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Everything posted by ltrittipoe

  1. ltrittipoe


    Spicy, clove-y amber! I love amber, oud, patch (of any color) and saffron.... fig and clove can be very hit or miss. This is a hit! Glowing, golden, and warm - the clove is very present (I think I amp clove, so YMMV), but doesn't drown out the other notes, as it sometimes can. I'm mostly getting amber and clove right now, but this is fresh from the mailbox. The other notes are definitely in a supporting role here, but everything combines to just give a warm, spicey haze of clove and amber.
  2. ltrittipoe

    Murder for Murder, Blood for Blood

    I love, love this one. I agree that there is jasmine in this - or that something combines to make jasmine to me - it is a darker, dirtier version of OLLA's Hal on my skin, which is one of my favorite jasmine blends. I get the same type of jasmine as from Hal, but where Hal is sweet, bright, and creamy, , this is dark, spicy and resiny. There's a spicy kick from the pepper, and the patch is dry, and the oudh is resinous - which balances out the sweetness of the jasmine. I don't get any cacao from this, unless it it just adding a hint of sweetness in the far background.
  3. ltrittipoe

    The Silver Dollar

    This is an elegant and beautiful iris scent on me. I get all of the notes, and the dry down is mostly iris and benzoin, with a hint of bergamot - it's cool, silvery and gorgeous.
  4. ltrittipoe

    Solstice Lace

    I love the "lace" blends, and the magic that is prominent in the other laces is here. A little bit smokey, a little bit of tobacco in the background.... but the dry down for this lace is tea. Beautiful, smokey tea with the lace background. It's really gorgeous.
  5. ltrittipoe


    This.....this is gorgeous. Everything is so well blended that it's hard to pick out individual notes, but I get glimpses of them as it wafts around me. I am getting a warm, hazy, resiny sweet and spicy scent - warm skin in hot sun, spicy honeyed amber - I don't get any cacao, but I think it blends so well with the myrrh and cardamom that it just adds to the spicy sweetness. And this is the rare blend with honey that I can wear. I'm always hoping because I love the scent of honey, but 99.9% of the time it turns to sweaty skanky nastiness with my skin chemistry. This is not that, The is honey and spicy desert sands. And it's fresh out of the mailbox. If it changes after a few days I'll come back and edit, but it's amazingly good now.
  6. ltrittipoe


    I think the gin is giving this an effervescent feel, like orange champagne. Not too sweet, not bitter, just bubbly orange.
  7. ltrittipoe

    Loved To Death

    I ordered this as soon as it was available on LtD website, but honey-ish scents are hard fro me. I wanted it anyway! Of course I tried it right away, but it needed aging. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. Honey/beeswax, loads of it, like a clean honeycomb. So into the aging box it went. And now ... it is rich, and deep, sweet, and spicy. Honey, yes, but now the other notes are peeking out. The honey itself is light and clean, the vanilla is deep and smoky. The clove and cinnamon meld on my skin to create an almost carnation - like spice. Elka compared the honey to Door in her review, and I see that - Door is one of the very few scents with honey that I can wear without it turning into funky b.o. It stays light, clean, and very sweet - and that's what I'm getting here.
  8. ltrittipoe


    This is so beautiful and very evocative of being in the very center of all that greenery and florals, next to the water, at the very height of summer, at night. This is not too sweet and not a pure floral on me - there's too much green and water to be just a floral. But the florals are creamy and lush. Very wearable, and one of the very few aquatics I can wear - most of them turn to "cologne" with my skin chemistry, but Bayou has the scent of water without being cologne-y. I can smell the trees, the moss, the huge white flowers.... The scent of summer in the Deep South. This is a heavy, lush, hot scent, green, with the smell of water.
  9. ltrittipoe

    Seven Word Story: Sloth

    In the bottle, this is all banana, all the time. And not just banana, this is BANANA in giant flashing neon yellow banana-ness. And then I put it on my skin.... And the banana disappears and this is a smokey bourbon vetiver. With a little bit of tobacco, but sadly, no cacao! and I don't see any in the bottle that would stain my skin. Or float around in the bottle. Clear oil. I don't think I've ever had a note vanish as quickly and completely as that banana. Vetiver/tobacco with a little smoky sweetness is hanging around, though. And the more you type "banana", the wrong-er it looks.
  10. Chocolate marshmallow - yes. Pie crust - yes. Yum - yes. Overwhelmingly sticky sweet - no. While this is delicious chocolate marshmallow pie, right down to the crust, this is FANCY pie. This is bittersweet chocolate, the kind that almost has a hint of espresso, or maybe this pie was made with Kaluha? I am definitely getting a hint of coffee. The marshmallow fades as it dries down, while the chocolate becomes richer and denser. This isn't as purely sweet and foody as the Key Lime Pie (the other bottle I received at the same time) - I think the bitter notes of the chocolate keep it from being purely foody. As it dries down, it turns more into a bittersweet flourless chocolate torte than a pie. Delicious! ETA: It's this: http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/flourless-chocolate-cake-recipe With marshmallow glaze instead of chocolate ganache. I think I will have to make this, just to try.
  11. ltrittipoe

