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Posts posted by hlemonds

  1. Gave this one a couple of chances. It just didn't work out. Way too much Star Anise, it completely overwhelmed everything else. I could barely catch the tiniest hint of vanilla in the background. I can do with a bit of anise, but this was too much, and oddly sour on my skin. The second time i tested it i had to wash it off.

  2. Initially i do get a lot of creamy coconut milk. I can see where someone might get suntan lotion. Thankfully that begins to receed quite quickly, leaving room for the musk and ylang ylang (and possibly the white amber?) to come forward. This part of the wet stage reminds me a bit of Vasilissa and The Girl, however the creamy coconut milk definitely lends this one it's own character. I'm sure that the orange blossom and ambergris are there, particularly in the later drydown when it has gained complexity, but i can't pick them out. This is really beautiful, and i can easily see people getting lots of compliments on a scent like this. Which could be awkward when they ask, "What is that scent you're wearing!?" I may have to leave off the part about preparing to attack the vagina :lol:

  3. Okay, i'm gonna go ahead and review this one, with the expectation (and hope!) that i will return with better results in a few months.


    Fresh in the bottle I get the sweet honey of O and the warmth of Snake Oil. Unfortunately, pretty much the moment this hits my skin, it opens up into Playdoh of DOOM. Now, i have to say, this confuses me, as i do not have the Playdoh of DOOM problem with either Snake Oil or O when they are by themselves and fresh. That said, i so prefer both of those blends aged, for other reasons (Snake Oil is a bit to harsh and medicinal when fresh, and O tends to be powdery when fresh). So perhaps something about the *three* honey notes in combination with the fresh Snake Oil is what has caused this unfortunate result.


    The end result is that i can't wear this at the moment, the Playdoh is just too overwhelming, but i have my fingers crossed that age will get improve this blend and make it wearable. If *that* happens, i will need multipl bottles, because if it ever smell on my skin the way it does in the bottle, i could bathe in it. So now, my only worry is, should i be buying back-ups *before* i know whether or not age will help?

  4. Utterly, absolutely delicious. Probably my favorite of all the Lupers i got. Definitely my favorite amongst the Shungas i chose. The honey in this is simply divine. It is the perfect honey note. Not too strong or sweet, beautifully balanced against the fruit tartness of mandarin and quince. I believe the vanilla and tobacco are there, but more as a smooth, almost creamy, back drop for the drool-worthy honeyed fruits. I don't get any true booziness from this. Total love, multiple back-up worthy.

  5. Very nice! This is quite delicate on me, very feminine and "lady like". I think i primarily get the slightly tart-sweetness of the peach. And a hint of amber perhaps, giving it just a touch of powdery softness. I may be getting just a tad of vanilla and red bush tea, but they're in the background at the moment. I think this one will be really nice for spring time!

  6. Yep, that's the same Womb Furie i got :) It's from a vintage ad regarding the treatment Hysteria! I actually found the same ad when i was searching for images, thinking of putting together a Womb Furie icon. So cool that Beth used it for the label!


    I'd seen it too! I ended up using Natalie Wood in Splendor in the Grass for the icons because I thought this one was too R rated, but I'm doing a an icon with this picture now because if Beth decides it's ok then I agree :lol: . I think it's perfect picture for Womb Furie.


    Yay! I can't wait to see your icon :) You're way more talented than i am!

  7. Lovely fresh, sweet floral. This is quite a bit stronger than i expected, but that isn't a bad thing! As this ages i anticipate that the vanilla will assert itself, making this even more gorgeous. I'm really pleased with this one!

  8. Bordello and Countess Willie smell quite purple and luscious to me. I definitely agree that Urd has a purple feel, although a very dark purple. I'd also say Midnight Kiss is somewhat purple, i get a lot of the wine and cocoa in this one, giving it a purple feel :)

  9. This one is complex, so much so that i have difficulty deciding what my nose is smelling, but i like it! There's something almost incense like about this one it is totally dry (say after an hour), it might be a hint of spicyness from the pimento berry (someone said that's the same thing as allspice?).


    Wet: Definitely get the blood orange, which is nice and tart on me, plus perhaps the plum and sugar cane?


    Early drydown: More plum, orange is falling back.


    And completely dry: Really, really nice. A hint of spicy incense warmth ( i definitely recognize this as pimento berry now, it is the same note from But Men Loved Darkness), creaminess that could be coming from the coconut and/or caramel. Just enough of the fruits in the drydown that i'm not just getting spicy incense.


    Overall: I really like the scent, love the label art, and might even consider more than one bottle!

  10. Um...Liz.


    Seriously. If you like leather and smoke (just a *bit* of smoke, not much), you need to try Liz.


    I totally agree, i find the vanilla in this one quite similar to Antique Lace, but with leather and a smidgeon of smoke added.


    Vanilla + Leather + Smoke...sounds fabulous! I thought Liz had some floral to it though, no? I'm askeered of the flowers!!


    I only get the tiniest hint of any floral in Liz, kinda like Antique Lace has a hint of floral with the vanilla to get the "linen" feel....it's only a suggestion of floral really, i don't find it very noticeable at all. Liz is a sexy, fiesty vanilla :)


  11. This reminds me quite alot of Urd (which i like a great deal) but with a lemony-herbal top note replacing the sweet grape/wine top note. The lemon-herbal note burns off very quickly, and i am left with a really nice, warm, slightly sweet incense. The incense has resin and floral elements, and is (for me, anyways) a very soothing. I very much enjoy this one layered with a bit of Snake Oil, and both my hubby and my three year old little boy complimented me when i wore it layered.

