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Posts posted by LizzyLies

  1. So ah, first impression is that it's like a very large, green bouquet of flowers thrust into your arms. Lily and hibiscus take the lead while apple blossom seeks to balance them out and succeeds in the task. Alright, now it's more like lying on a beach near a very fragrant--but not overwhelming--bush or tree full of flowers. It's taking a deep sigh and relaxing. This strikes me as very interesting and also as something one of my guy friends would love for me to wear around him since he's so stuck on Hawaii. So for now, an imp is enough.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. Fresh and clean are the immediate words that come to mind, fruit-tastic is a very close third. It makes me think of laughing and frolicking through meadows with the golden sunlight glinting off your hair. Very appropriate given its name and well, I love it. Will definitely have to get a bottle of this. I'm getting peach and pear now and well, 'pale' and 'white' seem to be things that agree with my skin.

  3. Hm, this strikes me as very faint on the skin. It's like thick, smoky fog coating over the scent of honeysuckle and well, it does make me think of a church at night during a storm. You know, the really old church buildings that scare the living daylights out of you because you don't know what just made that 'bump' in the night. All you really know is that it came from the same building as you. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not and because of that, I'll definitely be testing it again.

  4. Smells like delicious, creamy apples to me! Well, in the bottle it does. It starts off very sweet on my skin and the only immediate thought in brings to mind is 'sweet fruit.' As it starts to settle in the vanilla cream becomes a more predominant note though the apple holds its spot as well. To be honest, I know it's not all I'm smelling but my mind doesn't immediately recognize everything else in the blend because it's blended together so well. This is an extremely bright, cheery scent that seems absolutely prefect for the spring (and summer).

  5. That is most definitely patchouli lurking there in the imp, that's for sure. Ah, when wet it's patchouli, ambergis (I think), and orange blossom. It makes me think of polished, antique wood for some reason. It is a mysterious blend--at least to my nose--and thus, seems deserving of its name.

  6. I'm getting rose and lilies. Wait, more rose than lily. Lilac is nowhere to be found and now I think the wood is starting to help balance out the rose--that isn't overly cloying on me, nor is it what I call 'screaming rose,' but it's unmistakably rose. Ahah! Lilac has appeared and tried to make peace with the other scents in this blend, does it work? Somewhat. Rose has conquered all, but it's a more complex rose because of it.

  7. It's a very light, almost pale vanilla with what I take to be a floral scent of some sort mingling politely in the back. It is a very fresh scent, less foody than Dorian turned out to be, and makes me think of a little girl exploring her grandparents' attic to find a trunk containing her grandmother's wedding dress nestled within the folds of tissue paper, the lace having turned a creme color and the scent of her grandmother's wedding bouquet--which had once lay across the dress--still clings to the garment though it has been cleaned. I totally see a bottle of this in my future as I'm completely addicted to vanilla scents.

  8. Well, to me and on me, it smells an awful lot like flowers just picked from the garden, their roots still covered in dirt--but in the fresh, lovely, "Doesn't it smell good?" sort of way. The lilacs and the wisteria seem to be playing Duck, Duck, Goose and thus, they're nicely intermingled. And, I totally know that I'm getting musk and tea at the same time, which makes me think of a young woman taking her tea in the garden, a lemon wedge gracefully perched on the rim of the cup. She wears a crisp white gown and a creme colored hat to match with a pastel colored ribbon keeping it in its place while her lap dog sits at her feet, panting softly in the spring weather. Not bad, not bad at all. It's a tad more formal than I normally get, so I suppose I'll save it for special occasions that call for dressing up and being elegant.

  9. In the imp, I'm definitely getting wine. It's making me think of the color purple to be sure. When it's wet, there's the musk, and the roses and violets getting along surprisingly well. Er, can't stop huffing myself! Yes, Wanda is really that good. It's musky without being overbearing, wine that if bottled, would probably be well aged and taste fantastic, and well, roses and violets as if you'd crushed them into your skin while doing... other things. I'm extremely happy to have received this as a frimp, but I think I'm content with only an imp, at least for now.

  10. In the imp, it smells a tad like men's cologne to me. Like leather and soap I suppose. When wet, it smells spicy. If I'm smelling what I think I'm smelling, it's leather, faint myrrh, and red musk. When it dries down I get cuddly, mildly spicy leather and a tad like awesome smelling soap. It seems more masculine or gender neutral to my nose. Overall, I really like it and should I remember, I intend to get a bottle when I place my next order.

  11. In the imp:

    Clean. Like, fresh laundry on a sunny day clean.


    On the skin:

    It's going aquatic, spicy florals on me and dare I say, I love it. There's definitely some throw to this one and it's still got that clean vibe going on that I love so much. I think I'm getting Lily of the Valley, but my poor mind doesn't recognize all different floral scents and thus, tries to whop it as carnations, which I also love very much.



    Er, this works, at least I'm pretty sure it does. I got followed around the bookstore today when I wore it out, and the cashier was extra cheery. Admittedly, a little goes a long way for me so I definitely need to wear a little less of it when I decide to wear it, but I can definitely see a bottle of this in my future.

  12. In the bottle:

    I'm getting 'softer Mme. Moriarty.'


    On the skin:

    It's definitely got a decent throw going. With that said, for some reason it's making me think of a darker version of Ho Ho Ho! Er, asides from that, I'm getting mainly Arabian musk, maybe some vanilla, black plum, and benzoin in there, but mainly the musk.