    Ill-Mannered Dragon

    I sometimes have problems with neroli, so that may be what is making this smell slightly soapy on me. I love all the other notes, and was hoping for a coconutty Dragon's Milk-ish scent. but the addition of the neroli is adding that slight soapy sharpness that makes me think of Ren Faire soap/candles/incense. There is a particular scent, not a bad scent at all, but it is associated in my head with Ren Faires, and the combination of scents that those booths smell like. Citrusy sweetish Dragon's Blood. It's nice, but I'm not sure if its a keeper. I was hoping that aging would change it a little, but I don't think it has.
  12. ltrittipoe

    Pan Twardowski and the Devil

    This is a really beautiful leather-y lavender tobacco, with the oud and bay as supporting notes. Its kind of like.... you know how cherry pipe tobacco is so delicious smelling? This is the lavender version of that, stored in a soft, worn, fragrant leather pouch. This is a definitely unisex scent, but on the sweet side in that pipe tobacco way. The lavender stays soft but distinct, there aren't any sugary notes to take it into purely sweet territory. I think the tobacco and leather are giving me the sweet impression, while the oud is adding a slight smokiness. This was an impulse swap, but I am so glad I decided to do it. I really love this, it's a pretty unique blend for my collection. And definitely my favorite from the Pickman Gallery 2015!
  13. ltrittipoe


    Long before the gods of cinema turned their celluloid eyes to the streets of Los Angeles, Chinigchinix, He Who Enforces the Law, stalked Southern California. With the aid of his eyes – Crow, Mountain Lion, Bear, and Rattlesnake – he watches over the ancient people of California, ensuring that they behave in accordance with correct moral codes. Black copal and white sage with chaparral, beach saltbush, pearly everlasting, fire poppy, and white flowering currant. I can't believe no one has reviewed this yet! I had a wonderful fairy pick me up a bottle from the first Lunacy back at the Lab, which this scent commemorates. Right out of the mailbox...still cold, But this is really lovely! It smells like night time in the desert... Or at least what I imagine night time in the desert would smell like! Dark and dry, there's an herbal astringency but not sharp... I'm not familiar with most of these notes, but I do recognize the white sage. I think that is the astringency that I smell. The black copal contributes a resiny faint sweetness, and overall I just feel like - if I were sitting in the desert, in the middle of the night, watching the stars, no people anywhere, - this is what I would smell. This is one of the few scents that gives me such a clear visual. I know a lot of people see scents, but I rarely do. This is so evocative, I can't help it, though. I wish I were better at reviews, too!
  14. ltrittipoe

    A Shadow In The Elevator

    This is just lovely - plum and patchouli with that underlying bitterness of the vetiver, with that soft swirly muskiness. The combination of black plum and musk turn this into a scent very reminiscent (to me, anyway) of Snake Charmer. Less sweet, definitely - but the same feeling. The vetiver starts to fade as this dries down, and I still get black plum and patch predominantly. It's dark and faintly sweet, incensey without being smokey, musky without being dirty, and patchouli of the elegant kind. Snake Charmer without the vanilla/amber.
  15. Try Bayou! (A lazy, warm deep green scent with a thick aquatic undertone: Spanish moss, evergreen and cypress with watery blue-green notes and an eddy of hothouse flowers and swamp blooms.) I can't pick out any specific florals in it, and although it is "aquatic" - it doesn't have that cologne smell that aquatics usually have (on my skin, at least). It smells of summers in the South to me.
  16. ltrittipoe

