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Posts posted by CynicalPink

  1. Bottle: Tart granny smiths, some spices, little bit of milk and SUGAR


    Wet: I can see where people would call this a holiday candle scent. The milk gives a really creamy effect, but there's still a tangyness from the ale. All spices present and accounted for with sugared apples taking the lead.


    Drydown: If Samhain is a dark and stormy autumn night, Lamb-Wool is a cheerful apple drink while watching happy trick or treaters run around. It's sweet, very comforting, and has those pleasant autumn spices that make the season all the more warm and cuddly


    Overall: Love it, keeping it, wearing it now :)


    After a couple months: Still love it. Still wear the hell out of it when I want to feel warm and cozy. I have also been the secret source of "something smells really good in here" comments during class

  2. Samhain 2009 version


    Bottle: Patchouli, fir, clove and sweet bright red apple cutting through the darkness


    Wet: Still a very dark scent with fir and patchouli riding high, but clove, allspice, and apple are keeping it from being gloomy


    Drydown: A dark and stormy night drinking nice hot spiced cider in a cabin out in the woods <img src="http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="icon_smile.gif" /> Beth hit the nail on the head. The scent of autumn itself.


    Followup: Still love this scent but something strange has emerged...When it's totally gone in to my skin...It smells like super sweet honey. Seriously! And that residual scent stays on my skin for hours and hours (12 was the longest) until I wash it off. Still a fan, but I need to keep that super-sweet drydown in mind before I pick it for the day.


    Followup 2: Candy corn! That's what the residue smells like. Once the scent itself is gone, it leaves melt-y candy corn behind. Still good though. I'm thinking of this as an "investment oil." One that I get to come back to year after year.


    One Year On: Still dark after all these months. The scent is still on the dark side, with the woods, patchouli and fir are still the dominant notes, but the almost candy like red apple keeps it from being too dark. The extremely sweet leftovers on the skin has calmed down with time and there seems to be more of a "pumpkin" edge to it that I don't really get when it's not in its death throes.

  3. I could use a "dark and mysterious" scent...


    Bottle: Mmmmooooosssss. All moss all the time.


    Wet: Thick, yellow oil going on. Worries of stained skin start up. Meanwhile, the moss is just a supporting player with a medley of white feeling ethereal powders. But not that "eww it went all powdery on me" kind of powder


    Drydown: Round 1 - Well it took awhile, but I finally found some floral in this floral ;) With the wispy powders, we get some dusky orchid and the sweetness of gardenia. I know this is Black Butterfly Moon, but everything about it feels like early twilight fading to a bright white moon

    Round 2 - Okay, I think this is as much change as I'm going to get. It's a very close to the skin scent that gets some beautiful florals going once the powders have calmed down


    Overall: I like it well enough to hang on to the bottle for now, but it remains to be seen how much use I get out of it. It's kind of a "date night" scent that I'm not sure will have every day appeal. Still, it's pretty enough that I'm hanging on to it



    Wet: Insanely delicious. Apple, pear, and the special tartness of pomegrante


    Drydown: Okay for serious my mouth is *watering.* Sweet and tart with no powder to be found. Deep red, tart fruit


    Overall: WANT BOTTLE

  5. Imp: Jasmine and aquatic-ness. So far not too manly


    Wet: Well jasmine backed down pretty quick. Now it's a nice, rather sweet aquatic. Again, big fan of not smelling like a dude. Also I :heart: benzoin


    Drydown: Doh! This had a really good thing going for it in the early stages. I could actually smell something plant-y which I'm guessing was the kelp...now it's just gone to jasmine dryer sheets :(

  6. Thankfully, amber is a very minor player in this scent. It tends to go to powder on me and can tank a scent in no time. In this case, it's definitely the honey and currant show with special guest cameo by pink pepper. The currants are very sweet and the little bit of pepper that comes out on my skin keeps the scent itself from getting cloying.


    I'm a big fan of this scent, but I have to admit that it fades faster than anything else I've got full bottles of.

  7. Imp: Sugary cereal?


    Wet: Amber (I think that's the cereal) and honeysuckle


    Drydown: Wow. This is actually pretty complex and nice. Pepper is only there to provide bite to a smooth sweet scent


    Overall: This definitely isn't an ultra girly scent. I'm having a hard time coming to a conclusion on it. I probably won't get a bottle, but it's up in the air right now if the imp is sticking around

  8. I will not give up on aquatics!


    Imp: Sweet herbal aquatic. So far so good.


    Wet: Yay! It's staying sweet and bright and not going full Davidoff Cool Water


    Drydown: Creamy aquatic floral


    Overall: So close! At the moment, it's just a *little* to close to a dryer sheet for me to want to hang on to. But this was close to what I'm looking for. My perfect aquatic is out there somewhere!

  9. Imp: Heavy on the acai berry.


    Wet: Acai dominates, but there's hint of very light florals behind it.


    Drydown: Clings very close to the skin. The flowers are very soft and I'm not really getting any musk or tea from it. Acai's show, start to finish.


