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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by amanderinorange

  1. I received this on Monday, but due to my lameness wasn't able to try it out until yesterday.


    In the bottle: sweet, kinda sour and totally like a real strawberry!


    On me: this stays very fresh strawberry for a little while and surprisingly has a decent throw. About 10 minutes later I get a bit of the dandelion and grass and it's quite lovely.


    Overall: I like this scent and can see it being a good summer scent as long as bugs don't attack me while wearing it. It's interesting smelling like yummy strawberries and hopefully I don't get sick of it. If I do, I can see this being a great room scent as well.


  2. I ordered a sample of this along with Down the Rabbit Hole, The Queen's Croquet Ground and Doc Constantine and out of all of them this is my favorite scent.


    It's very light, so much so to my nose that I used up most of the goblin the first time I sprayed it, but it's gorgeous. Light pink florals and green tea, this is very much the perfect scent for spring. :D

  3. I love this bath oil!


    This is fantastically moisturizing and the scent is very yummy. It's a musky, deep-red fruit that is very warm.


    It also stays for a long time, especially on the towels that I use to dry off with.


    Definitely getting a second bottle of this. :wub2:

  4. My mom and sister bought this for me for my birthday and all I have to say is :wub2:


    I hadn't ordered the perfume oil before I asked for this, but from reviews and the list of notes, I figured it would be great and I'm glad to say that it worked out perfectly.


    It's a lovely light oil that absorbs quickly which is fantastic as other massage oils tend to stay on my skin and get in my hair, which gets gross. The scent is fantastic. It's definitely a vanilla-mallow-lavender combination that smells delicious and it works! For the first time in a long while I was able to go to sleep fairly quickly and have relatively harmless dreams. By that I mean I normally have really freaky disturbing dreams and last night I did not, thankfully. Hopefully this becomes a recurring thing. :D


    Overall this is a great oil, not just because of the scent, but because of it's texture and absorbability. If that's a real word.

  5. I had to order this based partly on the notes, but mostly on the reviews. :P There was some apprehension due to the patchouli note, but decided to order anyway.


    In the bottle: Okay, whew. The patchouli isn't as in your face as I was worried it would be. Also, there is a hint of something dark and fruity which would be really nice if it showed up more on drydown.


    On me: this sorta scared me as there is about ten to twenty minutes where the patchouli turns a bit menthol-y on me. Fortunately it tones down and the plum shows up more along with the pomegranate. This has a definite throw, the most that any of the oils that I've worn has.


    Overall: I like this and am glad that I ordered it. I can't wait for it to age though and see what happens. In fact I might have to order another bottle because I might use most of this up before letting it age much. :blush:



  6. I was excited about this because I love the sugar note of BPAL and roses!


    In the bottle: this is more tea rose than anything else, but behind that is a sort of sharp green with a hit of sugar.


    On me: yup, still tea rose. It gets more sugar as it dries, but the green scent is still there, which was something that I was not expecting. After a little while longer this goes a little soapy on me.


    Overall: Sadly, I have to pair this with Faith in order for it to not be overwhelmingly sharp and for the sugar to develop a bit more.

  7. Simplicity and innocence, gleefully despoiled! Sugared violet.

    This is the first violet scent that I've tried and wasn't sure what to expect.

    In the bottle: sweet, floral and somewhat sharp and powdery.

    On me: at first, this is way too strong for me. It's powdery, sweet and a little too much. After the drydown though, this calms down and turns into a pleasant scent. I am almost tempted to gnaw at my arm. :yum:

    Overall: I really like this, even more than Hope which I thought would be my favorite as I love roses. However, I like this even more paired with Hope.

  8. Spun sugar, sparkling rainbow candies, strawberries, merangue, and cherry fluff.

    I was really looking forward to this as I have fallen in love with the sugary scents of BPAL. My favorite so far has been Candy Phoenix which I am still kicking myself over for not getting two bottles of. <_< I have to admit that I was hoping this scent would be similar enough to Candy Phoenix that it could replace it.

    In the bottle: I'm not sure if it's just my nose or what, but all of the velvets that I have smell really faint in the bottle. That being said, this one is light and sweet. Very sweet.

    On me: still very sweet. It's definitely cotton candy with a hint of candy strawberries and cherry. It isn't a replacement for Candy Phoenix, but stands on it's own as a sugary scent. This is more of a "let's go out and play" perfume that I could definitely wear to an amusement park or fair this summer.

    Overall: I'm really surprised by this. I was thinking that this would be a fun scent and I was right, but it's actually very wearable to me and very suited to the coming summer. :D

  9. In the bottle: this is a very fizzy scent. Like carbonated alcohol and a bit of strawberry candy.


    On me: this stayed boozy for quite a while and I wasn't liking it as much as I thought I would. Luckily it settled down to more of a strawberry pop rocks scent, light and fizzy.


    Overall: This could work if it were to deepen a bit more in the strawberry note. I really would like more of that fruit pop to it and I hope it develops as this ages.

  10. Gold-washed frangipani, vanilla flower, vanilla bean, coconut, hibiscus, papaya, pineapple, bouganvilla, passion fruit, and three orchids.

