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Posts posted by Lycanthrope

  1. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Pine. Definitely pine. And an airy, nondescript whiff of grasses and ozone. Perhaps a touch of citrus.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Pine!!! Pine, and orange. Definitely pine and orange. It's ok so far, but neither of those notes are big winners with me, so I'm hoping it'll shift...

    Drying Down:

    I can detect peeks of herbs trying to bust through the orange pine aroma, but no go... The orange and pine has a stranglehold on everything it seems. Not too content. Hurry up and dissipate, orange!

    Over Time/Longterm:

    The orange has faded into... lemon?! It seems to be a citrus fruit shapeshifter. The pine is much reduced and there's a faint dried herb, rosemary and sage type thing going on. It fades back and forth between a pleasant citrus herb and the very tip of 'pine,' which to me smells none-too-pleasant.

    Final Verdict?

    Uh. Well, I won't be getting any of this if it is released. Pleasant enough but this is too straightforwards for my tastes. And now I know that pine and me, we don't get along.

  2. Very happy that I got to try this.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Cherrywood, a deep, fruity wood scent. A blend of other slightly astringent notes, some citrus, some tea-like. Roiling blend of scents.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Definitely a pungent vetiver, deep and dark woodsiness. The darkness is giving way for a sweeter, murky amber fragrance.

    Drying Down:

    Deep, dark amber with spicy notes behind it 'pushing' it forwards. This scent has presence. Peppery, this is amber with fang and bite. Can detect a faint dark floral above all of the rolling resins.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Deepens to a myrrh, still possessing some of that vetiver depth and the violet and cardamom pod powdery spiciness is becoming more and more apparent. The myrrh actually elevates a bit near the end, moving past being purely sticky resin and just imparting a unique warmth. Absolutely wonderful. Can't stop snorfing my wrist.

    Final Verdict?

    It's really a shame this is discontinued, because this would have been a 10 mL for me for sure. Any similar blends, guys and gals? With this wearing of Lex Talionis, I can say with confidence: vetiver likes me.

  3. Mood: Fresh, Decisive

    Element: Air, to me, although the notes are green.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Strong, light green herbal aroma. Not quite the same notes, because it's much sweeter, but similar kinds of herbs as fresh rosemary, peppermint or parsely. Bright herbs that snap.

    Wet, on Skin:

    It's sweetening on me quick quick, and the green is amping up somewhere I don't want it to go. The florals, whatever they are, seem to also be amping up to a scream. I think... light florals may include my bane, lily. Lily and I... we're like the Hatfields and McCoys of fragrance... we just keep fightin'.

    Drying Down:

    Sigh. Smells very sharp on me, and I don't like the effect. Plus, the lily is hanging around like an unwanted houseguest. Go away, lily! I think underneath this all I can detect a very beautiful LILY and LILY subtle blend LILY of herbs and LILY light mountain florals. And LILY.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    That generic soapiness I get from lily blends.

    Final Verdict?

    Sorry Leanan! Off ya go to someone whose chemistry works with ya.

  4. Arr! I'm evil! I'm a villain! Arrrr!... wait... that's pirate. Uh. Review, right.


    Mood: Uncaring

    Element: Air, but troubled.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Lavender! Definitely strong lavender. I also get a twist of lemon or grapefruit, actually. It's like a sweeter citrus aroma.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Oh. That was the musk playing with the lime to make it sweeter than I thought. Wow, lavender. Lavender's pretty prominent in men's blends, but usually it's so overblended and strangled with musk that it smells so different! This is unique. It's like the lavender is all innocent, but there's a sweet and sharp undercurrent.

    Drying Down:

    Uh oh. Powder. Where's that coming from? I now have a baby powder, lavender and citrussy cologne emanating from my wrist.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    The powder has settled, and it's mostly a subtle lavender with a kick.

    Final Verdict?

    Nice, but I don't see myself ordering more.

