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Posts posted by Lorelai1945

  1. Oh I am so glad I got a bottle of this! My first impression was "soft". I did put it on warm out of the mailbox, but even as the temperature normalized, it is still very light and feminine. I get a little of the rose, a little of the vanilla in the background, and some of the white musk. When it was still wet I could smell a bit of almost tropical floral (the frangipani?) and more of the vanilla. I will keep testing once I've had the bottle sitting around for a while, but I am pretty sure this is made of win and will also probably get even better with aging.


    ETA: The longer I have this on, the more the vanilla comes out. This just keeps getting better and better- I can't stop smelling my arm!!

  2. So...I ordered a bottle of Joyful Moon on the 28th, and I just checked my CCNow and it says that my bottle was shipped on the 30th...which I know to mean it was harvested and not actually shipped. But.....if it's harvested, it should be shipped relatively quickly, right? I'm just kind of in shock that it was harvested sooooo quickly. Also super stoked! I guess my question is- how long has it been taking between harvesting and getting a CnS?

  3. In the imp and when first applied I get a rush of cherry cough syrup- very medicinal cherry. It quickly mellows out, and the mahogany pushes through. It ends up a soft cherry wood scent, and the longer it is dry the more I can get sweetness from the currant. I usually can't wear wood scents, but this one is much softer than any I've tried. The wood is more like pencil shavings...yet not in a bad way. I got this as a frimp and had no expectations, but I actually really like it and I think I'll wear it. it doesn't seem to have much throw or lasting power, but it's nice.

  4. I would’ve never imagined liking this on me so much! I got it as a frimp, and when I smelled it in the imp it was very green and almost medicinal- I didn’t smell any honey, and I set it aside. I skin-tested it on a whim this morning and WOW does it love my skin chemistry. I historically have had problems wearing honey (a la O), but this is amazing. When it’s first on I do get more of the green, medicine smell which quickly morphs to a Sweetarts smell. As soon as it’s dry, however, it smells like the softest sweet floral honey- slightly powdery but not dry or in a bad way. It has nice throw and decent lasting power. It may end up being bottle-worthy. Yay for frimps!

  5. Tiki Princess reminds me so much of my beloved imp of Snow White '07 (which is my favorite of the SW vintages). The main difference is the extra hit of coconut you get when it's wet- it's soft, though, and doesn't turn sour or strange on me. The tropical flowers in the background make this really feminine and pretty. It's like soft, snowy, coconutty flowers. It has lasting power and decent throw.

  6. In the imp, this smells a lot like Love's Philosophy- very creamy with vanilla and some spices, but there's also a hint of...maybe something medicinal?


    When it's wet, the medicine smell is gone, and I get spicy, creamy root beer. Good root beer, though- not the kind you can buy in a 2-liter. It's like root beer deconstructed- I smell the cream and the spice and even a fizziness, almost. But it's not crazy sweet, and that's not a bad thing here.


    When it dries, I continue to smell some spice and cream, and it almost feels clean- not soapy, but just clean and creamy. Like aloe kind of.


    This is nice. If I could, I would probably buy a bottle. However, knowing what they go for on Ebay, I'll be content with my imp.

  7. #71:


    In the bottle, this rocks!! It smells like Cake Smashy, Beaver-versary cakey yummy goodness. It starts out that way when wet on the skin, too. The first time I put it on, it dried down to buttery popcorn awfulness. I rolled the bottle before a second application, and I get less of the butter and more of a slightly caramelly sweetness. Kind of like Sugar Moon but not as mapley- also not as strong. There's almost a hint of something minty way back in there. Very complicated, and I can't really pick out any notes. First time I tried it, I didn't like it. Now I could go either way. Oh wait, there's the butter again. Not a huge fan.





    In the bottle, it smells vaguely of men's cologne- but the GOOD kind. It's very faint and subtle, and you can tell there's a vanilla sweetness. When wet, it's almost like foodie meets cologne meets aquatic. Yet, it kind of works. There's a hint of what is kind of like salted caramel, but something else slightly minty playing around in there. No idea what it is. Not bad. Also not sure it's something I'd actually wear.




    One of these goes to DeltaCat, so we'll have to duke it out. I'm not in love with either of them, but 24 works much better with my skin chemistry.

  8. To begin, I am completely perplexed by this one.


    In the bottle it's very medicinal. Like watered down tea tree oil.


    When I first apply it, it smells like waxy minty lip balm- anybody ever accidently eat some lip balm or lipstick? That same waxniess? That's the smell I'm getting. Slightly minty, mostly waxy.


