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Everything posted by theseagrows

  1. theseagrows

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    let me start off by saying that i am not a big patchouli or fruit fan, but i often love red musk, so i thought i might be able to rock this scent. mme. moriarty is kind of a spicy-musky-earthy scent. in the imp it smells nearly medicinal to me. at first it's REALLY strong and the plum and patchouli are the prominent notes. the red musk comes out more as it's fading, but the patchouli and plum are far too prominent for my tastes. also the musk is more animalistic musky than skin-musky. i don't note any similarities between this and snake charmer or smut as others have said. i love those 2 scents, but this one is just not me, and i'll probably swap my decant. i was hoping i would love this, so i could buy a bottle too, and get a tarot card, but i guess i won't now. damn you, patchouli.
  2. theseagrows

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    first off, i see an initial dorian similarity, but that fades away. on me, this is much more perfumey than dorian. a bit masculine, but more unisex. i think my skin is mostly exuding the white musk, vanilla and earl grey. i LOVE earl grey and have been trying to find a scent that exactly duplicates it. theodosius does not, but the tea-ish element is definitely there. i am also getting a slight pencil-shaving scent in the background that i usually get from frankincense. i have no idea what's doing it in here. this scent gives off the same feeling as one of my favorite commercial scents- versace dreamer. a men's scent, but very perfumy and more unisex to me. both are very crisp and a little bit sweet and warm at the same time. overall, i like this very much, and i think i'll keep my imp and buy a bottle of this when i get the chance.
  3. theseagrows

    Oscar by Oscar De La Renta

    i just searched for oscar de la renta and found this description- This classic takes an entire garden full of summer blossoms and tempers them with a complex blend of rare spices, including clove, myrrh, and coriander. my grandmother used to wear that scent, so i am very familiar with it. i recently tried terpsichore, and it reminded me of it a lot. the notes for terpsichore are different though- right, joyful and expressive, her scent is kinetically charged, graceful, and an inspiration to all dancers: vanilla and carnation with neroli, iris, stephanotis, sweet pea, apple blossom and palmarosa. maybe it's worth a try?
  4. theseagrows

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    snake oil did that to me too, and other bpal scents containing vanilla, so i think that could be it? i can only do bpal vanilla when not very prominent and that makes me very sad. ive heard amber does it to some people, but bpal's amber works really good on me, like it does on you, so maybe vanilla doesn't work on you either.
  5. theseagrows

    Red Currant, Black Currant & Cassis scents

    well, i've only tried bordello and lurid from that list, but lurid reminded me of cassis, now that you mention it. cassis + ozone, if i remember correctly. i love cassis candy-they sell some in tins at cost plus that i get sometimes. soooo good. in fact i think they sell a few different cassis candies at cost plus. it's been awhile since i've been there though...
  6. theseagrows

    LuLu Guiness Cast A Spell - Anything Similar?

    if i remember correctly, it kind of smells like a cross between lolita lempicka and angel? i hope i am thinking of the right one. anyway, xiuhtecehtli reminds me quite a lot of both of those, especially angel. maybe that's just my skin chemistry though...
  7. theseagrows

    When you need something comforting or cheering

    i find dana o'shee, dorian and sudha segara very comforting.
  8. theseagrows


    at first the lavender and sandalwood are strongest, with a bit of nag champa in the background. the scent calms down and it's a soft, smoky, incensy, lavender.
  9. theseagrows


    at first all i can really smell is a very strong wine scent with the honey in the background. then a herbal scent comes through, which i assume is the flowers? i don't get any sweet flowers though. basically smells like old herbal wine on me. not really something i look for in a perfume. wine is hit or miss on me, and it's a miss this time.
  10. theseagrows

    Fenris Wolf

    hm, this reminds me a lot of sin, and i guess they have some of the same notes but sin is spicier. smells like a warm spicy somewhat woody musky scent with amber. i like it ok, but don't love it.
  11. theseagrows

    Block Buster

    hm, i dont sense the cinnamon/spiciness at all. probably because i am overwhelmed by the sweet fruity-floralness, which is my least favorite scent combo. i think i am smelling pear maybe, or apple with some herbalness to it. once it dries it smells a lot better, but it's still not very 'me'. beyond the scent, i have yet to notice if it works yet! but i hope so, because i really really need some new opportunities right now!
  12. theseagrows

    Perfume to match songs?

