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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by backthatelfup

  1. Almost added flax seeds.

  2. Almost done with this thing. Could finish it tomorrow. Then, show it to Spouse, more edits.

  3. Almost done. This next Epic Level Artistry with @hishgraphics is really awesome. Seriously. Y'all are in for a treat.

  4. Already making plans for SB's 6th birthday party. So many good ideas. Must pare down.

  5. Also hate 'The Litter Mermaid' because it's racist against octopi.

  6. Also I'm getting a cake stand.

  7. Also they costumed Roomba like some kind of hipster cowboy for a few episodes and I could not get over it.

  8. Also today at the park, I wrote a synopsis for a second comic. More Shamsee stuff.

  9. Also, 30 days till Spouse gets out of his work contract! :D And we can get out of here!

  10. Also, a calender month till Spouse starts out-processing, homies! *fires guns into air*

  11. Also, a shindig is happening at my house later. :/ Not in the mooooooooood but can't really...duck...out.

  12. Also, bloggers: any reason to NOT use wordpress themes? Any?

  13. Also, Copper is coming back, hey now! June 23rd? CORKY!!

  14. Also, cut and divvied up the marshmallows for both classes. Regular, Mint and some for a friend :D

  15. Also, everyone should have known some shit was going to go down. They gave RICKON lines. #RedWedding

  16. Also, glad people not having the right to marry those they loved was seen as unconstitutional. Yay!

  17. Also, going to get pho, homies. YES.

  18. Also, guess who's going to try the Caduceus wines? Today? ME.

  19. Also, I don't like pandas. I think I'll watch a live action kung fu movie soon.

  20. Also, I hate snow. THERE< I SAID IT.

  21. Also, I need to write a hymn for the book. More songs in my fantasy series, aww yeah.

  22. Also, I really like the way Fate set up their KS. Love the Reveal points. Dig the tiers.

  23. Also, I think my sense of smell has leveled or something since I got back to Portland.

  24. Also, if you're introverted, don't go to the mall while you're PMSing. You'll want to kill yourself afterwards.