    When it dries down, it just smells dusty to me. It's faint and powdery- kind of. This scent is remarkably...unremarkable. It's not ghastly but it's not great either. I get no vanilla, no spice, and not really much in the way of muskiness or sugar. It's not really sweet. Just...dusty.


    Pretty sure I'll be selling this one. I'll give it some time and see what it does.



    ETA: Other people have made a "dentist's office" comment. YES! Ever get impressions made of your teeth? That goopy stuff that they put in molds that you have to let dry in your mouth? That smells A LOT like Gypsy.

  9. I ordered the same day and am still waiting as well. :hug: Something must be backordered even thought it was never announced...


    I just saw an announcement by the lab saying that Gypsy Moth and Yewberry Honey are on backorder. Did either of you have those is your order? That might explain the lack of CnS. :hug: Here's hoping they come off backorder soon!


    Yep. Two bottles of Gypsy are in my order. I wonder if the backorder pertains to orders placed after the 17th, or if it counts for orders from before that since Brian said they're packed and ready to ship. Hmm...

  10. This is fantastic! Great for summer- it's nice and soft and stays relatively close to the skin. To me, it can be compared a lot to Dorian and Lilith Victoria. I definitely get the same tea from Dorian, and the lavender/subtle florals are very LV-esque. TKO has a much stronger lavender with more throw, while this one is softer and mingles more with the other notes. I'm not really getting leather- if it's there it's playing nicely. It is sweet without being super sweet. It's not mysterious or deadly to me at all- it's soft and subtlely sweet and feminine. Maybe that's the mystery. I will be wearing this a lot on hot summer evenings.


    ETA: The longer this dries on me, the more it's reminding me of the original Black Lace once it dried down.

  11. This is very sweet with lots of throw on me. The peach comes to the forefront, but it's tamed slightly by something else- maybe the woods or the musk. It smells like a young teenage girl to me, probably because it smells like either BBW Plumeria or Pearberry- or maybe both. Too much like something I sprayed on after gym class in 7th grade for me to want to wear it.

  12. This is really pretty. On me it's mostly a soft rose- pretty much single note. It smells like a young Victorian English lady's rosewater. Rose can amp on me and get nasty, but this is not cloying or overly strong. It's a lot like wearing Smith's Rosebud Salve. It definitely feels old-fashioned, and I think I'd need the right clothes and occasion to wear it.

  13. Anyone ever eat those round Starkist gummy candies- the ones with sugar all over the outside? This smells exactly like the lime ones. It's very fizzy smelling, and has a lot of throw. Interesting, but not my thing to wear. So limey and fizzy it kind of gives me a headache.

  14. Damn. I almost hoped to not like this one because I fear it's going to be difficult to track down. It starts out very cherry and boozy, but quickly calms to a creamy musk with a hint of cherry in the background. It is very light once dry and doesn't have much throw. It's just creamy and smooth and musky and soft and feminine..and I want a bottle nao! This would be great for spring or summer.

  15. Soft, slightly tangy, slightly sugary lemonade in an imp. Not too much throw, and not so much lemon as to think scary cleaning products. Not sure that it's for me, but I'm not at all put off by it. The longer it dries the more I like it- less lemon and more sugar. It doesn't seem to have much lasting power, though.

  16. Another vote for Fairy Market here. It's amazing- soft florals, incense, candy sweetness, and green grass. It all mixes and morphs and smells light and...magical. Very fairy-like.


    ETA: The East is beautiful, too. Very blue, flower-covered field.

  17. In the imp this smells very much like the lab's "cake" note- very dry cake. Slightly medicine-y. I get a shot of lemon when it's really wet with the strong cake and some latex-yness. It prettty much stays that way until it is very dry. Once dry I get some tea coming through. I am not sure I'll ever be able to wear this with such a strong wet stage, but I'm glad I tried it.

  18. Hmmmm...In the imp, this really reminds me of another Bpal, but I can't think of which one. When it's wet, I smell a kind of...a medicinal, alcoholly smell. That gets better as it dries down, and I'm left with something barely floral and what I think is the amber. Ooh! OH! I know what is reminds me of! Fresh tombstone- the woody smell. Must be the sandalwood. It comes out and kind of separates itself from the crowd. It gets faint very quickly, and I don't get nearly as much vanilla as I was hoping for. I neither love nor hate it, but I've learned my lesson and will keep it around for a while and retest.


    So...I set it aside for a week or so, and I tried it again this evening. It's a bit sweeter and creamier, and the dry woodsiness is less present. It's still very faint, but it's better...I'll keep testing.