    like the original poster, i'd go crazy for some cure/siouxsie scents. i'd like to add "dressing up" from the top. i love that song, and think it'd make a lovely scent inspiration. also "at night" from seventeen seconds. i also want some nick drake scents and some echo and the bunnymen.
  13. theseagrows


    i wasn't even sure what to make of this one at first. i put it on before i left for work and sniffed my wrist while walking to work. i clearly detected the far off scent of pencil shavings, and thought to myself "oh no frankincense", but then i checked the description here and there is none in it. i think that initial scent i detected was possibly the sage, which can go wonky on me in some blends. however, that has faded and now i am getting a soft, slightly sweet, herbal-floral. very pretty! it fades a bit too quickly on me, but i like it a lot!
  14. theseagrows


    this smells lovely on me, but it's not really me so much. i think i am mostly getting the tea rose and lily with a hint of rosewood and amber. however, i am not the best at picking out notes, so who knows it's a sweet, creamy white floral mostly, and smells very similar to other white florals i've tried. i think perhaps my skin amps the lily, and they all end up smelling similar because of it. definitely a pretty floral though!
  15. theseagrows

    Your Best-Bet "Must Try" Enabling Scents

    dorian seems to be the hands-down winner from my minimal enabling experience. but i'd also add: xiuhtecuhtli snake charmer alice nosferatu dia de los muertos
  16. theseagrows


    soft heather with a slight sweetness from the blackberry. very pretty, sweet and soft. i'd love to wear this on a rainy day! for some reason....
  17. theseagrows


    ew this smells positively icky on me. like a sour herbal-y rose. i dont know what's going bad on my skin, because rose often works for me, but if mixed with the wrong thing, this kind of thing happens. i kind of think it might be the cypress or juniper, i think bpal's juniper hasn't worked on me in the past. oh well i thought this might not work on me, but i'm part italian and just had to try it for that reason
  18. theseagrows


    this is a sweet funereal floral scent. i am getting the feeling of a white floral too, like a lily-jasmine. at the beginning this reminds me a lot of sepulcher, which didnt work on me, but it's not as cloying as sepulcher was. i figured this might not be for me, but the description was so pretty that i wanted to try it!
  19. theseagrows


    i'm not sure what i'm smelling. i'm not too sure what stephanotis and palmarosa smell like, but i am getting a soft powdery herbal-floral. not what i expected at all. usually carnation goes all spicy on me, but that's not happening here. i kind of like this, despite the powderiness. it reminds me of the way that violet goes powdery, in a good way. not baby powder. hrrrm i may have to try this one again to give it the final analysis. eta: it reminds me of my grandmother, who wore oscar de la renta perfume.
  20. theseagrows


    this smells very citrussy with touch of sweetness and the amber/musk is underlying. not sure what the sweetness is, but it gives it a bit of a perfumey scent. this is nice and pretty and delicate.
  21. theseagrows

    Peony Moon

    i wasn't sure if i'd ever smelled bpal's peony note, or what peonies even really smelled like. this is a bright, sweet, slightly tart floral on my skin. very clean smelling and pretty. actually the first lunar oil i've liked enough to keep my decant of! that being said, i don't absolutely love this, but i think it's pretty and worth keeping a little of.
  22. theseagrows

    Queen Mab

    ooh this is a pretty soft floral. the only thing i can really pick out is the orchid i think. it is now very recognizable to me (and smells good on me!) so that is fortunate. there is a bit of warmth behind the floral, which i think is the chinese musk. i love floral orientals, and i think this one is just beautiful, and a little bit sweet. it's a very gentle subtle scent, i'd wear this on a day when i wanted to feel comfort and light i think.
  23. theseagrows

    Dragon's Heart

    i am not a dragon's blood lover in general, but i thought i'd give a few more a chance, and this is one of them, on account of the musk, which i love. this smells quite unremarkable on me, reminds me a bit of blood amber(?) if my memory is correct. but i like blood amber better. i get mostly musk however and the dragon's blood is in the background, but it brings out a more animalistic musky smell which i dont like as much as the normal musk scent my skin usually projects.
  24. theseagrows


    when sniffing the imp, all i can smell is the lemon verbena, but i like lemony scents, so it's all good to me. on my skin it fades to pretty much lemon and white musk. it has good throw and smells good from afar, but when i actually sniff my wrist there is an underlying slight sourness, maybe the lemongrass? but i don't know if it's enough to prevent me from wearing it or not. very clean, fresh scent, in the same vein as embalming fluid.
  25. theseagrows

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    anything with opium/poppy in it smells headshoppy to me. like sed non satiata. sometimes patchouli too.