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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Brianne

  1. I think it's fair to say in advance that anything I'm about to say about this blend, is due mostly to my body chemistry. It sounded so good but I hesitated to buy it because BPAL's popcorn and caramel notes don't tend to work out on me. Thanks to honey_cat, I actually got to try this blend anyways and my fears were confirmed!


    I know from Shill, that popcorn from BPAL smells like faint wood on me. And that their caramel disappears on my skin. I mean really, the second it hits my skin, *poof!* it's gone. The end result here is that it's sort of vaguely woody and coffee like. Doesn't have a lot of throw on me unfortunately.


    I will say that it reminds me A LOT of Miskatonic University. That coffee and dust combo is how this blend turns out on me (light on the coffee). If you like that blend, definitely try this. Or if you were a fan of Shill, I think it's obvious that you should try this too hehe!

  2. Very unusual! It's a sweet, aquatic floral with touches of green lol. It's very hard to pin down in that sense - it does have a sweet incense quality to it, but I would call this more of an aquatic floral than anything. And yet, the green note is rather dominant (fir I think? Don't think it's pine... ) - it reminds me of a lot of the greener Yule scents, so if you're a fan of those, you'll probably really dig this! As for me - well I really think it's nice but I'm not sure I'd reach for it that often due to that green note!

  3. The jasmine in this is unlike the jasmine I am used to smelling in BPAL scents (the jasmine that totally does not work on me). It's softer here and much more subdued. The moonflower is soft and almost powdery and this scent gives the overall impression of the color white. It's very clean and soft and makes me think of baby wash or something :P

  4. I am so glad I bought this one :P It's exactly what I was hoping for, which is FRUITY fruity fruity and fruity. It reminds me of Fire Pig quite a lot. I think the lychee in Fire Pig is quite similar to the grapefruit and pomegranate here. I do get a tiny touch of ginger, but it's not very noticeable on my skin. It's not TOO boozey either, I find it to be way more fruity than boozey. However, the booze notes do warm this up and become more prominent after I've been wearing it a while. I love how tart and bright this scent is, yummy!

  5. I REALLY want to like this one... no, I want to LOVE this one. It's one I bought a bottle of immediately because the idea of coconut and pineapple with rum was too much to pass up on!


    Unfortunately, it just didn't work out on me the way I thought it would :D Some of the above reviews took the words right out of my mouth. I don't get pineapple or coconut in this - except for two seconds when I put it on I think I might smell pineapple. Otherwise, it smells like RUM. And... cinnamon. Which isn't a listed note, but I swear that on me, this smells like a cinnamon Christmas Yankee Candle. Not a bad thing, just not what I was expecting :P People who like a good warm rum scent might really enjoy this (so don't be discourage automatically by the coconut or pineapple notes!) :D

  6. *shakes head sadly* Bitter clove seems to go wrong on me so often. It always seems to go powdery and sort of "off" - it just doesn't vibe with my chemistry :D This smells masculine to me but I'm not getting much else there unfortunately. And yet I will always hold out hope for bitter clove hehe! :P

  7. I don't usually write reviews, but given the scarcity of Hanami reviews I just want to say here that Hanami smells like the best shampoo ever. A tad disappointing if you were, like I was, hoping for the fresh, pure scent of Japanese flowers. But still, I will enjoy wearing this in my hair.



    That is TOTALLY what I thought hah! It smells like my shampoo - not a bad thing at all, it's very fresh and clean and sure would make an awesome hair scent. I mostly get the cherry blossom, but after wearing it a while, the ume is definitely there. It does have a similar vibe as Dragon Moon, but with a clean edge.

  8. When this first goes on, it smells like dark sugar - something akin to what you would find in Sugar Skull. Behind it is a slight boozey smell and very faint florals. The combination is surprisingly not sweet OR girly. Totally not what I'd expect from a blend called Sugar Moon hehe!