  5. Ok, if you haven't figured out from my wish list or from my handle, I've always had a connection with wolves. So, naturally I've gravitated towards the more lupine blends BPAL offers. So, after searching around a bit, I found some Wolf Moon to dab on my paws and offer my review.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Very green, foresty, but in that pine forest way. I can catch whiffs of birch and a rich loamy kick underneath it all, more menacing than present. A slight brush of sweetness, too, and this blend feels cool, not minty, but cool.

    Wet, on Skin:

    The pine and herbal greens rise up really fast and disperse into the air around me very quickly. I'm in a northern forest, and there's suddenly an aquatic tone to the fragrance, much like as others have described here melt from fallen snow. The dirt, loam aspect that I smelled before actually retreats here, so not too much earth in my opinion. Heads towards a sweeter, woodsy scent.

    Drying Down:

    Definitely has a similar aquatic, wet note as Kingsport, but it's not as salty. Definitely a freshwater body, like a lake, or lakeshore. But, this is a lakeshore at night, cool mists floating over the water and the scent of pine and sweet woods wafting around.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Settles into a slightly pine-y, sweet wood fragrance. Akin to sandalwood, but not warm at all. The aquatic lake/beach fragrance lingers, ozone and water, sweet musk. Very subtle at this point but still evocative.

    Final Verdict?

    Love this! I was concerned when I got Kingsport that that would be the only nice aquatic/beachy fragrance I would find, but Wolf Moon makes me happy. Hoo-hah~!

  6. My first official 'LE' bottle purchase...


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Roiling, tempestuous sea notes with the feeling and taste of salty air bursting in whitecaps.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Like Sea of Glass without the bright citrus notes - a definite aquatic floral, but still plenty of salt spray with a hint of damp sand. This feels foggy to me, like an ocean for certain but one on an overcast day with heavy clouds looming about.

    Drying Down:

    Goes a bit more floral on me... post-storm beaches.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    A kiss of salt-spray on my wrist, and very, very seashore to me at least.

    Final Verdict?

    Reminds me of walking up and down the beaches of North Carolina, Outer Banks, the smell of the ocean water mixing with dry dune plants and that aroma only vaporized salt can give to the air. I'm loving this. Master craftsmanship here. Too bad all I have is this one bottle!

  7. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Smells very tropical, spicy and warm. A melange of fruits, with the creamier banana and pineapple notes, sweet yellows, rising to the top.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Has a definite pink pepper kick to it, but that gives way real quick for bananas and just... a feeling of FRUIT. Yes, in caps - a nondescript mix of fruits with a whole bunch of notes vying for top billing.

    Drying Down:

    Has turned oddly sweet and a touch floral on me. The fruits are mostly sweet and grapey now.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Fades way too quick. Leaves little to no trace of its passing.

    Final Verdict?

    Reminds me a lot of sweetcakes.com's Midnight in Tunisia FO, definitely a jasmine and wine grape based fragrance, to a T during a phase of its drydown. The fragrance isn't me, so it's going to end up in swaps or as gift imps to local friends...

  8. I like to classify two visceral reactions to a fragrance - mood and element. Because Sea of Glass is just so... well balanced, it brought to mind one mood - placid, but I keep shifting between Water and Air, because on one hand it's extremely aquatic, with a strong streak of wet florals and seaweed and dune grass... but also the imagery of pure crystals of shining light suspended in midair.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Instantly smell a day by the ocean, the mix of bright citrus and sandy notes, the aroma of sea plants and crisp water. Also get a light whiff of sweet florals, but not too strong.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Citrus shifts immediately to grapefruit on my skin, which I dislike greatly. But, thankfully it starts to fade quickly. On me, I smell much more of the ocean water, with the salty breeze carrying over the water and seaweed draped on wave-pounded rocks. The sweet florals are thrumming in the background, getting more prominent...

    Drying Down:

    It's crystal now - crystal over a gently rolling sea. The fragrance, while shifting back and forth before, now solidifies into a single, unmoving scent, exactly shining, pure quartz and shimmering sea.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    The ocean scent pulls back and it's mostly just sweet white and yellow florals with a pleasant wet aquatic plant backdrop.

    Final Verdict?