  12. This is a review for a well aged bottle of Sin i bought from a forumite. (Two plus years old, iirc)


    I get zero patchouli. If it's there, it is staying way in the background. I get yummy cinnamon, with a hint of sandalwood, and a ton of juicy sweet red musk. I know red musk isn't in the listed notes, but i've seen it confirmed by popular opinion over in the red musk thread (in recommendations), and i definitely detect it. Which is awesome, because i LOVE red musk. It sweetens the cinnamon to perfection. I love me some Sin :thud:

  13. Delicious! I definitely get honey right out of the bottle, tempered by creamy vanilla.....it's almost a cake-like combination. And the sugared plums are definitely present. I tested this earlier, just out of the mailbox, and once it was dried down the plums were definitely front and center. This is going to age really, really well i think. This is a very warm, inviting scent. It isn't overly sweet though, and it avoids being foody. I haven't really gotten any rose from it yet, but time will tell.


    ETA: This is a near perfect combo for me, a bit of a blend of Pink Snowballs, Bordello, and Lights of Men's Lives. All three of which are blends i love!

  14. This is amazing stuff! I love the scent itself, and the artwork is so great! On me this is not foody at all. I am testing it fresh out of the mailbox, so it isn't even room temp yet, but i can already tell this one is top 20 material (maybe even top 10). In the bottle i can smell the wonderful dark chocolate, and the gorgeous incense underneath. Wet on my skin the cocoa is still present, but backs off considerably. This scent is not all that sweet on me. After the initial wet phase i do smell the prune/plum rising to the surface, mingling with the incense. The chocolate and vanilla are virtually indistiguishable in the early drydown, they act as a mildly sweet base for the incense (which is probably my uneducated nose mixing up the tobacco, myrhh, and some of the other "incesnse" type notes). I'm also getting a hint of musk, but again it isn't an overt musk, it's a lovely addition to the background.


    ETA: Completely dried down this reminds me very much of Snake Charmer and Mme. Moriarty. Maybe the prune/plum and vanilla with the incense vibe? Must be. It's good!

  15. Hod Res (2009)


    This is fresh out of the mail box, so i may have to revisit it in a few days and make sure my initial impressions are accurate. In the bottle it is quite harsh, perhaps some bitter almond, some sort of resin, and spicy-sharp carnation? Mt nose is kinda uneducated, so i'm guessing. Thankfully this is much, much better the instant it hits my skin. I'm getting a soft powdery base of (maybe) Amber....it strikes me as somewhat similar to the powdery aspect of Snake Oil before it has aged. If my nose was correct about the almond, it thankfully does not translate to the skin (at least not mine). Mostly this is sweet, softly powdery amber, and a very soft carnation. It is somewhat similar to Morocco on me. I definitely like it, but i will have to revisit it after it has rested for a couple of weeks and see if it is backup worthy.


    **This actually is reminding me of an amber scent necklace i bought back in college. It was just a little metal cage that held a chunk of amber resin. I loved the way it smelled.

  16. Lemon juice or alcohol has worked for me in the past.


    Yep, Beth once recommended lemon juice to me at a WC. Works for me.



    Anyone else have a weird desire to know which one of her own scents Beth wanted off her skin in a hurry? :)


    LOL. Just a theory here, but if they're working on perfecting a scent, or just playing around with potential blends in the lab (imagine that! gah, what i wouldn't give to sit in on that party!), they probably occasionally need a good way to remove the different oils :) I mean, then they can test more, right?


  17. :thud:


    So, for the longest time i avoided anything that listed rose as a note. Having had some bad experiences with rose (once, my brother bought my mom this super stinky rose scented hand balm, i put it on once, and it nearly made me vomit. Then, this other time, at band camp....no wait) and it's interaction with my skin (Persephone, i'm looking at you), i was convinced i must steer clear.


    Then i had the opportunity to test Pink Snowballs at a meet n' sniff, and i fell in LOVE. Right of the bat i definitely get the similarity to Snow White. That said, i prefer Pink Snowballs (although i still really do enjoy Snow White). The rose element in Pink Snowballs is very soft, but it is also a vibrant, youthful rose. Pink Snowballs makes me think of soft, blushing, nubile flesh. It is lovely, and sweet, and i adore it.


    As with Snow White, this fragrance has excellent throw on me. It is soft, but somehow potent at the same time. In that sense it also reminds me of The Girl.



  18. Sorry if this seems blasphemous.


    So, I've been trying imps for the last few days and I put one on that is just...not a winner. When I get a whiff of it, it's kind of making me queasy.


    Tips for getting it off? I've tried dish soap and baking soda. I'm about to put rubbing alchohol(sp?) on it, and if that doesn't work, some Bronners.


    I honestly don't think i've ever had an oil survive a nice hot shower. Any chance it got onto the clothing you're wearing of in your hair? Either of those thing will hold the scent until they're washed.


  19. Mmmm....Red Musk deliciousness! I was previously one of those gals who ran in fear from anything containing roses, however my love of Red Musk convinced me that i really had to give Spellbound a try. This is most definitely the very same red musk as the one in Scherezade, which i love, so that's no problem for me. The through is almost entirely red musk, with just a hint of rose, which is utterly amazing to me. I previously believed that i amped rose, but i've now tried two rose blends that work quite well on me (Pink Snowballs and Spellbound). I do get rose if i sniff close to my arm, but it is a lovely well behaved rose. I would say this reminds me more of a dry rose (not dusty, powdery, or potpouri, rather a well kept bouquet of dried roses) as opposed to dewy, fresh roses. I like this alot! The red musk is it's usual sorta-kinda-hippie self (like a hippie who's gotten all cleaned up, but the soft scent of her skin is still tinged with a hint of really good incense), but the roses give it a slightly more sophisticated and feminine feel. Overall, quite lovely!
