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Posts posted by sqwook

  1. I really like Tushnamatay for calming me, it is a blend that reminds me to get out of my head (if I have spinning anxious thoughts). It reminds me that things can be okay.


    I also like to wear scents that I wear when it *is* summer or outdoors-season, to remind me of what those times felt like. For me, that is Yggdrasil, which I have worn a lot on hikes and outdoors when I am feeling grounded; it's a foresty golden warm scent for me. So, beyond recommending that scent in particular, I also recommend thinking if there is a scent that *you* feel exemplifies you as you wish to feel, and/or that you wore on a day that was just really great.

  2. I am relatively new to BPAL (and brand new to the forums, obviously!). I would love to hear what you guys have to say for my top 5:




    Question Mark

    Sea of Glass

    Windward Passage


    Hi! Yay, Yggdrasil is my favorite. Tho I don't try to find additionals based on it; I just buy backups ;)


    For Egle: Oh, I haven't tried this one, either, this sounds like it could be very good! I see you like some scents with jasmine; my favorite jasmine is Salome.

    For Ygg: Slobbering Pine, Mag Mell. Pais de la Canela. Death on a Pale Horse. Lyonesse. Ochosi, maybe.

    For Question Mark: I got a maple-y scent from this, probably from the tobacco. Since you also like some 'clean' scents, maybe Beer From The Marsh-Woman's Brewery, which on me is a mix of clean plus caramel or maple-y.

    For Sea of Glass: You may like Dirty.

    For Windward Passage: i haven't tried this! Sounds like a marine scent, there are many really neat & interesting ocean/watery scents. Have you tried Bayou?

  3. Welp this is lovely. I love it. It is brighter than I'd thought, while still being mellow and soft and beautiful, and, ack, I really love it.

    I have a real fondness for Mag Mell, and while they are not the same, and not even really the same feeling, I love how they both balance a brightness with soft-sweet-calm. AAAGGHHH. It's great.

  4. Aww, this is so sweet and lovely cool and clean, light and fresh and sweet. It reminds me of another scent that is beloved to me for when I need to clear my surrounding atmosphere and bring in some freshness, Marc Jacobs' Rain.

  5. See, for this one, I'm with MuskWing -- I am totally getting a soft, beautiful scent of nag champa burning outdoors in the open air and a light breeze. Not the lab's typical nag champa note, but my scent-memory of what it's like at a particular store I visit, where they always have a single stick of nag champa burning just outside the door, and when you enter the store, the breeze outside the door floats the scent lightly past you. I do not know why it's hitting me this way, given the notes, but that's definitely what it's like on my skin!

  6. I really like this on me. Lately, I haven't been looking at notes at all while I test things, and when this had just dried down, I thought I smelled myrrh here -- all these elements are just blending in a really beautiful way, what I thought was myrrh must be the smoky sweetness of the honey note, but not like the normal honey note which usually does not work for me. Nice. The drydown is a close spice. This is really good. Reminds me a bit of my scent-memory of Nemesis & Gomorrah and others along those lines.

  7. This is beautiful. Vanilla with a lovely perfumey bite when it's wet (I can see the comparison to Angel, during this phase), and then resiny and complex when it's dry.


    It just gets more & more complex & beautiful on my skin throughout the day. Deeper, richer, warmer, less floral (not floral at all really), and a bit more 'spiced' than I expected -- and also therefore much much /better/ than I expected.


    I agree with the above comment - "sexy and grown up and yum", haha.


    Love, love, love!

  8. A lovely honey scent! But what compelled me to pop in here into the reviews section is that this reminds me tons of<b> Xmvlzencab bath oil</b>-- so anyone who was hoping for something similar as a perfume oil, you will need to try this.

  9. This is so great on me! Starts out zingy and bright, like berries plus the zing / tartness of grapefruit, which is a scent I have been looking for in BPAL just FOREVER and nothing has even come close. And then a sweet almost-vanilla rounds everything out underneath, while the berries mingle together, and the red musk just makes it like a perfume and not a food. I just love it. Not too foody, not too saccharine/sugary, not too red-musky. Just perfect. And the drydown is so pretty on me, even 12 hours later - more a berries-and-vanilla-spice at this stage.


    There aren't many berry-heavy scents I can wear - Fruit of Paradise is another - but this is just great. May need a bottle.

  10. Hi! There is a thread that is GREAT for suggestions, depending on what you're looking for. I wonder if I can find it.


    Some things depend on the situation. For example, Mme Moriarty I *do* think is a fantastic "Don't f*** with me" scent, with a lot of sexual undertones - like "okay, you can f*** with me, if I let you, and I shall be totally in charge of that." It would not be good for a work environment if that's what you're seeking.


    For a work environment, Manhattan and Death & Life Completed both rock pretty hard, in my opinion. I also like Oya.


    Let me try to find the other thread...


    Voila! http://www.bpal.org/topic/18942-bravery-courage-confidence-intimidation-power/page__p__201548__hl__power%2A__fromsearch__1#entry201548


    Hm, I'm not sure that's the thread I was thinking of, so there may be even ANOTHER one out there. Hmmm....

  11. Emma - Dirty - Yes! If she could get past the name, right?


    Quinn, yes, it would need to be something pretty, and even with a pretty name and inspiration.


    And to clarify, in no way would Kurt Hummel actually wear BPAL at all, so I guess what I should have said is that he would "smell like" Dorian -- or maybe 'Death & Life Completed' -- even though it would likely be some kind of extremely expensive haute couture scent.


    Tina, on the other hand, you know totally wears BPAL, and totally has like 37 favorites, not just one.

  12. In the bottle: rich and sweet

    On me: There's something here that's almost going to red musk (or even jasmine or champa). Not getting caramel at all, which is good, because usually I amp it and it ruins everything. I think I'd most describe this as a purple musk. After 3 hours, it's now really really beautiful - the purple musk/orchid is now backed by sandalwood and tonka.

  13. Fruit of Paradise that you mentioned is a good idea to re-try, and you might want to try Hymn to Proserpine again. Maybe Skuld. Also, Lampades. And, oddly, Black Lotus perhaps - it doesn't actually *have* a fruit note, but the sweetness of the lotus puts it into the same feeling, for me, and it's balanced by the spices so it doesn't become too lotus-y. Also, if you don't mind perfumey top-notes, Bette Noir is good.

  14. I have Rituals Hammam foamy shower gel - it says it's eucalyptus and rosemary. I LOVE the scent, but it doesn't stick around long, and just mixing essential oils gets you something very different. Is there something of the lab that smells like it?

    Nobody? *sadface*

    You might try Grr perhaps - some people get a sage, eucalyptus feel from it. Also, if the essential oils aren't anything like the shower gel, than it could be a blend of lots of different things *including* eucalyptus & rosemary - I'm not familiar with it, so I can't say. Does it smell to you like there other notes in it, and if so, what might they be? That might help people come up with suggestions.


    >Is there a way to find this info on the site? The search function wasn't working for me.

    I never liked using the search, whereas I *love* using spreadsheets, so I downloaded a spreadsheet that someone had made. I find it super-easy to search within a spreadsheet, and I can add notes to myself on which ones I want try, what I've already tried, add in new scents when they're released, etc. I use the spreadsheet Hackess maintains, though there are others. The link is here: http://www.hackess.com/bpal.xls and you can find it in the future by going to her member profile - it's in her "About Me" signature. http://www.bpal.org/user/6364-hackess/