    This is great - perfectly blended to reflect the concept.


    I have an imp of this, and another one on the way... this may be a 5 mL if I can spare it.

  9. Does anyone remember Bath and Body Works' Refreshing Garden Mint? I swear, this is exactly what Rosalind starts off smelling like to me.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Yes, green. But it's a minty, herbal green, so to me a faintly aquamarine color. I can't shake the association with BBW's long-discontinued Refreshing Garden Mint, which was a staple for me as a high schooler, so this brings to mind instantly being young (and naive). When I describe the mint in this blend I don't mean a real mint like peppermint or spearmint, but the BBW version. It wasn't a true mint but more of a feeling of mint and coolness.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Definitely still the fresh, false mint, basil and fresh green herbs and grasses, perhaps a touch of floral sweetness or sweetgrass. Detecting a very faint fruit base, not a bright or bubbly fruit like strawberry or cherry but a wild, hidden fruit nestled in a glade.

    Drying Down:

    After it settles, the initial minty herbal start fades and I'm left with a slightly odd wild berry fragrance that keeps increasing its depth over time. Started off with just a hint of berry, and it's as if more and more berry notes are coming to the top of the mix. Now it kind of smells like a green berry blend, like a Body Shop Dewberry.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Definitely sticks to a very lightly grassy berry scent.

    Final Verdict?

    I was expecting a meadow, and instead I ran from the base of a sparkling, refreshing stream, up a grassy hill, tumbled and spilled a handful of flowers and retreated into a cool, shadowy nook where all sorts of wild berries are growing. Evocative, and this is the first BPAL that's gone through so many 'places' on me.


    And Rosalind also gave me scent nostalgia from TWO of my old bath product companies. Amazing.

  10. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Strong, deep florals, definitely not holding back here. Tends towards more asiatic flowers, such as orchids and the slightly tangy, tart osmanthus (which makes an intriguing tea as well!). Slightly citrusy, but mostly just flowers.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Still with the potent florals, more orchids and jasmine, I suppose... it's amping up on my skin quite quickly, definitely a swirl of flower essences, all wrapped up by a snap of dry sandalwood.

    Drying Down:

    As tends to be the case when there's a wood note in a blend, as it dries down it rises up from the blend. Now I mostly smell osmanthus and sandalwood, which makes for a very interesting dry, sweet and woodsy aroma.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    My gosh, this is sweet! After about an hour or so, all of the sandalwood retreats under the onslaught of flower power. My nose must be playing tricks on me, because this is so sweet, I keep thinking 'caramel!' But there's no caramel in this... It fluctuates between citrus floral and that sensation you get when you have melted toffee caramels in your mouth. Weird.

    Final Verdict?

    Too sweet for me! Goodbye, Queen.

  11. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Faint cedar note with a bunch of light, delicate floral fragrances mingling about. Smells a bit astringent, must be the tea. Detect no sharp citruses.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Soft, delicate white musks and two light lavender flowers. Definitely a mix of lilac and wisteria, but the two florals are vying for centerstage. A touch of cedarwood is apparent here.

    Drying Down:

    The cedar that arrives at this point is slightly like a fresh-sharpened pencil, but is held back by the musks and florals, which are headed in the lilac direction. Getting more and more potent - I'm afraid this may be like my skin's lily amping effect. A base of green tea sweet tartness grounds the fragrance.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    About twenty minutes afterwards, cedar is all I notice, but gradually it becomes a true but very potent lilac green tea blend. If I sniff really closely, I can still tell that there's a hint of cedarwood. Not much wisteria... :D

    Final Verdict?

    Was looking forwards to a nice wisteria fragrance, but the lilac strangles it out, and in the end it becomes a chameleonic lilac/cedar blend. Unique, and worth a shot, especially if you like lilacs!


