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BPAL Madness!

Little Bird

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Everything posted by Little Bird

  1. Little Bird


    Add me to the already long list of Dorian fans. I was worried that this wouldn't work on me, since I usually get headaches from musk... but oooh this is so lovely. I don't get any lemon or citrus from this. Soft sugared tea and vanilla musk... very warm and sensual. I love this and the boy loves this on me. It feels like a very romantic fragrance to me.
  2. Little Bird


    Just yesterday I was hanging out with my mom and she mentioned how much she loved the smell of butterscotch (she was admiring a new lotion of mine) and I was wishing that I knew of a perfume that I could get her with a similar scent. This isn't a pure butterscotch on me, of course, with the boozy rum in certain stages... but it is mostly a warm golden silky butterscotch scent. My mother is now absolutely fawning over the imp
  3. Little Bird


    Wow, this fragrance is really overpowering on me. Giving me that beat up nosebleed feeling. First off I do get a grapefruit smell. But it's not like nice juicy grapefruit insides... it's like slightly hardened angry grapefruit rind. Very sharp. I also get an odd/sweet incense smell in the background. After about a half hour, I have angry grapefruit rind and salt. Not saltwater... it's like I stuck my head into a bag of salt and snorted some up my nose. Sniffing this leaves me feeling lightheaded and wounded. It's... interesting...
  4. Little Bird


    I really don't understand why this is so popular. It smells like faint baby powder to me... it's the same in the imp, on my skin, and on other people. All I smell is baby powder. I definitely don't get any of the richness of carnation, red sandalwood, or spices. ETA: This is one of those bpal scents that never smells the same, like it is composed of random ingredients every time I've gotten a new imp or bottle. I've gotten versions that are powdery, versions that smell like sour cedar, versions that smell like fluffy vanilla, and versions that are spicy. I ordered a full bottle after getting a recent imp that smelled vanilla-y, but then the bottle smelled like sour woods. Really irritating.
  5. Little Bird


    In the bottle, this smelled strongly of patchouli. Just a small squeeze of lemon in the background. I was hoping that this is what it would smell like on my skin (never works out that way, does it? lol). On my skin, the combination of lemon, patchouli, and cedar smells very strongly of BBQ. I made the boy sniff my wrist and he seconded this notion by asking me if I was wearing something that was supposed to smell like mesquite... I smell like chicken marinated in a lemon dressing and roasting over a campfire. I don't like this as a fragrance, but I'm really hungry now...
  6. Little Bird

    Lex Talionis

    I've been wanting to try Lex Talionis for a while now. Sadly, it was discontinued about 2 days before I had planned to place an order for a bottle of it. Anyhow, a lovely swapper sent me an imp of it... so I can finally try it. Perhaps I'm weird, but I LOVE black pepper and patchouli. If I could get a blend of nothing but black pepper and patchouli then I would be a very happy girl. When I first apply this, it is black pepper in all its glory. So spicy and pulsing and yummy. Then after about five minutes, it softens and starts going sweet. Which is not what I wanted to happen. I've spent the last two hours sniffing my wrist and hoping (PRAYING) that the pepper would come back. Or patchouli. Patchouli? Where are you? This is violets, myrrh, and cedar. It is a soft and somewhat sweet smell. Not at all what I had hoped... so maybe it is good that I didn't buy a full size bottle when I had the chance. It starts out so strongly and wonderful though.
  7. Little Bird


    I don't really like floral blends... I know this, yet I still had to try Twilight. I figured that this would be a really strong scent, with the jasmine dominating. My skin usually amps up the jasmine. I was surprised that the lavendar is what stands out the strongest on me. The lavendar is cooling, like crisp night air. Then there is lovely honeysuckle twisting about through the lavendar. I never even smell that jasmine (which was a relief). Overall this a lovely and not too overpowering floral. I've been looking for a soft honeysuckle scent, and this is that.
  8. Little Bird


    To me, Satyr smells like a deep red musk, sour resins, and cinnamon. A very dark and wild sort of musk that I find really sexy and aggressive smelling. My older bottles had less of that cinnamon note in it than my more recent bottles/imps, but I still like this scent. It's one of my favorites from bpal, though I can see it being a bit too much for a lot of people. It's definitely on the heavier, headshoppy side of things, which I normally dislike, but something about Satyr just smells really sexy to me. On a random note, it's similar in feel to Sin.
  9. Little Bird

    Al Azif

    This is one of those scents that I really like, but would probably never wear. It's a very sweet/smoky incense. It has a sort of sooty/dirty quality to it. At first it smells like a nice floral incense, then dries down to something sweeter and more powdery. It lasts about five hours on my skin... I can barely smell it now, just a trace of something smoky, like the remnants of a burned out campfire. It just doesn't feel like me. I'd pass over this one when picking out a scent to wear each day... nothing is really outstanding or grabbing my attention. I'll probably end up decanting this one out to a few curious friends.
  10. Little Bird


