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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    The Rights of Women

    Too long degraded, scorned, opprest: a bold, strident red chypre with sweet wild patchouli, bourbon vanilla, Tunisian neroli, tuberose, warm red currant, strawberry, and red labdanum. Yes, injured Woman! rise, assert thy right! Woman! too long degraded, scorned, opprest; O born to rule in partial Law’s despite, Resume thy native empire o’er the breast! Go forth arrayed in panoply divine; That angel pureness which admits no stain; Go, bid proud Man his boasted rule resign, And kiss the golden sceptre of thy reign. Go, gird thyself with grace; collect thy store Of bright artillery glancing from afar; Soft melting tones thy thundering cannon’s roar, Blushes and fears thy magazine of war. Thy rights are empire: urge no meaner claim, – Felt, not defined, and if debated, lost; Like sacred mysteries, which withheld from fame, Shunning discussion, are revered the most. Try all that wit and art suggest to bend Of thy imperial foe the stubborn knee; Make treacherous Man thy subject, not thy friend; Thou mayst command, but never canst be free. Awe the licentious, and restrain the rude; Soften the sullen, clear the cloudy brow: Be, more than princes’ gifts, thy favours sued; – She hazards all, who will the least allow. But hope not, courted idol of mankind, On this proud eminence secure to stay; Subduing and subdued, thou soon shalt find Thy coldness soften, and thy pride give way. Then, then, abandon each ambitious thought, Conquest or rule thy heart shall feebly move, In Nature’s school, by her soft maxims taught, That separate rights are lost in mutual love. – Anna Lætitia Barbauld
  2. Ina Garten Davita

    Alice Monaghan

    Beware the Jabberwock, my child. Sheer skin musk, white amber, white tea, pink clover, and a glob of ectoplasm.
  3. Ina Garten Davita


  4. Ina Garten Davita

    ADAM v1

  5. Ina Garten Davita


  6. Ina Garten Davita

    Clean Yer Self

    Utilize this oil as a gentle daily spiritual and psychic cleanser, and as an aid for uncrossing and hex removal. You’ll be squeaky clean in a snap! This oil contains Moroccan rue essential oil (Ruta graveolens), frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata), peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita), hyssop essential oil (Hyssopus officinalis), and ethically harvested and extracted Peruvian palo santo (Bursera graveolens).
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Villain Edit

    Okay, fine, you DID say those things… but they were taken completely out of context! Here’s a blend to help you ease into your new status as a femme fatale: Black leather, pomegranate, saffron, pink pepper, and tobacco.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    The Osiris Club Atmosphere Spray

    Ancient tomes and disturbing artifacts clutter the shelves of a posh club, where eons of incense smoke have seeped into suede and leather seats. A whiff of pipe tobacco and cologne, bourbon and gunpowder.
  9. Ina Garten Davita


    <span style='font-family:Georgia'><span style='color:Purple'> Passion, sensuality, romance, sexual sensitivity. First Impression: Seduction indeed. Second Impression: Ylang ylang in it's most perfect form. This is sexy and sensual but without smelling like sex. It's not O or La Petit Mort in any way, shape or form. This scent has wrapped me in the feeling of excitement of the whole time building up to the sex act, but not the act itself. There is something lightly citrusy and faintly incensy along with the ylang. Good, good, good. Final Analysis: It's a shame that Bunny is away because this has turned me from a grouch into a WOMAN! Wow.</span></span>
  10. Jupiter's Bounty This is a perfume of sagacity and good counsel, and the prudence and judiciousness that leads to good judgement. It is a scent of stability, prosperity, and sovereignty – but more specifically, the creation, fortification, and nurturing of a kingdom that you build for yourself through self-respect and sound choices, the ability to govern your impulses wisely, and utilizing generosity, compassion and kindness as a means of protecting and expanding your dominion. This is a perfume dedicated to Jove. I will sing of Zeus, chiefest among the gods and greatest, all-seeing, the lord of all, the fulfiller who whispers words of wisdom to Themis as she sits leaning towards him. Be gracious, all-seeing Son of Cronos, most excellent and great!
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Updates to the Reviews Sub Forum 2019