    ETA. Beth is a blending genius. Went off to distract myself after my reviews, and then caught a whiff of Cordelia from my wrist. The wisteria is there, all of a sudden, and bang! I'm back at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens under the gazebo, in June, watching the wisteria dangle down and smelling that mix of vine woods and blossoms dance in the air. Wow. Crazy. :P

  12. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Extremely sharp and cloyingly sweet banana, coconut and pineapple mix with a powerful plumeria topnote.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Mostly smells like a pina colada! Pineapple and coconut is here, the creaminess of the coconut is growing as it's just applied, lightly floral, but less so. Maybe a touch of waxy green leaf.

    Drying Down:

    Pineapple's retreating into the background, and the coconut emerges creamier, with mashed bananas. Like a sweet exotic dessert laced with tropical blossoms.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Creamy coconut, vanilla, a hint of banana. A tasty dessert.

    Final Verdict?

    Interesting experience. A bit too fruity for me, but a great light summer scent. Perhaps I'll keep the imp.

  13. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Citrus, floral notes, jasmine and tuberose florals. Maybe a hint of powdery amber.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Lemon, very potent jasmine and a white, light and airy rose.

    Drying Down:

    Takes a turn for aquatic with that accursed lily soapy note that gets amped on my skin, but also detecting more tuberose and wisteria. Very watery, very fresh. Soft amber base holds the florals down.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    A lightly peppery, light floral. I think I detect a hint of fennel? Mostly lily at this point.

    Final Verdict?

    Very floral, a series of white flowers and lily. I was expecting a much colder scent, maybe a minty herbal, but this is pleasant an inoffensive. Very feminine, soapy fragrance. A mood or room scent for me, if I want to bring in a breath of flowers to a gray day.

  14. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Lemony florals, mostly lily and lotus for me. Somewhat sharp, but mostly sweet.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Definitely sweet florals. Gardenia and lily, with a distinct lemon or citrus kiss.

    Drying Down:

    A little bit of myrrh or other resin rises in the background, but it's still a very watery, aquatic floral blend, soft and feminine.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    The myrrh is gone now, but there's some dry sandalwood essence lightly brushed onto the same lily and gardenia that was present when the oil first touched my skin.

    Final Verdict?

    Evocative, aquatic floral, relaxing. But not my thing... Lilies and gardenias, mostly, with maybe a tiny hint of dry Egyptian resins and herbs.

  15. This scent makes me feel EVIL when I put it on. Very odd, after the oil touches my skin I get this distinct feeling of... wanting to just be bad. Weird.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Wet amber with a touch of dark woods, a spicy, twisted and chaotic topnote.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Definitely a peppery vetiver on me, with an interesting green herbal kick, like lime, sage and thyme. Definitely sharper, pungent herbs as opposed to wet or fresh ones. Maybe a hint of mint.

    Drying Down:

    Still peppery, but has gone sweeter with musk. I get a very potent camphor/benzoin resin, medicinal whiff at this point.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    The camphorous aroma is gone, and Czernobog has transformed into a subtle, sweet amber and musk blend, akin to Titus Andronicus. I'm actually sort of missing the extra herbal/camphorous bite it had about an hour ago.

    Final Verdict?

    Makes me evil! Naughty! Will keep the imp, but it's not really something that goes with sweet (generally) innocent me. Dark, potent, but it turns rather unassuming and generic men's fragrance after an hour or so.

  16. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Spicy, definitely full of pepper. Grounded with dry woods and some muddy dirt scents. Not a damp scent at all.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Pepper rises to the forefront, can smell a touch of smoke, incense from a dark ritual. Patchouli and sandalwood combine for a shadowy, foreboding woodsy base.

    Drying Down:

    A blend of dirt, earth, pepper and patchouli. Very earthy and dark. A touch of lemon?

    Over Time/Longterm:

    Patchouli and peppercorns, layered with lemon tea.

    Final Verdict?

    Very interesting. Spicy, moody, dry and raspy. Getting caught in a spiderweb in the corner of a room where a dark ritual is taking place, the scent of fear and incense smoke wafting about with a calculated dryness.

  17. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Rose, rose, rose. With maybe a hint of dark musk.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Comes across as a wet, damp rose, with a menacing undercurrent of something cloying or creepy. Must be the blend of musks and ambers in addition to the rose.

