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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by alyssinwonderland

  1. Of course I would request something that has JUST been added as an update. Nothin to see here....away with you...*facepalm*

  2. You're a writhing miasma of romantic discontent.

  3. craving Arirang... and yet I can't leave the office right now so brown bag it is!

  4. Just finished a *fantastic* dinner of insalata and risotto...I love staying at the Soaring Eagle. Time to go win some money...:)

  5. says to walk like an Egyptian...

  6. ...damn! I think Spotify updates more than Firefox (if that's possible!) o.O

  7. If American Horror Story continues on anywhere near its pilot....this will truly be a can't-miss epic show!

  8. You think FB is bad for notifications? Try OkCupid. message *ding* message *ding* message *ding* AHHHHHH!

  9. There's something about John Ondrasik's voice that grates as much as Dave Matthews... *shudder*

  10. Melissa Etheridge just came on Pandora!! Oh, Ms. Etheridge how you do bring me back so many years.

  11. Dear Mondays, You and I are so fighting. Sincerely, Laura. #needmorecoffee

  12. stupid phone is being stupid. gettin a replacement mailed to me so if i don't respond to your texts- i might not have gotten them initially.

  13. I want to learn to play the Tsugaru shamisen...someone teach me??

  14. RT from @eriney: For my typography friends: KERNTYPE (http://t.co/ow3MATC4) and SHAPE TYPE (http://t.co/MALEPOMW)

  15. Happy Halloween lovelies!!

  16. This song is practically on repeat in my head lately...its soooo haunting and wonderful! http://t.co/K0nUpJDM

  17. Song of the day. "Zenith" by Novembre http://t.co/wF6v6NIF

  18. Boys are stupid! It's often said that girls are the ones who play mind games...you know what? Boys do it too, and sometimes WORSE!!

  19. Finally cleaned out the 350+ emails that multiplied like bunnies in my inbox. o.o

  20. Guh I need to Christmas shop already...I'm falling so far behind on my list of "to-do"s #grump

  21. Only Girl (In the World) - Rhianna

  22. *My* version of chick music? These Boots Are Made For Walkin - KMFDM http://t.co/XjzAqa34

  23. have you ever wondered what the harm would be, in just being blunt about your intentions? or would the world just fall apart at honesty?