    A few updates to our very important Reviews subforum. The first review is going to be the scent description to cut down on reports. So if you are the first to review, please carry on, but don't report the first thread as we carry out our changes. Some moderator changes, as our dear LiberAmoris is taking a step back for the time being. Thanks so much! Please contact me, or Cupide430 if you have any questions.
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    The Crescent Moon

    The mystery of divine virginity, insemination, and the cradle of all birth. Fertility, wise counsel, and the gift of true wisdom. Gleaming amber and copal with white sage and sheer juniper. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. SAGE and AMBER!!! Who knew they could be so gorgeous together. Sexy as all get out, resinous but bright, the juniper adding to the herbal brightness without going soapy. She's really soft, though. I want more throw from this, it's just so gorgeous! This would be a great scent when you want to smell amazing up close and personal for a special someone.
  13. Ina Garten Davita


    The Rising Sun. She is Ostara, Easter, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and the dawn. She is a protector and friend to all children. Her scent is that of softly glowing skin, jasmine, buttercup and honeysuckle. First Impression: Soft white floral. Second Impression: This is a jasmine scent for people who don't like jasmine. It's so soft and subtle. The buttercup and honeysuckle play center stage. This is very feminine and pretty. Final Analysis: Perfect Easter/springtime scent. Lovely.
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    The Crown

    The three phases of the moon fashioned into a lunar triregnum: blue chamomile, mugwort, and orris root. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. Tea lovers rejoice! This smells like a perfect cup of herbal tea. So soothing, grounding, calming. I don't love this on my skin, but in a locket or a diffuser, this will be perfect. It's atmospheric. I want it in a room spray!
  15. Ina Garten Davita

    Smug Yale Alchemy Lab

    I allowed myself ONE bottle from December Lunacy and this was it. It's so gorgeous. It's spring in a bottle, and I really need that because I crave spring year round, but never more so than this time of year. This vanilla may be the best I've ever smelled, considering the vanilla prices, I can't even begin to imagine how costly this ingredient was to source. It's sweet but not bakery sweet. It's how the interior of a fresh, thick vanilla bean when you slice it open and scrape out that rich, fragrant paste. The kind of vanilla that Ina Garten would shit herself over. And the grasses, sweet, dewy, bright green grass, the kind you want to roll in if you didn't care about bugs or dog poop. Love it, I wish the wear time was longer, but it's a delight to reapply.
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    Zipline Part II

    We all love to go to Ren Faire, and they have a zip line there. If I remember correctly, it is one ride for $5, $20 for 5 rides, and $40 for unlimited rides for all day. Lilith gave me her best, “Dad, I love you and I would like to do the $40 all day” face – big eyes and all – and how could I say no? Long story short (too late!), we rode the zip line so many times that the operators knew our names. At least this year, my naughty bits did not suffer as much. This photo is one of my favorite photos from the last year. She looks so confident, tough, and sure of herself here, while I look like I just survived twenty zip line rides. She makes me so proud to be her father. Pirate’y rum cookies, hay bales, leftover bits of funnel cake, and Renaissance Faire patchouli. I groaned so loudly when I sniffed this that the whole room started laughing. Yeah, it's THAT scent. Glorious and evocative of what?... YES, it's a wholesome version of Halloween in Las Vegas. It’s so good. It’s that grounded sort of foodie scent that I like, it has a lot of depth and morphs a lot. Starts off with rum cookies, and funnel cake, and the hay and patch just ground it so beautifully. It’s a Weenie disguised as a Fatherhood. Get it!
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Support Your Local Queens

    Lilith has loved drag for many years, and when she goes to drag shows, she’s a great tipper. She knows how hard drag queens work, and knows how important it is to support the drag community both locally and worldwide. This is the scent of everyone else’s spilled drinks at drag brunch: blood peach bellinis, strawberry daquiris, and mimosas. So boozy, fruity, and realistic, like a bartender took all these cocktails and put them in a punch bowl. If you like Beth’s mixology drinks (think Atomic Tiki Lounge) you’ll want this.
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Kinda Sorta Snake Oil Cream Soda