    Drying Down:

    The wet rose is screaming on me... but it has this odd creamy wood scent, perhaps a touch of sandalwood?

    Over Time/Longterm:

    An odd rose that doesn't sit well with me. Too potent.

    Final Verdict?


  18. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Definitely sweet musk and amber. Has a bit of bite to it.

    Wet, on Skin:

    The musk is combined with the amber, on my skin neroli comes to the forefront and there's a resonant floral tone. Maybe a little bit of sandalwood and other resins are pushing to the forefront.

    Drying Down:

    Doesn't change much, although the wood notes are more apparent as the fragrance oil sits on the skin.

    Over Time/Longterm:

    A very masculine, sweet amber and wood, men's fragrance, with a dusky woods base. Smells just like Fragonard's Men's Eau de Toilette in 'Sandalwood.'

    Final Verdict?

    Just like a French perfume for guys! Not bad, but I'm not the type of guy who can pull off these ubermasculine fragrances. Good to keep an imp for a night when I feel a little predatory.

  19. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Sweet, slightly fermented milk/yogurt aroma with a definite ginger kick.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Smells very akin to The Thymes' Ginger Milk products. Definitely little sweetness or creaminess here, it's all a sharp ginger right now. A touch of pepper, perhaps?

    Drying Down:

    The ginger is transforming and melding with the spices and the milk, and right now I'm getting nice little whiffs of a comforting cup of chai tea. Very nice.

    Over Time:

    1 Hour: The scent has almost faded out. I think my skin ate the ginger. It's all a sort of peppery condensed milk on me, which is actually grossing me out some.

    Beyond: Whoop? Where did it go? I just get a faint generic 'perfume oil was here' scent when I try to figure out where Segara skipped out to.

    Final Verdict?

    I wish it were stronger. Keeping the imp for those moments when I need a little spicy pick-me-up. Too milky without being creamy (just like my slight visceral reaction to condensed milk, which is too sweet and essence of milk without balance) for my tastes, particularly when it goes into the Borden Zone. It is starkly yet simply beautiful, but my chemistry sadly wallops it into oblivion.

  20. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Smells very cedar to me. Definitely potently so. I kinda smell hamster cage. :P

    Wet, on Skin:

    Definitely astringent, sharp and dry cedarwood. Perhaps some other dry dusty woods like sandalwood and maybe a hint of vetiver, grassy but mostly just a giant screamin' cedar note.

    Drying Down:

    Maybe some amber, sweeter resins. Cedar's still there but it's diminished somewhat. A very powdery, saffron-yellow aroma.

    Over Time:


    1 hour: Sweet saffron with a hint of cedar.


    Beyond: Just a faint lingering skin-sweetness, a memory of cedar's bite.


    Final Verdict?

    Not bad, but it's too much at first and fades away quite quickly. May be good for a homescent, or perhaps an 'intent' oil, but not really a good fragrance on me.

  21. In the Bottle or Imp:

    A strong, somewhat musky amber that has a streak of almonds and cherries. Something about La Petite Mort also makes me catch my breath, as if there's something lurking beneath a simple surface.


    Wet, on Skin:

    Almonds and a powdery sweet fruit scent rise up to do battle with my nostrils. But, underneath this crazy strong, almost piercing throng of stuff-I-do-not-like I can detect a deep base of myrrh and resins.


    Drying Down:

    The blatant almond/cherry note has receded and is replaced by an amber, honeylike sweetness erring towards powder and a slinky, indescribably attractive scent. Wow, does this smell nice.


    Over Time:

    Has seemed to settle into something akin to the drydown. I mostly smell myrrh, the honey-sweet powder plus a little kick of something appealing and fruity.


    Final Verdict?

