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Posts posted by reconditarmonia

  1. I think someone already did a pirate set, but here's a more complete set (like other sets I make, all GC and impable):


    Anne Bonny

    Mary Read

    Calico Jack



    Port Royal

    Ile de la Tortue

    Windward Passage

    Black Pearl (if you insist)




    Tavern of Hell






    Santo Domingo

    Windward Passage

  2. What (GC/impable) scents would you recommend for summer that aren't fruity?


    I might end up trying Kumiho/Embalming Fluid/Shanghai anyway, but I'd rather avoid aquatics and fruit.


    For reference, King of Hearts is rose/lavender on me and feels very fresh, the sort of thing I would use when it's hot out, though I got it this past winter and don't know how well it will stand up to the heat. I'm also thinking Moon Rose and Psyche/Ode on Melancholy?

  3. This is partly for my own reference, but here are all the GC/impable scents that contain a tea note. (Plus a few that don't have one listed but smell like it.)





    Eros (says crimson tea, which is the same thing as black tea)


    Nostrum Remedium

    Plunder (doesn't say black in description but reviews seem to agree)

    The Great Sword of War

    White Rabbit



    Baobhan Sith





    The Harlot's House






    Embalming Fluid

    Herbert West (no tea note in description, but a lot of reviewers pick it up)



    The Apothecary (doesn't say green in description but reviews seem to agree)


    Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat



    Against Idleness and Mischief (some reviewers describe it as like herbal tea, has chamomile)

    Bengal (chai, though no actual tea note)

    Bread-and-Butterfly ("weak tea" is a note; not enough reviews to tell, but I would guess it would be black tea)

    Kubla Khan (not specified, probably black, but reviews say it doesn't show up)

    Libertine (chamomile and bergamot)

    Dian's Bud (nothing in description, some reviewers get various tea notes)

    Silk Road (description is vague, some reviewers get tea, herbal tea or chai)

    Sudha Segara (chai)

    The Dormouse (multiple)

    The Lion (chai)

    Utrennyaya (some reviewers get mint tea)

    Veritas (has chamomile, not enough reviews yet to know how prominent or herbal-tea-like it is)



    (I have a friend with whom I bond over a love of tea, and I have considered enabling her. I'll probably pick six of these and send them in a box with a teacup and some tea.)

  4. I love the Physics pack idea!


    Also would like to add The Harlot's House and Salome to LadyWilde's suggestion for an Oscar Wilde pack...

    (and Lyonesse has a Tennyson quote, for the Victorian pack; also Aperotos Eros is by Swinburne)


    The Charles Baudelaire set should also have Incubus, Danse Macabre (same poem as Dance of Death, but two different scents), The Temptation, and L'Examen de Minuit.


    I don't think anyone mentioned Romantic poets yet!

    Incantation - Byron

    Ode on Melancholy - Keats

    Kubla Khan - Coleridge

    Ozymandias - Shelley

    Endymion - Keats

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci - Keats

    Phantom - Coleridge

    Darkness - Byron

    Yew-Trees - Wordsworth


    I'm probably missing some here - I caught Endymion and La Belle Dame Sans Merci by chance, since they didn't have quotes, and there may be others that are the titles of Romantic poems but that don't have quotes in the descriptions.


    But wouldn't it be fun to make a six-imp pack with one from each of the major Romantic poets! Except Blake, but I don't like him and might just throw in an extra Keats. ;)


    (Both this and the Baudelaire set could have Laudanum or Opium Poppy!)




    The Raven


    Deep in Earth

    El Dorado

    The Forest Reverie


    (yes, I know there's a discontinued Poe collection - this is just GC)



    Biblical women

    Queen of Sheba






    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    maybe Lilith, Lilium inter Spinas, Ave Maria Gratia Plena?



    These are also all GC and impable. I know there are more in LE/Salon that fit - the Lupercalia Love Poems series definitely has some Wilde and Blake, at the very least, and the Salon has some Biblical women and a Blake painting - but it's harder to make a pack scrounging up decants...



    I shouldn't have joined this thread...I love categorizing! There goes my time!

  5. Oh dear. I don't know if it's the cypress, the oakmoss or the oude (I liked the frankincense in Eclipse so I don't think it's just that, but maybe the combination of it with the other notes) but something here does not like me at all. Too sharp and green-brown for me.


    (I don't know whether it leaked or whether the smell is just that strong, but the box I keep my imps in smells of it.)

  6. <b>In imp:</b> Mostly cherry with a little musk.


    <b>Wet on skin:</b> Still cherry.


    As it dries:</b> Powdery lavender (maybe that's the white musk?), and a slightly sharp, perfumy rose starts coming out. Lavender fades to an edge and then nothing. Hint of cherry and/or musk (hard to tell, it's so little).


    <b>Dry: </b> The rose mellows out, and the lavender's back. A teensy bit soapy, but wonderful soap.


    Edit, March: Wearing it again (on my period), and I'm a bit confused because it smells the same but different, if that makes sense...the scent's the same to my nose, but I'm thinking "Why did I get lavender? That's cherry!"


    Edit: Yeah, it's a cherry-lavender. I like it, but Lurid is similar (blackcurrant/lavender/musk) and I prefer it greatly.


    Edit, again: Mostly musk, now.

  7. (First review! I hope I don't fail about notes.)


    In bottle: Carnations!


    Wet on skin: More carnations, and a slight sour/metallic note. Somewhat amber-y.


    As it dries: The sour/metallic smell goes away, and I start to get vanilla.


    Dry: Vanilla, amber, and carnation.
