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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by backthatelfup

  1. Well. I'm awake. It's time for tea and editing.

  2. Well. Time to get better.

  3. Welp, my hair is officially long enough to pull back. Weird.

  4. Went out for coffee, about to play some Dominion with friends, aww yeah.

  5. Went out to a thing. Tired.

  6. Went out to Pho Hung for lunch with Spouse and SB, got bubble tea, went to Oaks Bottom with Jimbob and Bricearoni. Making supper, then GAMES

  7. Went out today with fam, since it was nice out, got compra done, ran into another parent from SB's school and talked about RACISM.

  8. Went to a thing, Christmas light extravaganza down town with music and cocoa and what not.

  9. What about my spouse remotely accessing my computer makes me giggle? Heehee!

  10. What Kevin Kelly learned about technology when he homeschooled his son - Boing Boing http://t.co/upVi5pY via @boingboing

  11. What, I can get 6 deoderants for $30?! Finally, Zoidberg is a savy consumer! I'LL TAKE 8! #whatjusthappened #mishapsonamazon

  12. Whatever, bag of pork rinds. Everybody dies.

  13. Whatevers. PURPLE WHATEVERS. We'll do it on the 22nd.

  14. When I get to Portland I am going to try and make pasteles. Before you ask, this is a pastel in Puerto Rico: http://t.co/pIGtYzUT YUM!

  15. When I say best, I mean funniest. And there were lots of laughs. Tom, such a charming doofus.

  16. Where can I get net grocery bags? American made?

  17. Which...if he's in school, he should probably be studying, he's not doing too hot.

  18. Who are the patron deities, saints and figures in your amorous traditions and holidays? #SpecFicVDay

  19. Who do I pray to/light candles to/kill small hamsters to in order to get a house that I really want?

  20. Who else likes RP? Anyone? Eh? High fives?

  21. Who invented chocolate covered potato chips? Oi.

  22. Who is going to RCCC? Considering going. Would be first ever Comic-con for me, not first convention.

  23. Who likes their MIL? Show of hands?

  24. Whoa, so tired I can't type straight.