    If you've ever smelled LUSH's Creamy Candy, this is what it smells like to me - not very candy like, and yet sugary but in a sort of.... husky? way I suppose. It has a lot of depth and I have to say that I do not get strawberry or rose. It reminds me of blends like Sugar Skull, Black Lace and Smut. If you like those, you'll probably enjoy Sugar Moon :P


    As for me - I really like it, but I'm trying to decide how MUCH I like it. Enough to track down a whole bottle? I'm not sure yet, but I'll definitely keep my imp at least :D

  9. This starts off a bit loud - no doubt because of the ylang ylang, but softens up into a very pretty sandalwood. It's feminine and slightly sweet because of the neroli. I like that this is simple and the ylang ylang is pretty tame on me :P

  10. I was really excited about a troll blend when this came out, but decided to wait on it because of the pine, which tends to not work out for me. My hubby and I love troll stuff (couldn't really tell you why!) and the idea of this really dark, black and green scent sounded great for the idea.


    When I first put this on, it is like a punch right into my nostrils lol. Very strong, potent, and definitely dark. I get the pine right away, but it's not so.... fresh I suppose, like the pine you get in some of the holiday scents. There is a dark spice behind it, and it ALMOST smells gingery, but I guess that must be the cumin? Vetiver is pretty prominent here too - this is one dark blend!


    I like the whole vibe overall - very fitting and I think this would probably smell nice on a guy (or maybe as a soap too, I could see myself washing with this but not necessarily wearing it as a perfume). Not something I could personally wear, but I definitely think this is interesting!

  11. Forbidden Fruit is a sweet floral bubblegum of a scent (on me). A jasminebubblegum :P



    I have to ditto this! I don't know that jasmine is in this for sure, but when I first put this on, I definitely GOT jasmine vibes from it. That quickly faded into the bubblegummy lotus. Lotus is fairly predictable on me, in that it tends to smell like bubblegum, but it has different outcomes depending on what it's paired with. Sometimes I enjoy it, and other times I don't. Unfortunately, the jasmine vibe with this makes this one of the times that I don't. But I can imagine smelling this one someone else and thinking it was nice. It's just not really me!

  12. Bright and tart plum with green tea and cherry blossom - pretty and simple but a lot like many of the other Asian themed BPAL scents (like Dragon Moon). It also fades very quickly. I will say though that I think the plum note in this is lovely - it's a sort of tart and "sharp" plum note!

  13. I swear this smells just like honeydew melon when it first goes on me! JUST like. Then it starts to dry down and it smells like musk and osmanthus but the osmanthus is going a bit off on me I think. Something isn't quite "right in this blend on my skin so in the end it becomes a sort of bitter floral with a faint vanilla backdrop.

  14. When it goes on, I definitely get the black tea - very rich and herbally. Then as it starts to dry down, it begins to smell slightly minty and spicy. It becomes much more masculine than I had imagined it would be by sniffing it in the vial. It's nice though - it's very clean and zesty and brings to mind a soap like Irish Springs. I think it's quite pretty for that and though I will keep an imp around I don't think I need a whole bottle!

  15. Right off the bat, I get what I am expecting out of this blend. It is strongly woody with a very soft cream note. Sweet and creamy the same way that MB Underpants is. It's very woody though - sharp and potent and pairs beautifully with the softer note. This is mature and sophisticated - makes me think of something I would wear out to dinner, but not "at the office". Very nice!

  16. It goes on like red musk with vetiver and fruit and the combination is not very appealing. I love red musk (my favorite musk) but vetiver can either work well on me or go terribly wrong and it's not getting along with me so far in this blend. Thankfully, that stage only lasts a minute and the red musk starts to dominante and I start to get an almost minty smell which must be the lavender I think. It's herbally but definitely has a distinct minty vibe. It smells like there is cassia in this also - I only say that because cassia has a distinct funk on my skin and I'm getting that here. It's like ginger and cinnamon gone rotten or something. It's in the background thankfully, but I swear that must be cassia.


    I do like the red musk and herbal tone to this, but on the other hand, I can't seem to decide how I really feel about this scent. I'll sniff it one time and like it and then sniff it again and not like it. I like when I sniff and I get a musky, dry and herbal tone to it.