    I was really excited about this as it had pineapple, vanilla, papaya and coconut in it as well as so many beautiful flowers that just screamed summer to me. We really need some summer around here. :P

    In the bottle: nothing really stands out here. It's a very subtle scent, but warm all the same.

    On me: okay, still nothing standing out here, but that's okay. Maybe if I give it a bit something will appear.

    5 minutes later: OMG! It's celery smell. Wha-? I had to wash this off of my arm because it really smelled like I had rubbed celery leaves all over my arms.

    Overall: I really hope that this is just a matter of my skin chemistry or nose being off due to my cold. I'm going to let it sit for another two weeks or so and then try it again. Hopefully it'll become a deeper smell, but if not I have friends that might like it and whose skin works this scent.

  11. I received a frimp of this from the lab with my last order and I am glad that I did! Before I write my review though, I must say that my take on this scent varies a bit from the reviews that I've read. So I wonder if I actially did get Eros or something else. :unsure:


    In the imp: this smells sweet, but fruity. Like a light caramel apple. With tea.


    On me: still very sweet, still fruity and tea like. After a little while I can smell something that reminds me of wood. It's probably the myrrh. I can not smell lilac in this at all, for which I am grateful as my skin amps lilac like nobody's business.


    I also tried this on the husband and it smells very much the same, except in the drydown he amps the myrrh a bit more, so it turns into a more masculine scent.


    Overall: I love this scent. I think I could even use it as a room scent as it reminds me of a place in the country that I love to visit in the fall that is surrounded by apple orchards and makes apple pies. It smells like fall! Awesome. I'm definitely getting a bottle of this with my next order. Hopefully the imp is labelled correctly. ^_^

  12. Okay, as I had never smelled Dorian before, but liked the sound of the description, I went ahead and ordered three of these with an imp of the regular Dorian as reference.



    In the bottle: this one has a hint of floral, I'm just not sure what type of floral. I can eliminate jasmine as that tends to make me go ugh, as well as lilac and rose.


    On me: still can not tell what it is that's in there, but it lends a bit of freshness to the blend that I don't think the original Dorian has. Makes it a little less sweet, I think.


    Overall: I like it. It's like a sweet floral, without being overwhelming.



    In the bottle: This has a definite citrus tang to it.


    On me: At first I thought this might be lemon, but as of the third application of this, I think it might be lime. It's not as sharp as lemon and a bit of a green smell that reminds me slightly of key lime pie. It smells delicious. However, after a while it starts going a little wonky as happens with citrus and my skin chemistry. Not wonky enough to wash it off though.


    Overall: it's alright. Not my favorite out of the three, but something that I would wear again.


    ETA: After a few more days, a pine note has popped out of this. I tried it on the husband to see how it would smell on him. Dorian disappeared almost completely on him and left just the pine and the lime. A weird scent to be sure. I'll have to try it on myself.



    In the bottle: very sweet! There might be cake in here, but I'm not sure. It reminds me a bit of the cake in Eat Me.


    On me: still very sweet, but after a while it tones down. After sniffing it quite a bit I realize that it reminds me of something. Like Snow White. I put some Snow White on one arm and this blend of CT on the other. At first, the similarities are almost nill. But after about an hour the CT blend begins to smell similar to Snow White. Not exact, but kind of like the darker version of Snow White. I even had the husband smell both of them to make sure I wasn't crazy and he thought that they smelled similar as well.


    Overall: This is my favorite out of the three which is a surprise to me as when I first sniffed it I thought it might be too sweet. Also, I think I might like it as an alternative to Snow White, which has a habit of being a bit sharp on my skin. Blasphemy, I know.


    I think that this is really fun. It was my first Chaos Theory and I think I might have to try the next one. :D


    In the imp: I smell almonds first, which is not a good thing normally as almond (though I love the actual nut) normally turns my stomach. I don't know what it is about the scent, but we do not get along. That being said, this is not an overwhelming almond scent i.e. overly sweet, but rather subdued. Behind it is a bit of light musk and something spicy.


    On me: the almond has almost disapperead! :joy: The musk now has a chance to come forward along with the amber and I think the cardamom, but I'm not entirely sure. It's a great scent, but really soft. Quite unexpectated as a scent called Bastet tends to make me think of something a little more fierce, maybe with more musk.


    Overall: A very pretty scent that unfortunately only lasts for about half an hour. I'm unsure whether I will get a bottle of this or not, but I'm glad that I have the imp.

  14. Frimped with my last order.


    In the imp: *sniff* Whoa. This smells almost exactly like a new age shop that I go to. A pleasant and familiar smell as I've been going there for years now.


    On me: still the same smell, only it's gone a little powdery. Now it smells EXACTLY like the store. I wonder if one of the ladies that works there uses it? Anyway, it's definitely musk and something exoticly spicy.


    Overall: an interesting and familiar smell. I really like it, perhaps not so much as a perfume but as a room scent. Also, I'll have to ask the owner if she is a BPAL fan. ;)

  15. I got a frimp from the lab of this and am I ever glad that I did! Not so much for me, but my husband likes it and I like it on him.


