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Posts posted by brownbear

  1. Usually I really like rose, but there is something off in this one. I didn't even realize there was rose in it at first. I get cinnamon bears over something off. Something a tiny bit rancid. After a while, the rose starts coming out a little to fight with the cinnamon bears. I'm surprised that the cinnamon is winning. Usually the rose beats out every other note on me. I just can't wear this.

  2. Wowza. This is green. It has a bit of harshness to it. Kind of like mint and liquorice. There is also some kind of a money note in there. I'm also getting sharp spices. It is a cold scent. I never got any citrus here. It is invigorating, but not something I'd really wear.

  3. I am by myself, so I can't report on whether or not it's working. (Unless someone comes knocking on my door, in which case I'll be back to edit this post.)

    The scent is very soft and sweet. It keeps bringing different things to mind: watermelon rinds, babies, lily of the valley, cotton balls, sweetgrass, odd.

  4. Oh man, I really like jazz funeral. I might be buying some in the future. It's dark and a little foody. mmmmm I love the blending of the notes. It is a little boozy. I would definitely wear this often and I wasn't even planning on trying it based on the description. It seems pretty unisex and would probably be very nice on a guy. In fact, I may buy this for the next guy I date, then I can jump on him and slather him with it and then jump on him some more.

  5. At first this smelled a little dusty. I'm sure that was coming from the iris. There is also some sweetness that comes and goes. Overall, it isn't really me (too much iris) and I think the amber is doing something weird on my skin.

  6. At first I really liked this one. It started creamy and soft. I think the shea was really standing out. Now it is coconut and something weird and green. I think the milk changed on my skin, again. It just doesn't suit me.

  7. After reading the description I did not expect this to work on me. Vanilla always goes to plastic and jasmine goes chemical on my skin. I do love gardenia though and tea rose though. Maybe they can power through. In the imp this is a gorgeous combination. Hmm, nope the chemicals win. I'm not surprised, on me, this is all chemical nastiness. boo

  8. Mmmm. I love this! It is light and green. I lived in Dublin for 6 months and one of the things that really stood out to me was the weather. Every five minutes the weather was doing something different. You could just stand on a bridge and watch the sky change in front of your eyes. That is something that I really loved about being there. This scent is the green green vegetation, the wind, and thankfully none of the Liffey.

  9. Fenris wolf on me is warm and resiny. It doesn't go all the way to woody and I think that's because the amber keeps it sweet. It is a dark red/brown scent, just like it's color. I would wear this and it would also be good on a man.

  10. Hmm. Lear on me is dry and woody overall with a little bit of creaminess. It isn't as masculine as I thought it would be. In fact I find it very unisex. It really is nice. I like that it isn't coming out as entirely cedar. It is strong in a strength of character kind of way, not a smell you from across the room sort of way and it is still soft.

  11. While wet this one smelled very strongly of almond. Bitter almond. Then as it dried it went floral. Then more specifically, it went rose. Rose always amps on my skin. The final result was light rose with a little spice and a tiny bit of orange. It's nice, but there's others that I like more.

  12. The neroli and the patchouli are standing out the most specifically with a general flowery note mingling in there as well. As it dried it got a bit of a soapy note. I think ylang ylang does that on me sometimes. Then it goes a bit dusty on top of the soapy. Here and there the patchouli comes back, but overall my skin changes it too much for me to be able to wear it.
