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Everything posted by Aviatrix

  1. Aviatrix


    A nice, sweet mint with a touch of something sugary - probably vanilla. The mint wears off rather quickly, and what's left is an extremely faint, sweet perfume that's difficult to place... I did a side-by-side comparison with Waltz of the Snowflakes, since the two are very similar to me, at least during the wet stage. I do think I prefer Waltz, however, because it remains stronger and lasts longer on me. Winter-Time is very pleasant, and ironically rather warm, though. Just a shame it doesn't last.
  2. While not truly similar, I find that Snow White shares some vibes with Mouse's Long and Sad Tale. But without the coconutty feel of Snow White, though. It's still a light, pretty, slightly floral vanilla, though. Likewise with Alice...
  3. Aviatrix

    Devils Night Wedding 2016

    Good autumn-y GC scents are Jack (currently out of stock, but should be back for you to get a hold of it next year ) and Bewitched, which is maybe more of a late summer scent with dark berries. But I think both evoke autumn in their own way. Also, congratulations on getting hand-fasted!
  4. Aviatrix

    Dramatic bpals evoke theaters and operas

    I immediately thought of Vain Sorceress: "Mad with power, madly in love, or just mad: a dark, spellbinding, seductively narcissistic mix of tuberose, blackened vanilla musk, caraway, white gardenia, red amber, black velvet accord, and jasmine sambac." It even has the "black velvet accord" that is reminiscent of theater curtains
  5. Aviatrix

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Has anyone mentioned Ooky yet? I have never tried it, but it sounds like it might fit the bill. Certainly foody!
  6. Aviatrix

    Teatime in Roswell

    This is much fresher than I had thought. I am not getting any biscuit or cake notes, but I am getting a teensy hint of earl grey, and the rest is cucumber sandwich. Which is what makes it so fresh, I suppose. It's not very strong on my skin, though. Towards drydown it gets a little bit powdery for some reason. But so far I'm enjoying it, and I love the concept of it. Overall, this was a surprise for me, but I kind of like how it's not overly foody, but more green and fresh
  7. Aviatrix

    Contemplating the Moon Through an Open Window

    In the bottle it smells sweetly floral, with a hint of milk. Wet on my skin I initially get blasted by what appears to be almond(??), but it disappears after a while and leaves a sweet, smooth scent of milk, a teensy bit of ripe pear and an incensey touch from the opoponax. I am guessing the tuberose is what I smell in the bottle, but on the skin I don't really detect it. I am unsure what carrot seed smells like, so I can't comment on that. The oakmoss is underneath the whole thing tying everything nicely together. I was surprised at how sweet this scent really is. I was expecting it to be more "pale", but it is rather sweet and juicy. I like it, though
  8. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Acid, I'm sorry to hear you have so many things to struggle with. I myself am diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia, so I can relate to a bit of what you're experiencing. I also get long bouts of "nothingness", when the avolition/apathy and what the less informed would call "laziness" really kicks in, but usually I think I manage fairly well. Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm certain you already ARE contributing to life and the world, at least to those close to you But I can absolutely relate to your feelings. If you ever want to have a chat, feel free to pm me any time I was also going to suggest Mr. Jacquel for your interest in things related to death and dying, so now I'll second that. In the same vein, Yorick might work for you: Grave dirt, bone, decay, angel’s trumpet, and moldering scraps of shroud: the essence of finality. And for your love of reading, there is no better scent than ParaNorman's The Book: Old, yellowed parchment paper, tattered leather bindings. There’s a distinct warmth to the scent, though it is ancient and brittle.
  9. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Dorian - A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea. Delight and Consternation - Bourbon vanilla, custard accord, white rose, cocoa absolute, oudh, lemon blossom, and skin musk. The East - Bluebonnet, passion flower, freesia, jasmine tea, mint, thyme, and redcurrant. Contemplating the Moon Through An Open Window - Milk accord, tuberose, oakmoss, Asian pear, opoponax, and carrot seed. Vasilissa - Creamy skin musk and blushing pink musk with soft sandalwood, white amber, dutiful myrrh, and star jasmine. Brood XIX - Tree sap, almond blossoms, moss, hemp, corn stalks, acorn, sweet amber, and rice milk. Thanks Balame, I've had Dorian (and have Jareth for that matter.) The East is on my list, but, the others? I'll seriously need to look into those. You might also like Ichabod Crane, which is a halloweenie from the 2008 Sleepy Hollow collection. It has a bit of the same vibe as White Rabbit, but with a floral element. It's "Dusty black wool, tea with cream, black pepper, muguet, and beeswax candle drippings."
  10. Aviatrix