    Meus Amor Aeternus

    This is so pretty in the bottle, sweet but not too sweet, a background of Dorian with a strong carnation/honey in the foreground. On, wet - now the Snake Oil does appear, carnation/Snake Oil, with the honey still strongly there. Very pretty, and sweet without being foody. As it dries down, that sweet honey (it's like the honey from Door, not the skanky kind from O or Womb Furie, which is SO bad on me) comes out more, and I am still getting that floral spice of the carnation, those are the most prominent notes. I think the moss and blackberry leaf are keeping it from turning *too* sweet, there is still a green freshness supporting the carnation. The honey does kind of take over, though - and now I am not getting any Snake Oil or Dorian, sadly. I at have to try layering to amp those notes more. Dry, it's honey with some carnation. I'm not sure about this one....nit might be great for summer, or the honey might just be too much (as it usually is.... Door is the only blend with honey I can wear).
  17. ltrittipoe

    Blood and Judgment So Well Commeddled

    I amp almond, but everything else sounded soooooo perfect that I had to get it anyway. It's a little .... bitter, oddly. I think the almond and suede make it a little bitter, while the tonka and amber are sweetening it up. Bourbon vanilla can sometimes be a little sharper & more herbal on my skin than expected, so I think that is happening as well. It's a very unique scent on me, definitely more than the sum of its notes.
  18. ltrittipoe

    Peach XIII

    I think that this will age very well - right now it is a little too "perfumey" for me. A sweet, peachy musk, with a little smokiness from the myrrh underneath. Sometimes myrrh goes super powdery and smokey on me - this doesn't seem to be doing that (yet). I think the vetiver is holding it in check a little, although I can't smell vetiver or patch specifically. I know this is kind of vague, and I keep sniffing looking for the other notes, but can't find them. I get sweet peachy red musk.
  19. ltrittipoe

    Peach XI

    This is just beautiful - I get soft leather, sweet resins, and a hint of peach. I think this is just gorgeous now and will only get better with age. I don't get much of the oudh at all - just enough to add a faint smokiness and enhance the leather, I think. And even less balsam. The sandalwood comes out a little more on drydown, but still stays soft. Overall, I think that amber, sandalwood, balsam, and oudh are just combining to create a golden resin-y haze, none of them come forth enough for me to absolutely pick out. Leather, resins, peaches. In that order. Beautiful!
  20. ltrittipoe

    Midnight on the Midway (2015)

    Wet, I get florals and sweet incense. As it dries down .... Dryer sheets. Darn ozone!
  21. ltrittipoe

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2015)

    Beautiful! I really don't know how much of the differences are new vs. aged - but there are subtle differences. The new Mme is fruitier, the currant doesn't stand out but adds a sweet fruitiness. This is a bit sharper & more perfumey than the original - all that aging smoothed out the original so much! And brought out the patch. In this new version, I'm getting red musk, vanilla and wet, juicy fruit - with a hint of patchouli in the background.
  22. ltrittipoe

    The Candy Butcher (2015)

    This definitely is more a "perfumey" scent than a straight up chocolate scent..... Someone mentioned that there may be lilies in this, and I think that is what I am smelling. Like The Candy Butcher was wearing floral perfume, and then the chocolate/cream scent of her wares. There is something a little "off" smelling on my skin, when I sniff close. It's a gorgeous chocolate/cream with that hint of floral in the waft, from my wrist to my nose at normal distance. I'm not sure when I put my nose to my wrist what it is - if it's the cream (which I usually don't have problems with) or what - but it is... Odd. Kind of dirty/sweet. Hopefully that will age out a little. Eta: after about 30 minutes, the "off" note does fade away quite a bit. It's still there, but has receded. Now I like this much better - dry chocolate and cream with a floral undercurrent.
  23. ltrittipoe

    Chaos Theory VII: Oriental

    #50: Wet, this is a clean, almost soapy white floral. I think it's lily of the valley. It smells very Spring-y to me. Pretty! And then, as it dries down.... Anise? Licorice? And still that lily of the valley scent. But on e I pick out the anise, that's all I can smell. I like anise, but only with vanilla.
  24. ltrittipoe

    Chaos Theory VII: Oriental

    #49: Wet, this is fruit and... Metal? Strange. It smells red - like red fruit, not any that I can identify though, with a strange metallic scent floating around. The metal starts fading, and a vanilla-ish note comes forward. It takes about 30 minutes for the metal to vanish, by which time I am sort of nauseous. It dries down to a warm, fruity, musky, really pretty scent - but I just don't think I can outlast the metal.
  25. ltrittipoe

    Chaos Theory VII: Woods

    #12 Wet, this smells identical to a freshly mown lawn, wet, juicy grass. Even with a little bit of sharpness from the lawn mower, And then my skin eats it. Gone completely.