    Wow, this kinda... does smell like what I'd imagine a proper, uh... petite mort... would have as a fragrance. I like it a lot, but I don't think it could be regular wear on me as it's too sweet and suggestive for a guy. But, I'll hold onto the imp and if I use it up, it may need to be replaced for those special situations :P

  22. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Definitely brings to mind the holiday season for me. I smell a dark, tart red berry, but I wouldn't have immediately thought cranberry. It's mixed with a green sprig of pine or holly.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Similar to in the bottle, but on me the berry recedes into the background and it's mostly holly, with some floral sweetness starting to peek through. Close up, it's more green, but from a bit of a distance, I detect more of the fruit. It still feels like a holiday scent.

    Drying Down:

    The pine transforms into something a bit more powdery/woody on me, like sandalwood, while the fruit note sweetens but pulls back, so it's not horrendously amped. There's this very subtle smoky incense vibe thrumming underneath the lighter notes.

    Over Time:

    I smell cedar! The brighter notes have sort of melded into a unique plant aroma and play and dance behind the base wood, which may be cedar, but keeps playing tricks on me.

    Final Verdict?

    What a unique experience! Keeping the imp.

  23. In the Bottle or Imp:

    Whoa. Smells just like one of my favorite incense fragrances of all time, AIRS Dragon Cloud. Has a very swirly, fruity-floral topnote that seems to be composed of lots of exotic white flowers, with a very strong berry-fruit aroma underneath.

    Wet, on Skin:

    More Dragon Cloud, but it's fading, the florals getting forcefully shoved out of the way by the powerful red berry and sweet apricot. There's a hint of herbal, but mostly just sweet at this point.

    Drying Down:

    ...unbearably so. My gosh, I'm starting to smell like a giant strawberry.

    Over Time:

    ...sigh. It went simple and too sweet on me. I liked the start.

    Final Verdict?

    Swap pile.


    ETA. Whoever said this smells like Cereology... yeah, it does... freaky! I may have to keep it (and let it settle on me for... 1 h :P) after all...

  24. Starts off very lightly resinous to me, definitely frankincense, but sweeps towards that rather strong and potent rose geranium within moments of touching my skin. However, an undercurrent of dry woods manages to rein in the mad rose geranium before it can achieve that shrillness I associate with the pure essential oil, and the blend settles down into a complicated woodsy floral, with the geranium perfectly suspended between the other notes.


    Frankly, sweet, soft, and beautiful, but not something I can wear. Glad I had a chance to try it though.


    ETA: To follow my format. Old review above.


    In the Bottle or Imp:

    Smells sweet, very resinous. Frankincense... With an airy floral topnote. I see white flowers growing in a monastery.

    Wet, on Skin:

    Um... rose geranium... very blatantly so. It takes over everything and pummels me with its sharp, potent and distinct topnote.

    Drying Down:

    As the blend dries, the rose geranium steps back and I can smell resins, and warm woods, akin to church pews, a sweeter rose scent draws to the forefront and I'm happy.

    Over Time:

    Uh oh. Lily... is starting to creep up on me. Very sweet, too many associations with generic drugstore shower gel to be pleasant. The bone church is getting a scrubdown. Hours later, the only thing I can smell on my wrist is lily gone amuck, and I'm not too pleased.

    Final Verdict?

    Sad that this didn't work out for me. Will give it another shot before putting it in the swap box.

  25. This is my first BPAL oil review, ever. These little buggers are STRONG. Pried open an imp and put a little on my wrist.


    In the Bottle:

    Sharp, sweet, minty musk. Maybe a hint of balsamic florals. Perhaps a touch of soapiness, but overall... sharp, potent, biting.


    Wet, on Skin:

    The musk sings - it's a very aquatic, wet, cold musk that, accompanied by sharp lavender, makes for a very vicious feeling aroma. I'm liking how the herbiness of the blend rises up, makes a bit of a preface to the cold, chilly pull of the white musk.


    Drying Down:

    As it dries, the floral aspect makes way for the very solid, resonating musk. It appears to sweeten over time. I'm finding it's losing the complexity I liked from before.


    Over Time:

    I am a guy, but I think this scent is too manly for me, in that it evolves and settles into a very green and watery musk that is way too potent for me to get away with.


    Final Verdict?

    Not bad, definitely very masculine, if you're a musk-wearin', predatory kind of guy, which I'm not.