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    How about Jack? It's GC, but wait listed right now. On me it smells like ripe autumn apples, a dash of sweet orange pumpkin, and spices
  11. I don't know if it's similar, but I definitely get a chai vibe from Pumpkin Masala Rooibos
  12. Nocnitsa is pretty scary too. Like a dark Eastern european forest at midnight.
  13. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    If you like Alice you might like Maiden, Fae or Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Velvet and Vice are other chocolatey scents that, while not exactly like Bliss have some of the same vibes nonetheless.
  14. I never tried Delight and Consternation, so I can't really comment on anything similar to that, but The Perilous Parlor is a nice lightly foody scent (it's basically vanilla with pear). It's lovely
  15. Aviatrix

    Conservatory Tableaux

    I am getting mostly sweet, kind of dry woodsiness with just a tiny background hint of aged paper. As it dries, it somehow becomes a little "green", but at that stage it's mostly faded, so I don't notice unless I really try to. I wanted a nice old books smell, and it definitely is. Although, maybe more like the dusty wooden shelves that the books are sitting on.
  16. Aviatrix


    I get a big blast of leather with a bit of plum's sweetness underneath, but only faintly so. I'm not getting the lilac, sadly. The leather is nice and everything, but I was hoping for a bit more of the other notes too.
  17. Aviatrix

    Old books... Books, paper, libraries

    How about Protagoras? I haven't sniffed it, but the description makes it sound vaguely bookish...
  18. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I think you would like some of the "historian" type scents that BPAL has made: Ü: A mélange of balsams, leathers, and raw vanilla designed to evoke images of unearthed secrets and dusty, ancient libraries. The Gatekeeper: A dry perfume, solemn and riddled with ancient, whispered secrets: brittle bones, the well-worn leather spines of forgotten books, crumbling papyrus, and the warm, strange scent of yellowed, crumbling manuscripts. (now, I haven't actually tried this one myself yet, but it sounds suitably archive-ish ) And a little something for your strong personality: Katharina: A strong, willful blend with a soft, utterly lovely soul: white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom.
  19. Aviatrix

    Have there ever been any Bee themed Scents?

    There have been moth, butterfly, bat, spider, and ant themed scents, so - why not a bee themed one, too? Maybe it's only a matter of time Until then there are the honey scents, and Paduan Killer Swarm, that was mentioned upthread.
  20. Aviatrix


    Eve has a wealth of notes, so I'll try my best to describe the scent even though I can't distinguish all of them. To me, it's a light and spicy incense, and heavy on the saffron in the beginning. There's a slight hint of rose that wafts in and out of the scent in the background, like the memory of a rose that has since faded. There is a sweetness to the blend that could be a mixture between the honey and the frankincense. I'm not specifically getting any sandalwood or any moss or yarrow (not that I'm even sure what that smells like, but still). Overall, as some other reviewers said, this is like trade winds that blow through the Old World, a mixture of impressions and cultures that has a lot of depth, but still manages to be sweet and light and surprisingly close-to-the-skin. I am glad I sprung for a bottle, and I will happily be wearing Eve whenever I feel like exuding a bit of old world style mystique! I would recommend anyone to try it, since it's so unique, and if you like incensey scents, you will likely be very pleased with Eve.
  21. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    hobbitballerina, Jazz Funeral might be to your liking as well, what with your interest in New Orleans funerals
  22. Aviatrix

    The Waltz of the Snowflakes

    Soft mint and a sugary undercurrent of vanilla. I expected a background of woodiness as well, but I'm not really detecting any of that sort. It's very good and wintry, chilly without being too sharp, and sugary without being too cloying. I might actually hunt down a bottle of this, since I've been wanting a nice mint scent in my collection...!
  23. Aviatrix


    There's also the recent Luper Plovers Above the Waves, it's: Rice flower, white cream, tea roses, abalone accord, white moss, beeswax, tuberose, and red currant. Extremely yummy!
  24. Aviatrix

    Vampire Tarot: The Lovers

    Rich life-like dirt note with an undercurrent of soft florals. It's simple, but very appealing. I enjoy dirt scents, and this one is no exception!
  25. Aviatrix

    Maison En Pain d’Épices

    A jumbled scent of cookies and candy and everything nice from Christmas time! I can't really pick out individual notes, but it's definitely a sweet and surprisingly non-cloying gourmand. It's probably not something I'd wear, since I'm not a huge foodie, but it's quite good nonetheless. I'm glad I got to try it.