    In the imp: at first it smells like woods and something reminiscent of men's aftershave.


    On my hubby: the first time I applied it on him, it was very much spiced rum, almost fruity, with a hint of salt and perfume. The second time I put it on him, it was more of the wood and salt with just a hint of rum. I'm not really sure which application I liked more on him, but they were both nice to smell.


    Overall: I'm surprised how much it changed from one application to another, but pleasantly so. Also, it's the first time that he's really liked a scent that I put on him and actually wants a bottle of it himself. ^_^


  16. In the imp: at first I thought I smelled a faint hint of leather. After reading the description and sniffing again, I realized that it was the sweet almond and orange peel.


    On me: Normally I stay away from cirtus scents and this just confirmed that I should continue that way. At first it smells like olives in brine. Fortunately it doesn't stay that way and turns to roses, which I like. It fades quickly on me though and an hour later, I smell nothing except faint roses.


    Overall: Not a scent for me, but I do like the rose. If only it didn't have sweet almond or orange peel. <_<

  17. In the imp: almost pure patchouli. I realize that's not what's in there, but my nose thinks it is.


    on me: sickly sweet patchouli. I was hoping that it would morph or get lighter, but it didn't.


    Overall: made me very sick feeling and gave me a headache. I had to wash it off after just a few minutes. I gave it another sniff a few days later and it still smelled like patchouli, so I didn't bother trying it on again. :(


  18. In the imp: warm, damp florals, with something a little spicy. Might be the ginger.


    On me: this is pleasant, but turns to suntan lotion that's on a little gingery. Still a very warm scent, but not something that really fits me.


    Overall: Very reminiscent of warm weather and beaches and big blooms, but as a perfume it doesn't work for me.

  19. In the imp: like most everyone else, this is straight up pink bubblegum. While a nice scent for bubblegum, I'm reluctant to try it on.


    On me: still pure bubblegum for the first five minutes or so. I can start to pick out other notes, but not what I was expecting. In the end this turned to a rather nice spicy perfume, which was quite unexpected.


    Overall: quite a morpher, but in a pleasant way. Not really my thing when it's in its gum stage, but really nice in the spicy perfume stage.

  20. In the imp: at first this was really soapy smelling. I kept smelling it to try and pick out any other notes, but couldn't.


    On me: definitely a green scent, but not a sharp green. More like moss and other soft greens. This had a stronger leather note when I first applied, but it's blended with the green. I also smell something else there. It reminds me of the ranch I used to ride horses at. Could be the metallic note that other people have picked out.


    Overall: this is actually a very lovely scent. Reminds me of a cloudy, warm day at the ranch and I don't mind smelling like that at all. :D


    ETA: this has turned to worn leather with a shot of metal. Definitely reminds me of saddles and bits. Not in the naughty way though. ;) Must try it on the hubby.

  21. In the imp: this smells like pickles. I asked the hubby if he smelled that as well and he agreed.


    On me: not pickles anymore, luckily. I love them but I don't want to smell like them. Anyway, it starts to turn to a scent that while pleasant, isn't really me. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but it's a comforting and somewhat familiar scent.


    Overall: Nice, but I think it will go to my sister. She could really use something for luck and bad days lately.

  22. In the bottle: very sweet, ripe fruit.


    On me: Turns to mulled wine on me. Delicious, but I think it's more of a winter scent for me. Or a rainy day scent. I still had it on going to bed and when I woke up it had faded, which is a good thing because it turned to sour wine. So, definitely have to wash it off before it goes to uck like that.


    Overall: Good fruity, boozy, spicy scent. Glad that I got a bottle of it, but I think that a bottle is all I will want.


  23. Got this one as a frimp and I'm glad that I did.


    Outside of the imp: normally I can't smell a scent outside of the imp, but this is one imp where I get a honey scent on the outside.


    In the imp: WHOA! A lot going on, but mostly dark wine, plum and sugar. A sweet, thick scent with something darker lying underneath. The honey note has disappeared completely.


    On me: the wine lightens up and the tobacco seems to come out more. Also, I know that there is no rose in here, but I am smelling it. Maybe it's the carnation. Also, the blood musk is starting to appear, but it's not that strong.


    Overall: I wonder how well this would age. I think I'll do that with this imp and if the wine and musk develop more, I will get a big bottle of this.

  24. In the imp: a spicy, slightly musky fruit. Strange, but lovely.


    On me: The spicy note goes away, and the musk gets lighter. I get more green notes than fruit and while lovely, isn't really something I see myself wearing much.


    Overall: a good, clean scent that would be nice in hotter weather. I might just keep it to try again in the summer.

  25. In the imp: This is the only blend that I have smelled where I can pick out each note and I love it.


    On me: the lemon dies away briefly, letting the rose and apple flourish. This doesn't last long though as it comes back and blends with the rose. The apple disappears completely, but this is expected as that is what happens with all the apple blends I have tried.


    Overall: I like this and I might get a bottle of this in the future. It's a light scent and would be wonderful for summer.
