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Posts posted by sqwook

  1. Here are mine for that. Ymmv. Though I defy you to try and be morose while wearing Persephone. It just doesn't compute. :)


    (Also, as an aside, you should actually try to physically smile even if you don't want to. It has been proven that this will improve your mood, and it's easy and free.)


    Aglaea - happy and sweet.

    Persephone - happy, smiling, without guile.

    Has No Hanna - happy, light.

    Mag Mell - joy, calm/peace.

    Sunflower - sunny, light, innocent, joy.


    And also possibly-

    Yggdrasil - though this is more radiance/confidence for me, not exactly just happiness per se.

    Death & Life Completed or Manhattan - confidence (esp in a work situation), not exactly just happiness.

  2. Wet: amber straw gold dusty herbal


    Dry: Metallic rosebud, turning powdery rose. This is the first oil that has gone powdery on me in a not-really-good way - amber does *not* usually act this way for me, so I'll blame the rose. (I'm always ready to blame the rose anyway.) :P


    Reminds me of my grandmother, so I'm keeping the imp for now, but rose is my nemesis.

  3. Wet: peach and green herbs. Does that make any sense?


    Dry: After smelling and smelling, and retrying weeks later, I still somehow get a peach sweetness, so I guess I'll throw it out there even though no one else has gotten this. It's not a peach 'scent', like in other bpal peaches, it's like the actual peach. (Like how the color "peach" is pinkish-drab, but an actual fresh-cut ripe peach is golden yellow inside - that golden yellow is exactly like how this is.) The scent is much lighter and sweeter than I thought it would be from the description. A slight, slight tinge of bitter/sour, perhaps like cut plants. Sunny, light, innocent, open, joy. A summer's day. Really lovely. Potential bottle in my future.


    Comparisons to other scents: If you like this, then you might want to try The Apothecary or Death and Life Completed.

  4. She puts any new items at the very bottom, so you can just copy those rows and paste them into yours. Because she is AWESOME AND A GENIUS.


    Oh my goodness, this Excel sheet Hackess did... words fail. Thank you so much for doing it and sharing it! Now, is there an easy way to add the new items to it when they come out? I know Hackess adds to it and updates it, but if I were to DL the new one each time I would lose my own notes. Just curious!

  5. Wet: Bright, "perfumey" but in a way that I somehow like.


    Dry: Over a long period of time (3-4 hours) the brightness slowly, slowly, fades back, leaving a wonderful carnation / amber / sandalwood spice. A HUGE change from when wet, that takes hours to fully develop.


    I agree w/clover's review - all the notes are blended so seamlessly, it's hard to describe, and hard to categorise as even floral, resiny, or sweet. As she mentioned, "golden, smooth and a bit bright".


    I sometimes need a scent for work that says, 'I am "professional" and can run with the suit-and-briefcase crowd, but I am still myself, and I'm awesome.' In the past, I turned to Manhattan for that, or possibly Mag Mell. Now I think it'll be "Death and life" all the way. Will need a bottle when my imp run out. Or maybe sooner.... :P I love this.

  6. Frimp from the lab - thank you!


    Wet: green - cool - blue - water


    Dry: Green, over time turning to rose.


    Comparisons to other scents: Similar to Lucy's Kiss, which seems better to me scentwise, though both are a bit too floral for my tastes.


    Effect: Could be -- I was a little too calm today at work- couldn't get focused!

  7. Wet: Spun sugar.


    Dry: Sugar and rich deep honey. Not enough oomph for me for daytime, but warm and comforting for evening.


    Comparisons to other scents: I had been hanging onto my imp of O, but I've since discovered Defututa, and Defututa's hint of flower petals mixed with the similar languorous honey and vanilla has totally won me over.

  8. A scent as heavy as thunder from the Vatican, with notes that inspire every sin and excess. Black opium, with vetivert and honeysuckle.

    Wet: Heavy dark floral, bitter.

    Dry: *laughing* Okay, the one word I wrote down was ... Undecided. :P What did I mean? Well, I ended up swapping it. I'm not that big on florals, and it's usually because they're too innocent and light for me - Anathema DEFINITELY does not have THAT problem! The opium seems strong here. This didn't seem like me, but it's definitely an interesting scent, and presumably great on the right person.

  9. Wet: Bitter and rose


    Dry: A dark rose, and vetiver.


    Not bad but I'm not likely to wear this. (I generally do not like to wear rose, though there are the rare exceptions- thank goodness for frimps or I'd never have tried any at all!)

  10. Wet: Woods/musk. Dry and earthy.


    Dry: Dusty, dry, and musky. This calms over time to a deep, dark amber.


    It's defnitely different! I like it, though I can see how many would hate it- it's heavy and completely not like a typical "perfume".

  11. Wet: pine and woods


    Dry: Well-blended enough so all the notes mingle and I can't quite pick them out, no one scent overpowering the others. A really beautiful woods, that dries down to a quiet sweetness. Really smooth and gentle, warm.
