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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Em-

  1. This is a dark musky almond - not sweet and creamy, although the vanilla does smooth its edges a bit. I don't get much sweet or foody out of this at all, which is just fine with me.


    Now my only question is why it didn't make it onto my bottle list sooner.

  2. Looking back at my notes from ages ago - Rage started as something sharp, almost astringent - which is odd given the notes and how they generally work on me.


    Then, after a bit it mallows into a really interesting Dragon's Blood blend, which I'm always a fan of, with nice hints of dark fruits and spiciness.

  3. My husband was giving me a hard time last night because none of the Tiki blends I'd sampled thusfar had pineapple.


    "If it's Hawaiian, there has to be pineapple," he said.


    Then I grabbed Screeching Parrot. Out of the bottle, this is pure rum soaked pineapple. At least on me...that seems to be a rare reaction round these parts. The husband swore it was mango and on second deep sniff, I was thinking passion fruit...but my first instinct was right - a rip roaring pineapple melange fruit punch with a touch of spice. This is the ultimate summer party scent. :P

  4. Tiki Queen has a lovely sweet coconut scent in the bottle and first on my skin - a lovely lighter bride to Tiki King's rich coconutiness.


    After a few minutes the florals start to push forward, sweet and tropical and very evocative of sipping a pina colada or coconut daquori in the middle of a tropical flower garden. This is an absolutely must have for anyone who likes sweet tropical florals. It is feminine without being overly cloying and is just gorgeous.

  5. Wow. I was so not expecting to love this, but damn, it's lovely.


    I usually don't like aquatics, at least that's one of my perfume mantras, and with the seaweed and sea foam, I expected this to be a double punch of aquatic floral. But I forgot that awaphui is Hawaiian ginger.


    Moana has a definitely juiciness - the sea foam seems to be more of an effervescent saltiness, not watery at all, and the sweet ginger blends fabulously. There is a greenness to this as well, probably from the seaweed, which I associate with mossyness, but that's not what comes out here. This blend is an effervescent mix of sweet/spiciness which I am absolutely adoring.

  6. jester has huckleberry in it as well and as kenjari pointed out, huckleberry smells a lot like blueberry.


    also, if you can get your hands on some, to me crumpet rebellion smelled like blueberry jam on crumpets.


    I was just thinking of Crumpet Rebellion.


    Bewitched has a nice berry vibe going on - I've never actually tried to pick out specifics though.

  7. Mmmm. I love Jai Mahal. It smells so close to something BPAL to me, but I've not yet been able to place it. Although, I'm wearing Count Dracula today and it's sort of close. I keep thinking Bad Luck Woman Blues might work as well.


    Paradise Misplaced is next on my list to match up - I'm thinking the Tiki scents will be of some help there. :P

  8. Mmmm. I'm all about the red scents...


    I think that red musk is what is the biggest tip for me in this sense, although I also like the red ginger and the Dragon's Blood.


    My top five red scents would be:

    1. Mme. Moriarty

    2. Count Dracula

    3. Red Moon (either version)

    4. Blood Moon

    5. Red Phoenix

  9. I would love an oil that smells like their Ripe Fig room scent oil (might be White Barn, not sure). That one smells exactly like fresh picked blackberries to me, or the bushes warming in the sun when we used to go berry picking. Mmmmm



    Ok, I was wrong... Its White Barn Candle Co.'s Brown Sugar & Fig room scent and its DIVINE!! Just wish I could find a perfume oil, lotion, anything for my body that smelled like it.


    I love the Brown Sugar Fig lotion and find it layers beautifully with Freak Show, which is figgy figgy fig on me. It's not similar, per se, but they definitely complement and evoke each other.

  10. Let me preface this by saying that I love seriously foody scents for the bath - caramel and chocolate are two things that I don't necessarily like for perfume (which is good, because every scent with caramel I've tried hates me), but I love the decadence of luxurating in a hot candy scented bath.


    Gula is just...perfect. I like a lot of oil - enough that I can still feel it on my skin when I get out of the tub and this works wonderfully for that. And it smells delightful - the cocoa is deep and dark - sweetened by the caramel and the honey and the sugar cane, tempered by the vanilla and current. I love this.

  11. Mmmm. I had a horribly stressful annoying day yesterday, so I was thrilled to come home to a box containing Castitas (and Luxuria, but that's a story for another time). It was the perfect cold dreary night for a long soak in a bath of sweet cream, which is precicely what Castitas allowed.


    In the bottle, it smelled like sweet vanilla cream with a touch of hot rice cereal - the rice flower adds a slight grainy scent which works really well to fill out the scent and temper the sugary vanilla and cream. It has a hint of something floral without really smelling like what I associate with flowers, if that makes any sense at all.


    I like to use a fair amount of the bath oil, because I love the way that it clings to my skin and makes me feel silky smooth after the bath, but it really doesn't take a whole lot to soften the water and give a lovely scent, even in my big tub.


    And, it went wonderfully with the Milk Moon 05 I slathered at bedtime. :P

  12. For Brown Sugar & Fig, I find that Freak Show layers gloriously with it. The scents aren't the same, per se, but the fig is very similar. I get complements almost every time I wear that combo.


    I also like it with Cerberus, which might have that woodsy note you're looking for tamburlaine.


    For Winter Candy Apple, maybe Slathered Candy Apple or Creepy (caramel rather than candy, but definitely the same sweet sugary apple family) if you can get your hands on them.

  13. This is a beautiful chilly mossy fresh blend with just a touch of floral. This is my perfect winter floral - cold and icy, but not watery, with a breath of softness that is not overly perfumey. Perfect for people with a light case of floraphobia, but who like the Lab's winter scents.

  14. I second the Dragon's Tears suggestion. Also, you might try Dublin or Selkie if you can get your hands on them - both are pretty salty on me. Ogun might be another good GC option.


    It's foody, not aquatic, but the first think I thought of when I saw "salty scents" was Shill from the Carnival Noir line. It is salty buttered popcorn and the people who like it seem to *really* like it. :P

  15. Like others, I was very surprised by Hunter Moon...I adore the first one, which has aged into a gorgeous blend of dark, animalistic musk and spicy autumn wine. While I didn't expect this one to be the same, I wasn't expecting the sweetness at all.


    In the bottle, this smells like a light wine, a soft wooded glade, and vanilla.


    On my skin, the vanilla amps like woah, leaving a really nice scent (I happen to be a big fan of vanilla and am always happy to find it in a blend that isn't inherently foody) that is worlds different from what I expected - that vanilla, and a hint of a soft musk - whomever said buckskin is right on to my nose, as this is very similar to coyote, but with, well, vanilla bean. I get virtually nothing of wine or leaves or anything else really. So, not at all what I expected, but a happy surprise, nonetheless.