    I'm always happy to have a bottle of a favorite LE of the forum and BPAL'ers in general, but at the moment, Snake Charmer Res. isn't doing much for me. Not to mention, I have Snake Oil, Mme. Moriarty, and Ho Ho Ho. I'll definitely be letting this one age for a little bit.

  13. In the bottle:

    My mind immediately shoots off to 'buttery something.' I think I'm getting the vanilla and amber, but my mind's too busy declaring the bottle to be buttery to notice it much.


    On the skin:

    This one, is a morpher on me. It started off as buttered popcorn and evolved--after ten minutes--into a rich, warm, inviting, golden sort of scent. All the scent notes are getting along famously and if I concentrate, I can pull them all out. Mainly though, I'm getting carnation, cedar, and vanilla along with the amber.



    I'm happy I have a bottle, once it gets past its buttery stage it's a gorgeous scent, a bit too foody for everyday for me, but definitely something I'll reach for from time to time.

  14. In the bottle:

    There's something bitingly strong in there! But, I'm not entirely sure what it is. I think the sandalwood is trying to stay on top in there, but it's warring with one or two of the other scents and they're winning.


    On the skin:

    So ah, first time I tried this, it had me stumped and I wasn't all that impressed. Moving away from that, I tried it again today and I'm definitely pulling the sandalwood note out--which is good, I like sandalwood--along with the patchouli and the bourbon vanilla.



    It's not my usually sort of fragrance, but it's definitely interesting and I can't wait to see how this one ages.

  15. In the bottle:

    Coconut and vanilla with something else, for some reason I think very, very faint white floral.


    On the skin:

    It's creamy, it's soft, it's alluring, and it's sweet. With that said, it's pretty much the same in the bottle as it is on my skin. I asked my brother to sniff and he said it smelled of vanilla, coconut, and something else.



    This is the 2008 version and I do like it a lot, but luckily a single bottle ought to do it for me. It does bring the imagery of very fluffy snow and white blossoms to mind though.

  16. In the imp:

    You know, I feel extremely strange for saying this but, it smells like lemony tequila in the imp to me.


    On the skin:

    When wet, it totally does pull a lemon pledge sort of scent. Er, dry? I think I smell faint honey underneath it, I think I'm smelling faint roses too. Ahah! There we go, everyone's making nice and muffling lemon a bit. Much better, still very yellow though.



    It screams 'Lemon!' to me unfortunately, and I'll probably stick to Embalming Fluid for my lemon fix. However! The after it dries down it's really not that bad though I still cannot picture myself using this day to day. As I get scent cravings though, this imp is a keeper.

  17. In the imp:

    White florals with an aquatic note.


    On the skin:

    When wet, it goes 'Celery!' However, after it settles down I get the aquatic note that does indeed remind me of heavy rain in the wind, the sort that puts a beat down on your umbrella. The flowers are there, but it smells like the rain is washing them away/they're getting drowned out.



    This is another very interesting scent and I'll definitely hang onto the imp so that when I'm craving an aquatic, I can reach for it.

  18. In the imp it smells a tad like... tea?



    Oh hey there cinnamon! But ah, where'd everyone else go? You smell an awful lot like Red Hots, did you know that? Props for not burning my skin or leaving red blotches, but ah oh wait! Honeysuckle! There you are! Granted, I think cinnamon is trying to beat you down but, come on! You can stick! Ah, much better.

    It's an interesting blend, not one I would've chosen for myself since I'm not usually a foodie but I do like it.

  19. In the imp, my nose would like to say that it does indeed smell like someone is trying to cover up a bad smell. On the skin, it smells spicy, then like florals, then spicy again! It's not bad but, I think I'll set it aside for now and see if age makes it better.

  20. In the imp I smell... salty lavender water!? :blink:

    Ah, on though I can smell the florals all bunched together and it enokes the image of sitting near a pond or lake on a lazy summer day lounging in a dress with a lovely bunch of flowers in one of your hands as you sit in the shade and give a much needed sigh. You know, I think this would be perfect for sleeping in my case, bottle? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

  21. In the imp, it smells like champagne-y strawberries to me. On however, it reminds me of strawberry rock candy in the best way humanly possible. I'm not sure it warrants a bottle--at least not yet, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with half the GC in my box someday--but I will treasure the imp.

  22. Perhaps it's just me but, this is exceedingly pretty.

    In the bottle, I'm getting the rice tissue--at least I'm assuming that that's what I'm smelling, as it doesn't smell like honey or gardenias to me. Wet, I get very, very light honey and gardenia. Dry, there's not much throw though that doesn't bother me very much. It's an almost transparent scent in a good way as on me, everything is immensely balanced. Overall, this is a scent I believe I do and will continue to enjoy.

  23. Ally in love.

    Vanilla, heliotrope, red sandalwood, pear, black lily, white wine grape, and white rose.

    In the bottle, I'll be honest, I feel like I can't smell anything! However, when wet on the skin it smells like roses predominantly. Once it actually settles down I get the pear mingling with the rose, the vanilla slowly starts to come out, but the sandalwood is either blended so well I can't pull it out, or non-existent on my skin. I do love it though, but I'll war with myself for the next month or so to see if I really need a back-up bottle.