    Ordered Monday and it’s here!!! We all know that BPAL vanilla is the vanilla that Ina Garten is talking about when she says “use good vanilla.” This is Snake Oil with that good vanilla with the volume turned way up! Much lighter in color than Snake Oil on it's own and much thinner in texture. I'm very interested in seeing how this matures. I'm going to split it and cellar half. I can't wait to layer this with Tombstone.
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    The Moon Goddess

    Virgin, huntress, witch, holding the mysteries and powers of womanhood between her palms: vetiver, white pine, hay, Sicilian lemon, leather, and agarwood. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. The hay is front and center, and I adore Beth's hay note, and it's here in all its glory, like you find in Hay Moon. I also find the light pine and lemon prickling beneath the hay. The huntress aspect of this scent is prominent, witch, secondary, and virgin, hmmm, not finding it. Definitely not a feminine fragrance. Vetiver and leather, two problematic notes for me, but they aren't too prominent here. I like this but I'm not as enamored with it as some of the others in the collection. I'd like to smell this on a man. I also think it will get better with age. Needs cellaring.
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Three-Fingered Dad

    Sometimes I wonder how Lilith views me. Am I the authority figure? Her goofy playmate? Am I the father that drives her all over Los Angeles? It appears that I am the skinny three-fingered man. I believe that she captured me perfectly. Don’t you? Red and white musks, orange blossom, neroli, and sweet vanilla amber. This was the biggest disappointment for me because I love vanilla amber, I love white musk and I LOVE orange blossom. This came on like a NEROLI party. The orange blossom came and left pretty quick, and the rest of the guests didn’t bother showing up.
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    Shoot the Duck

    Lilith did her first roller skating trick, and I was so proud. Wild fig, tonka bean, bergamot, and hardwood. We used to go skating at Wheels Plus back in Jr. High. This scent is so evocative of that time, I could almost hear the B-52s floating out of the bottle. If you like fig and woods, you’ll like this. I may go back for this one.
  22. Ina Garten Davita

    The Pillars

    The pillars at the entrance to Solomons temple. And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz. These two pillars, therefore, stand for the two great spiritual principles that are the basis of all Life: Jachin typifying the Unity resulting from Being, and Boaz typifying the Unity resulting from Love. In this Dual-Unity we find the key to all conceivable involution or evolution of Spirit; and it is therefore not without reason that the record of these two ancient pillars has been preserved in our Scriptures. And finally we may take this as an index to the character of our Scriptures generally. They contain infinite meanings; and often those passages which appear on the surface to be most meaningless will be found to possess the deepest significance. The Book, which we often read so superficially, hides beneath its sometimes seemingly trivial words the secrets of other things. The twin pillars Jachin and Boaz bear witness to this truth. The Hidden Power by Thomas Troward, 1921 White cedar, cypress wood, sweet myrrh, honey myrtle, white sandalwood, spikenard, and frankincense. Beth continues to evolve as an artist. This collection is unique, and beautiful, complex, and stunning. Another stunner! Again, nothing like this in my collection. Creamy, woodsy, resinous, perfectly blended, with just a breath of floral skimming below the surface. Cedar can be problematic for some people, but my skin loves cedar, rendering sweet, smooth, and gleaming. So well blended, no one note is screaming for attention. It's beautiful, I want to bathe in it.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Lilith Poundcake

    ALL THE HOT CHERRY. I apologize for the minimalist review. But HOT CHERRY ALL DAY.
  24. Ina Garten Davita

    No DNA Test Required

    This is exactly the scent of the sum total of the Barrial pack, as they arrive in a flurry of hugs, smiles, and hellos. It’s very evocative. If you like the Dorian+Snake Oil scents, you’ll like this. It’s fantastic and made me smile so big and miss them a little less. I got a bottle and will enjoy it.
  25. Ina Garten Davita

    Family Resemblance

    Reading the notes, I would never have thought this would smell so fantastic, but having smelled Tombstone on Ted at DragonCon, I knew this would be a winner. A cowboy in a candy store! Purchased a bottle, because yeah, it’s that good. It also makes me want to experiment with layering my bottle of Tombstone with other Fatherhood favorites.