    I wasn't sure what to expect from this, as I don't have a lot of experience with aquatics or ozones. Best way I can describe this: smells like a dryer sheet that has been soaked in murky salt water, with a squeeze of something citrus over it. It is a surprisingly lovely clean fragrance. I do think that this would be more at home on a guy... and I'll probably decant most of it for a few male friends of mine who have expressed an interest in smelling like the Great Cthulhu. ETA: After about a half hour, this smells like a salty lime margarita on my boy, lol. He actually thought that I sprayed him with my lime margarita body spray from Skindazzles... and that was the citrus that I smelled when I tried it on myself, a sort of salty lime.
  11. Little Bird


    The second that I read the description for Whippoorwill, I had to have it. I was so excited to get it, as it sounds like the perfect spicy green scent. Then I started reading the reviews and got scared. Many people describe it as perfumey (which I can't stand), powdery (which I hate), and soapy (which I'm not at all fond of). However, after wearing this all day, I am happy to report that this was not perfumey, powdery, or soapy on me. This is very well blended. Whenever I smell it, I think of wet moss and long green grasses in a marsh. Yet there is something oddly edible about this. It reminds me of nights from my childhood where my father and I would stand outside on the porch after a rain and listen to the whippoorwills singing. Wet, earthy, cool, green, and slightly haunting. It's wonderful. This is going to be my favorite scent this summer.
  12. Little Bird


    There isn't too much to say here that hasn't already been said. Add me to the list of Shub Niggurath fans. I've never smelled Gingerbread Poppet (though I've always wanted to try it, just can't ever manage to get an imp or bottle of it, lol) but Shub Niggurath is exactly what I had hoped it would smell like. When I first put it on, it smells like gingerbread cookies... then it dries down into something wetter, spicier, and more mouth watering. It is foodie, but not just foodie or overwhelmingly so. Shub Niggurath has that same wet spicy/almost citrus note that I loved so much in Cerberus. Mmm... I'm so glad that I got a bottle of this.
  13. Little Bird


    Wearing Nocnitsa was like dousing myself in PineSol cleanser. Smelled very very strongly of pine and a strange minty-menthol note. I normally am very fond of pine scents, but this was just too strong and sharp. I had to scrub it off after about two hours because it just kept getting more and more obtrusive and bitter.
  14. Little Bird


    I loved Wilde desperately when I first got into bpal (smelled like sexy lemon italian ice, lol). Then it went through a phase where it smelled incredibly dish soapy on me (but also, I was on meds at the time that seemed to mess up my skin chemistry). Now I'm trying it again after several years more of experience and while my skin chemistry seems to be normal, lol. In the imp, this smells lemony, sweet, smooth and cool. I think I'm picking up the lavender and bergamot. On my skin, this smells sweet, cool, and refreshing, like a sweet lemon ice on a hot day. The creamy, vanilla-y tonka makes the whole blend smoother and sweeter, and the lavender smells cool and gorgeous. Bergamot, lavender, and tonka, in that order. I don't smell any patchouli, moss, jasmine, or thyme exactly, but I suspect that the thyme is adding a bit of complexity and zing to the blend, and it and the lavender are keeping the blend from turning sickly sweet. Yup. I love this. It smells great on me. The lavender really smells masculine enough for my husband to pull this off, even though it is a bit too sweet on him. This and Vicomte de Valmont are two of my favorite masculine blends to give away to the menfolk in my life.
  15. Little Bird

    Dragon's Heart

    Okay... this did something very odd on my skin. Dragon's Blood and Musk are usually very sharp, bitter, and overpowering on me. I thought that this would be horrible and give me a headache... but I still tried it on, just because I have the need to try everything at least twice. For about one minute (if that) this was very spicy. Musk and cloves and peppers. Then it faded away in an instant and smelled like fruity bubblegum . Not at all what I was expecting. For about a half away, it continued to remind me of Juicy Fruit, then it dried down into a very faint light floral. Reminding me of tiny yellow flowers blowing in a breeze. Then it was all gone within an hour. Very unusual for a musky scent...
  16. Little Bird


    I was hesitant to try this as it has a lot of things in it that don't usually work well on my skin chemistry or that tend to give me headaches (roses, jasmine, and musk). At first, this smelled like a crazed blend of roses, screechingly bright and gave me that nosebleed feeling. Then the jasmine came in and actually seemed to calm the roses down. It became a nice floral blend, soft and very feminine. I hate florals like this, but even I had to admire how pretty it was. Then... after a half hour... musk. Nothing but musk. I'm used to that happening though... my skin will amp up the musk in almost anything. This is a very strong fragrance, a tiny dab on my wrist and I can still smell it clearly around me even three hours later. Which is bad, because the musk is giving me a bit of a headache...
  17. Little Bird


