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Posts posted by Caerphilly

  1. In the imp: Citrus and bitter herbs. I get some lavender, but strangely, it really is just a bit. Lavender usually overpowers everything, but not here. Citrus is dominant.


    Wet: All lemon. As if I squeezed lemon juice on my wrist. Very fresh, crisp, tart. Strong smell. But no other noes, just lemon.


    Dry: Still lemon. I like it! It almost smells like lemon pine-sol, but isn't quite there yet. Fresh squeezed lemon is all I get.


    Overall: I was expecting something a lot more complicated. And I was expecting a lot more lavender. But I like it a lot! I will definitely use my imp. I love the smell of fresh lemons. And amazing throw and lasts forever!

  2. In the imp: Wood and fig. After smelling Carnal I can smell fig anywhere. Very sweet. I actually thought there was patchouli in this. I have a fear of that scent (dominates everything, never washes off). But it's more dry wood.


    Wet: Much sweeter. And I get suntan lotion. Suntan lotion spread on a piece of wood. I don't really get fig anymore. The more it dries, the dryer it smells, if that makes sense. The sweetness goes away, and it smells like dry wood.


    Dry: No fig at all. And I get even more suntan lotion. Someone wrote pencil shavings, and that's also what I get. It's fading quickly. A very light scent. And after a long time (maybe an hour) there is just a faint lingering in the fig and nothing else.


    Overall: I feared an overpowering patchouli scent. Instead, it's a light coconut and wood smell. It fades quickly, and doesn't have much throw. I surprisingly like it, though. Not my usual taste.

  3. In the bottle: Does anyone else get apples from this? Soft yellow apples, bitten into... I smell fresh cut grass, but not the grass in the Gap scent someone else mentioned, or the grass in Squirting Cucumber (that I was hoping for). It's not as crisp and fresh, but sort of old and dying. It's dying autumn grass as the leaves fall....and definitely apples... :P


    Wet & Dry: Same as in bottle. A good autumn scent. Doesn't change at all, actually, from bottle to drydown to two hours later.


    Overall: It lasts a long time on me, which I wasn't expecting. And it has ok throw. But it wasn't the grass I was expecting. I wanted something more crisp and fresh and this is a bit too sweet and I get apples for some reason!!! I'll keep it for the label, and I'll use up the oil just for an occasional change in scents. But it definitely isn't my favorite.

  4. In the imp: Vanilla tea with a touch of lemon. This isn't the plastic vanilla that's in Antique Lace or Regan or even Snow White. And it's not the foody vanilla in Snake Oil or Drink Me. It's a sweet citrus vanilla, French vanilla, but not for baking. I'm rambling without describing. :P All I can say is that it's a vanilla I like.


    Wet: Less citrus, more vanilla tea, but it's so...lovely. Unisex, I'd say. It's very light and delicate and has little throw.


    Dry: The musk comes out. I don't really like musky scents because they tend to ground lighter scents, until the lighter scents fade, and then it's a base of musk without really any scent to it.


    Overall: Lovely, lovely, lovely. A vanilla I can stand! Yet, it's a bit too faint on me, turns a bit too musky, and has barely any throw. I will definitely use my imp, but I doubt I'll get a bottle. (Sorry if this isn't the best description, but I've tried and reviewed too many scents today in my excitement of getting my order! :D )

  5. A festive, dazzling blend, layered in mystery and intrigue. Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom.

    In the imp: Patchouli.

    Wet: Patchouli.

    Dry: In the end, I get a mix of orange blossom and patchouli. A bad mix. Sweet and earthy do not go together, at least here. It's smells sour.

    Overall: The sweet orange blossom and carnation and trying to fight the dry, sour, earthy patchouli, and the patchouli is winning. Some sweetness is pushing through, but it barely makes it. I don't like patchouli, so I won't be using my imp.

  6. In the imp: Earthy patchouli. I need to learn that no matter what the scent, if it has patchouli in it, I won't like it. But, this reminds me if Death Cap. And I liked Death Cap, mainly because it had more of a dirt smell than just the patchouli taking over. And it's slightly sweet, which I like.


