a magical combination, sweet, creamy, with just the suggestion of spice. Honey and milk can be problematic for me, but here, they are barely a breath, grounding the scent. I love that I have nothing like it in my collection. Simply gorgeous!
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    Krampus Lace

    I have all the Lace scents and the only one that isn't an instant favorite is Solstice Lace because of the apple, but I took a gamble. Just like I took a gamble on Krampus Lace despite honey and red leather being listed. But this time the gamble paid off BIG! This scent hits so many high points, it's creamy, sexy, cozy, sweet, a touch foodie without being cloying, spiced without being spicy. It's really perfect for the season. The honey and leather read as beeswax candles burning, the note is really evocative of a church I visited in Florence, San Miniato al Monte. It's just wonderful, I love it!
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    Quick Cyber Monday Question

    No freebie should ever be expected. My advice is order to get the special imps and then use them to swap for imps of scents you really want to try. They will make popular swap fodder, I'm sure.
  15. Ina Garten Davita

    Children of the Cornucopia

    Sweet and sexy. Definitely masculine leaning, and I know this because that type of scent tends to go super sweet and cozy on my skin. The hay note is beautiful, it's a hidden gem of mine that is vastly underrepresented. if you like Hay Moon, you'll love this. The tobacco is a note I collect, and it's gorgeous as ever here. The patch is sweet and creamy and vanillic, not earthy or gnarly. If you're looking for the gnarly hippie feet patchouli, you may need to look elsewhere. I amp sweet, and this combination is reading as gorgeous non-foody vanilla hay tobacco. It reminds me a lot of the Lace family, like the lost Lace brother. It will age like a dream, I love it! I want to put this on my husband's neck and just nuzzle.
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    Dragonfly & Dragon Hair Gloss

    Blue lotus blossom, iris root, iridescent musk, green tea, and a touch of fiery anise. I bought this unsniffed because I just love anise. But don't fear the anise, it's a sweet backbone to all the delicious sexiness happening. I sprayed this on my hair and used it as a body spray. It's a cool floral that's warmed up by the anise. The musk is so sexy, I just love all of Beth's musks that are labeled as iridescent. This scent would fit perfectly if had been released as an Asian themed Luper, it has that vibe. Sexy Dragon flying over Kyoto on Valentine's Day, perhaps. It's well blended, and has a subtle waft. I'll be making people sniff me later to see what they thing. But at the moment, I'm in love.
  17. Ina Garten Davita


    Florence: The pearl of the Italian Renaissance. Elegant iris, bright berries, gilded amber and velvety spices. First Impression: Iris, but not overpowering. Second Impression: Oh, goodness another gorgeous, evocative scent. I bought this scent purely for the name, it's the city in Italy I most want to visit. And this conjures up the images of sitting in a window sketching the a gorgeous view of the city as warm, gentle breeze blows in. Better yet, this is the scent of a tryst with David. Spices, amber and iris all blend wonderfully together. Not getting the berries at this time. Final Analysis: The name called to me and so I bought a bottle unsmelled, I'm thrilled that I did. A keeper.
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Closet Raid

    I just greedily tore into my box from the Lab. Closet Raid has arrived! I've been wanting a BPAL version of Chanel No. 5 since I first became a devotee in 2004. But of course, Elizabeth delivered an homage to the classic scent so great that Coco herself might claw her way out of the grave and snatch Beth bald. That undercurrent of Snake Oil and a breath of lilac and lavender takes this scent to a whole new level.
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    Lilith's Loli Dragon

    Lilith certainly inherited her mom's talent for blending. Her scents aren't as complex, obvi, but they are lovely. And as exuberant and fleeting as childhood itself. This is all fun and candy and a day at the fair with dragons! Dragon's blood can be an iffy note on me, but it's perfect here with the candy sweet strawberry, which is one of my favorite notes. You'd think the strawberry candy would be the top note and fade out quickly, but it's the resin that seems to recede to the background after saying HELLO! The strawberry candy lingers long after the dragon falls asleep, like the stickiness on a child's cheeks and fingers after a day at the fun fair. Love it!
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Peach VII (2016)

    Peach sugar and a drop of lemon. The first Dragon*Con Peach that has me smitten! My skin does bad things to peach notes. Bad, musty things. But this is a revelation. It's sweet and candied, sparkling and lovely. The lemon top note is candied yet tart, fades quickly and leaves this candied, pinky-peach jelly candy fragrance. I can't wait to enjoy more of this beauty! It reminds me of a perfect BPAL version of those Fresh Sugar/ Aquolina type scents. Only better, of course. (Bether!)
  21. Ina Garten Davita


    I can't believe it's a Weenie and not a Yule! It smells so much like my beloved Bloc Na Nolaig (sp) atmos. It's surprisingly wearable on my skin and took on a soft, sweet floral quality as it wore for a few hours. I'm so excited about this!
  22. Ina Garten Davita

    Miss Addie

    Rich, sweet, lush night blooming floral tempered by a touch of musk. I get the sweetness of the currant as an impression but this isn't a fruity floral to my nose. The clove is so well blended I can't seem to find it. As invidiana said, it makes me want to read The Witching Hour again.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Mrs. Dunbar

    This is the scent of being down wind of ethereal fairy wings! It's so delicate and perfect. The vanilla musk is predominant through the length of the wear. The freesia and tea are fleeting as lovey top notes. It's a clean, glittering scent. And I love it!
  24. Ina Garten Davita

    Mrs. Bunce

    Just when I thought I didn't need yet another tobacco scent, Mrs. Bunce strolls into my life. She is a STUNNER! My favorite sort of tobacco~ rich, chewy, almost creamy and sweet. I love the sweet musk and amber in the background. It gets sweeter and more golden the longer it wears, which much be the blonde woods and hay sugar peeking out. This has good throw and good wear. Sexy as hell, I just love it.
  25. Ina Garten Davita

    Ghost Houses

    Last year, Lilith visited Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 in the Garden District with us. As she walked among the vaults and tombs, she announced to us, When I get older, Im going to help ghosts fix their houses. Marble, wild grasses, rusted iron, white clover, coneflowers, and daisies filtered through a sepulchral mist. I ordered a decant of this when the Lilith scents went live. Having sniffed it last night at DSWC, I had to have a bottle then and there. This scent whispers "final resting place." It's ghostly and eerie, yet grounded by the scent of the marble and iron which gives it a faintly mineral smell. Grassy and softly herbal-floral, just beautiful. It's a unique scent that is very New Orleans, the place (not the BPAL scent.) Very good staying power and throw. We're spending Thanksgiving in New Orleans, this perfume will be in heavy rotation that trip.