    I'm going to have to hold onto this and see how it ages. I think with a little time in my BPAL box, it grow into a very lovely red musk scent.

  17. It starts off as sharp ylang ylang - not a scent I'm fond of, but one I'm tolerant of (as long as it can blend into the background eventually lol). Then the violet and patchouli comes through and it becomes deep and heady - definitely floral but without the soft quality usually associated with florals. It has a grassy quality too behind it all - sort of green and pungent. I do not get any citrus at any point with this blend - not in the bottle OR on my skin. Which is unfortunate, because that was the part of this scent I was most looking forward to.


    I appreciate the depth of this scent and it is nice, just not what I was hoping for!

  18. It goes on very vanilla-y but that immediately disappears and I get a sort of watery fruit scent. I think it's the cherry blossom creating this effect - it's toning down all the other notes with it's airy quality. I think I smell guava, but I'm not really sure. It's sort of vaguely tropical.


    This reminds me of Dragon Moon - it has a very Asian feel to it in the drydown. Sort of floral, sort of fruity, sort of airy? It's just kind of a vague scent on me all together - I am not really getting a strong impression one way or the other on this one.

  19. Fire Pig + melon. It really does smell VERY similar to Fire Pig on me, only with more melon so it's more sweet than tart (as Fire Pig was more tart than sweet). To be perfectly honest, I could not be happier that this is nearly melon single note lol. I LOVE melon scents and I have never found one in BPAL (even the ones that some people got melon from, I did not). So I am quite happy with this melon scent and will be putting this away until warmer weather, when I will gladly slather it on and smell like a fruit cocktail lol :P

  20. This totally reminds me of Snow White. It's a warmer cousin of Snow White, without the chill or the winter flowers. I don't get the wintergreen that others smell in this scent, although it is a little crisp for some reason.


    Could not agree more! It does smell like Snow White to me, only without the flowers and a bit warmer. It has a sort of soft and creamy scent with a touch of something crisp and cool (but it doesn't smell like mint of any kind to me). I was hoping this was going to smell remiscent of MB Underpants, but alas.... it doesn't at all. It almost has a slightly fruity undertone. Not as saffron-y as I was wanting, but it's not bad either. It's a scent that I like well enough to hold onto my bottle of, but I'm not sure how often I'd reach for it.

  21. This goes on smooth and musky - very much what I imagine when I am thinking of an Arabian musk scent. You can definitely smell the honey too, making this slightly sweet and golden but predominantly musky. After a few minutes, it does start to turn slightly soapy though - not a big deal, since the musk is still going strong, but I would love it more if it weren't there. I was really worried about the kush, because - who wants to smell like pot? Anytime someone smells like that, I always think they should go take a serious bath because it's an unappealing smell. Luckily, I am not getting anything like that from this scent. Which is great, because it would be such a shame.




    Overall, I would call this mostly a honey musk scent with a slight resin and floral background. It's not a favorite, but it's a decent scent and I could see myself wearing it. It makes me think of scents like Black Lace or Krampus so if you like those, you might want to give this one a shot :P


    edit: Just wanted to add that it eventually becomes quite bitter and sharp on me. Not for me with that stage, it's too sharp and harsh at that point. I do like the earlier stages though!

  22. Oddly enough, I do not get cinnamon or clove at all from this. It smells very musky and masculine with a slight peanuty smell to it (smells JUST like Smut did on me!). I normally love musk (especially red), but there is something about this blend and Smut that makes it smell like peanuts to me rofl.

  23. It smells just like I imagined something called Sundew WOULD smell like. It's slightly floral, but has a watery tone to it (dewy of course) and a slightly sweet golden note that borders on being floral fruity. It makes me think of those little girl perfumes - you know the ones they market towards girls who haven't gotten into "real" perfumes yet, and they are usually light and innocent smelling. This makes me think of those - it's very airy and innocent with just a slight sweetness to it. Very girly!