    Overall: It's a really nice scent, but sadly it doesn't do anything for me that Australian Copperhead doesn't already cover. That said, if you found AC to be a bit to spicy to make the berry worth it, definitely give Daiyu a try. It's basically a soft and fluffy version of the spicy sexy Copperhead

  10. This...could go bad. Whiskey and I had a bit of a falling out at my last birthday and now I find myself cringing at the sight and smell of the stuff


    Imp: Banana?


    Wet: So like whiskey that it's setting off my "DO NOT WANT" twitching


    Drydown: I couldn't take it. It's so lifelike to whiskey (good whiskey, mind) that I had to scrub it off.

  11. I'm going to have to break ranks here and admit that this really isn't a very lavender scent on me.


    Oh it's there, but the vibe I get more than anything out of this on my skin is a cool dreamy musk. Magnolia is a very heady flower, so that's probably where it comes from, but if I had one wish it would be for *more* lavender in Yvaine!


    Overall, I like this scent and find myself reaching for it pretty often since I bought a bottle without a trial decant. But yeah, be ready for more musk than expected if you amp flowers the way I do.

  12. Imp: Peaches and flowers


    Wet: Really clean peach smell. No powder, than goodness


    Drydown: Little complexity coming out now with some dusty myrtle, but really all I need out of this is the sweet cheerful peach


    Overall: The imp's a keeper. Let's see how it fares in the long run, though

  13. Sweet, smoky and sensually wicked. A thick, steamy scent, truly sinister in its voluptuous sexuality. The perfume of a demon's favored consort, or of the devil herself. Oleander with wet, sweet mandarin, lush magnolia, a rush of deep musk and a touch of spice.

    Imp: Flowers and spices

    Wet: Cinnamon type spice and gentle magnolia

    Drydown: Eh. Not a fan of cinnamon, but the magnolia party was fun

  14. Imp: Fizzy feeling amber and almond


    Wet: Warm musk, almond, and something very golden. This could be good


    Drydown: Soft, spicy, and golden.


    Overall: Very nice! Lotus really works with the rest of the notes here rather than overpowering them with bubblegum.

  15. I love every single note in this bottle. Yes, even the fig. It would take a disaster for this not to be a winner


    Bottle: Less musky, more berry-ish Lady Una (a favorite)


    Wet: Muskier than i thought it would be. Still really appealing. Lots of lush dark berries


    Drydown: I usually use "powdery" as a negative, but this is a really sweet sunshiney powder that's hiding in the background. I'm guessing it's the "summer musk." It's fun! Fig is adding a bit of greenery but not taking over. And yes, honey and berries.


    Overall: It's a winner. It's sweet and summertime-y and, of course, smells great. I just wish it had a bit more throw so other people could enjoy this scent as much as i do!


    Nearly a year later: The musk has backed off a little bit and there's a new green note that just wasn't there a year ago. The fig is crisper and more noticeable than it was when it first got here. Still smells very sunny and berry-ish, but with a welcome green-ness from the fig now.

  16. Imp: Wood chips?


    Wet: mmmmmyeah still wood chips


    Drydown: Creamy cedar and coconut?


    Overall: Wow. For once I wanted some badass hippie stink, but I got some weird wood note stuff. No patchouli, no sandalwood. Maybe it's the frank that's making it smell like wood chips. Either way, it's not doing anything for me

  17. Imp: Melon and green tea


    Wet: Honeydew melon


    Drydown: Very cool and pleasant. We're still in Melon territory but there's a bit of citrus and green tea.


    Overall: This is probably the best of the green BPAL scents on me. Usually the lime goes bonkers and takes all the other notes down. This might actually be worth a bottle just to get a change of pace in my green-lacking arsenal

  18. Imp: Prune juice and ginger. Not a nom


    Wet: Smells way less burnt now. Still ginger mania, but more like spice fruits than a nasty mix.


    Drydown: Christmas candle. I smell like a Christmas candle.


    Overall: I like Christmas. I don't need to smell like Christmas.

  19. Imp: Tropical bubble gum. Specifically, the yellow-orange 5 flavor


    Wet: Sugar! Super cute, for a scent.


    Drydown: Light and sweet. Bubblegummy carnation that sits really gently on the skin.


    Overall: LOVE. It's sweet and gentle with some of my all time favorite notes. The pink pepper never made it's appearance, but experience tells me that it's a subtle note on me anyway. Frankly, this smells pink and that wins

  20. I'm a big fan of the original Tiger Lily. Let's see how this version stacks up


    Imp: Sharp Lily


    Wet: Wow. That's pretty nice. Lily's definitely the star, but the fruits complement it really well and the ginger's not taking over. I'm still scared that neroli is going to scrap the whole thing...


    Drydown: I can't pick out any individual notes, but it's pretty nice in general. Non-soapy lily, and no neroli-o-doom.


    Overall: It's pleasant enough, but I can't see wearing it on any kind of regular basis. I supposed I'll just have to make do with my bottle of the old version