    Mmm... patchouli . I love how well BPAL's patchouli scents usually work on my skin. Urd is just gorgeous. There is a sort of grape-like sweetness to this, but not at all a candied plastic grape, just a sort of subtle fruity tang. The nag champa is sweet and incensey. The patchouli offers up that spicy dark quality that I love. It's so lovely... a wonderful sweet patchouli fragrance. Even my sister (who hates patchouli) thought that this was a wonderful scent. I may have to get a 10 ml of this one.
  18. Little Bird


    I've gotten imps of this where the plum is dominant and some where the carnation is dominant. I don't love the carnation note in this. It smells like spicy, dry potpourri to me. The plum is nice, when I get a batch that is heavy on the plum. But the Arabian musk tends to ruin this one for me, in any case. If I get an imp with strong musk, it has a sharp, powdery quality that winds up giving me a headache. Like most of bpal's scents, though, this scent varies a lot and I'm never sure which version I'll get...
  19. Little Bird


    Danube is an amazing watery fragrance. It brings to mind an image of slowly flowing dark blue water. A bit scary and daunting. The floral scent is rather unique, I don't remember coming across anything quite like it in a perfume. They add a familiar sweetness and sense of mystery to the fragrance. After wearing this for about 15 minutes, I got that familiar nagging feeling that I'd smelled this scent somewhere before. Then it hit me: this smells like my first deodorant. I think it was Teen Spirit's "Caribbean Cool" scent. I remember being around twelve years old and wishing that I had that deodorant in a perfume... now I do... but it's not that appealing anymore, lol. I like Danube, but it will probably never be a full bottle purchase on my list. It's just not me anymore...
  20. Little Bird

    Santo Domingo

    Santo Domingo didn't really work out well on me... while wet it had a lovely pepper & tobacco smell on my skin. I love spicy scents. But when it dried, I didn't get any rum or tobacco at all, just tons of perfumey "blossoms". Sadly, Santo Domingo is just a boring perfumey floral on my skin... the kind of scent that gives me a headache. This will be going into my swap pile.
  21. Little Bird


    Rosalind reminds me of a mountain in spring time. Ice is beginning to melt and cold streams are flowing, flowers and tender green grasses are sprouting up through the melting snow. It is very interesting. It manages to be chilly, green, floral, wet, and slightly fruity all at the same time. When I breath in, it gives me that tingly cool feeling that one gets when they are smelling mints... but it isn't minty. I think that this would be a wonderfully refreshing summer scent.
  22. Little Bird


    I was very interested to see how Phantasm would compare to Shanghai (since Shanghai is green tea, lemon verbena, and honeysuckle - the two sounded very similar). On me, Shanghai smells like green tea with a hint of lemon (it's one of my favorite BPAL oils <3)... Phantasm smells like lemon candies with a hint of green tea. After about an hour, all I can smell are tart lemon candies. I don't think that I'll repurchase this one... it's just too lemony for me. Shanghai remains my favorite green tea scent.
  23. Little Bird


    I love patchouli (and it usually works *very* well on my skin), so I was very excited to try this out. When first applied, this is a dream. Peppery patchouli and kind of reminding me of the scent I get from Lush's Tramp showergel. Then it dries a bit and loses everything that I hoped it would be. It's smells like a very sweet baby powder in the drydown. Like baby powder mixed with sugar. I dislike it intensely... luckily, the staying power is poor. It only lasted about a half hour on my skin before I couldn't smell anything at all.
  24. Little Bird

    Dragon's Blood

    So many people love this... I feel like a freak for how bad it turns on my skin . I haven't done well with any blends that had dragon's blood as a main note... but I tried this on anyhow. For some reason, this is that awful smell that I hated in other blends - like cherry cough syrup, red wine gone bad, and a bouquet of rotting flowers. Three things that smell pretty bad. At least trying this has given me the confirmation that I needed - no more perfume with dragon's blood in them.
  25. Little Bird


    When this was still wet, it reminded me of the seasons... near the end of summer as you're starting to head into fall... it's like green grasses mixed in with a few that have already started to wither and die. It made me think of a field behind my house in Missouri when I was growing up... you can smell the grasses, a bit of dying plant life, and earth. I liked this. Then... it starts to smell like a man's cologne. I don't know what it is, but it very much reminds me of the married man that often gets drunk and hits on me at parties that my family goes to. He's a friend of the family. He's a serious pervert. This is his cologne. For that reason, I cannot seem to like this. The boy wanted so much to wear this and I just couldn't let him because of what I associate the smell with... very creepy... would be a great masculine scent if I weren't already turned off from it.