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Posts posted by doublehelix

  1. On 7/29/2022 at 11:45 PM, twilighteyes said:

    It's basically just me spamming people in messenger with swap links for the forum.  😂

    Would you mind adding me to your poke list, pretty please! 


    I'm getting excited for halloweenie time. I'd be happy to co-host if anyone is interested, or if someone's already scheming one then count me in :). I feel it generally comes up mid-end August? Otherwise I'd happily cohost a Book soap sock swap if there's interest! 

  2. This is as good a time as any to note that I will be pretty much entirely AFK (as in, I will not even have wi-fi and questionable reception for a stretch) the tail end of July through the second week of August. So if anyone does have any end of summer/wishing for autumn swaps that they want to get started, you basically have a week, otherwise they will possibly not be approved for a very long stretch.


    Ooh, wishing for autumn! I would co-host if someone else was interested :). I came here originally to plot about a book, sock & soap swap, but perhaps an autumn themed one sounds even more fun!


    Wondering if anyone was planning on running a February/self love themed swap? I had thoughts about doing a self love featuring a handmade gift (handmade with love), if anyone is interested in co-hosting!


    This sounds really cool. What were you thinking for the parameters, aside from an awesome handmade object? I'd be interested in cohosting/participating, if no one has jumped on this yet.


    Would anyone be interested in a traveling washi tape box? I've got tons of rolls I purchased when I thought I would be using them on elaborate no-white-space spreads in Erin Condren planners, but it turns out I'm a pretty utilitarian bullet journal person who only uses an inch or so to mark the start of each new month. I only need *maybe* a foot or two of most of these, and I don't need *any* of a lot of others. My concept would be that you could take however much you wanted: Maybe a foot or two (business cards and embroidery floss bobbins cards are great ways to store small amounts of washi), maybe a roll or two, and then you would add however much you felt appropriate. I currently have about a dozen standard-width (3/8 of an inch? I'm not sure of the size) and a *bunch* of ultra-skinny rolls (and lots of the ultra-skinny ones are glittery) that are just sitting here being useless to me.


    Are you only interested in washi for your planner, or would you also be open to other planner supplies?


    I've got a bunch of washi; but also post-its, paper clips, memory cards, and a bunch of stickers for planning-- and possibly a couple of the small stamps for making bullet points. I was just thinking that a planner supply swap might be awesome at the beginning of the year, but a traveling planner supply box would probably be even greater.


    That said, I would definitely be interested in a straight-up traveling washi tape box, too.


    The traveling craft supply( or one-to-one) swap idea sounds great, as well.

    I was imagining something similar to the previous self love swaps, with maybe 3-4 required items. I’d have to think a bit on the wording, but, for example

    Something to indulge in (snack)

    Something to drink

    Something to soothe (bath, oils, etc)

    Something handmade just for you!


    Is a Halloween book swap one where you exchange spooky/scary books? Because I'd definitely be game for that (doing and/or helping to organize).

    Yes! I participated in the one two years ago I think? There was a broad halloween theme :)

    I am also a sucker for spooky reads so it would be fun to do such a swap. There are also a lot of people who don't like spooky books, though, so we could do the match questionnaire accordingly :)

    Yes! I love the book swaps. I can't remember if the Halloween one was also a book, soap & sock swap. I'd be interested in cohostinf one of those with someone again :)

  5. The Eight Days of Lunar New Year and the Treat Yoself Valentine's Day both sound AWESOME!





    I've got two swaps (maybe three) going on in other places for Christmas, plus actual Christmas stuff, so I'm passing on any more swaps between now and the end of the year, but I really, *really* want to do one around in the Jan/Feb timeframe. I was thinking Eight Days of Lunar New Year (since that's on February 8th) or something like Treat Yoself Valentine's Day swap (all indulgences for *you*, so it could be a spa in a box, tea time, a movie and snacks, etc.). I really like the X Days of Y, but before Christmas isn't going to work for me. I loved the 8 WIld and Wacky Days (where each day had a theme, like National Nut Day) exchange that was post-Christmas a couple of years ago specifically because of the timing!

    Agreed! Both these swaps sound awesome. I loved the previous valentines swaps we have done the past few years, all around treating yourself on Valentine's!


    :D Neat!! I'll get something written up over the next month or so and maybe start it the last week of October so people have enough time to make stuff before mailing first week in December.


    Would definitely love to do this. I'm going swap-mad this season ;)

    :lol: I feel that way every fall! Autumn is always the buisest for swaps around here, then by the time those swaps are finished up, the christmas/holiday ones open...then we celebrate Christmas, then it's time for Valentine's... Then it's a break much of the year!


    I would love to see a book soap sock swap for Autumn or Winter, I missed out the first time. Maybe we could add tea or coffee to it as well?

    I would get behind this as a low-budget alternative to 13 nights and switch witch. Money is tight right now but I miss my Halloween swaps.

    ...I would also love to do another BSSS, autumn themed! :lol:. Too many swaps! Keeping me busy

  8. Wet, this is pure chocolate, the same note that's in Desire. The comparisons to boomslang, I definitely get! Drying, the amber and musk meddle with th chocolate, and it softens up. It's definitely light as it dries.

  9. Wet, this is pure, delicious Belgian chocolate. On the drydown, it's so beautiful, I get notes of Apple, musk, and a bit of patch. This is a grown up, evening chocolate scent. Dry it's still quite similiar, the Apple note is one of the strongest notes I smell, and it's still lovely.