    Wet: The sweetness goes away, and it's all patchouli.


    Dry: It gets closer to my skin, and turns more earthy. There is a slight powderiness to it. A wood powder. Sawdust. I don't know why this scent is so complex to me. It's all earth an patchouli, but it morphs with my skin chemistry a lot!!


    Overall: I like this more than other patchouli scents. But this is not for me. It changes too much in a short time span, but all of the changes aren't really changes that I like. I prefer sweet, aquatic scents. This is too dry and earthy for me.

  7. In the imp: Smell something disgusting! Like rot, or nasty feet, or a litter box. Something old and not taken care of and dying. And instead of doing something about the smell, someone covered it up with a really sweet, flowery, girly perfume, hoping no one would notice.


    Wet: That gross smell is gone. It's just in the imp. Although I still can't get that feeling out of my head that just put something rotting on my body. The initial scent is really throwing me off.


    Dry: It's very light and sweet and girly and no rot at all. In fact, it turns so pretty and girly that I want to keep my imp! It's slighty watery, making the florals less perfumey. It's sweet enough for me to like it, and for it to be feminine. I get no fir though. Though I don't mind. I like pine, but fir can go either way on me.


    Overall: I really like this! But, it's a bit too light, and too sweet for me to get a big bottle. Will definitely use my imp. Very pretty and girly!

  8. In the imp: Heavy, dark, I get a woody or earthy note to it. Really heavy. And I thought I liked jasmine. But, as I've learned, night-blooming jasmine is different than regular jasmine.


    Wet: Oh no! :P Get it away from me! I can't do heavy scents. Honeysuckle, lilac, and now jasmine. Smells like something my roommate would wear not me...I'm getting a headache. But I'm waiting for the rose....


    Dry: There's the rose! It is very subtle though, but it's there! And it mellows out the heavy jasmine smell. I'm beginning to like it! Although it's still a very dark, and, that's right, wicked scent.


    Overall: Not for me, not for me at all. Too heavy, even when it dries down. I like the rose, but really too heavy. A dab on my wrist is fine, but I don't think I could wear this on a regular basis.

  9. In the imp: Sweet almonds. At first I thought it was over-ripe fruit until I read the description. The sweetness almost gives that impression. Marzipan.


    Wet: It's a very light scent. And it made the inside of my elbows burn a bit. :P Probably the spiciness. But it only lasted a few minutes. It doesn't have much throw.


    Dry: Almost gone. It doesn't last that long on me.


    Overall: To me, it's nothing special. It's nice and light and sweet and a bit spicy. But it doesn't last. It burns a little. I wore it to work this morning, and in the afternoon I had to think for a second which BPAL I wore today because it is really nothing spectacular to me. It is pretty in the imp, but I don't know if I should keep it or swap.

  10. In the imp: A lovely sweet floral. All lily and rose. I like it!


    Wet: It turned to soap. I wore this to work and it bothered me all day! And I love rose and lily! How unfortunate!


    Dry: It does have good throw and it lasts forever, but I don't want to smell like soap for 12 hours.


    Overall: I don't know why it turned to soap, but it did. Rose and lily love my skin chemistry. Maybe it's the carnation or the chrysanthemum, but I've worn those notes before and never have they turned to soap on me. I don't understand. :P So pretty in the imp, but it just doesn't like me!

  11. Sweet pine, crisp snow, a few flowers. It's light and a bit sweet and clean and cold and just lovely. This is Snow Moon!!! I will buy several bottles of this before it disappears. And it lasts long. Has very good throw. Only need a drop. The label is pretty... And it doesn't morph from bottle to drydown. I love this scent. Mainly because it smells exactly like Snow Moon!!!

  12. 2008 version


    In the bottle: It took me a few sniffs to smell anything in the bottle. It's a light plastic coconut smell. But it is really, really light.


    Wet: I smell vanilla and coconut. It's the vanilla in Antique Lace. The plastic vanilla that smells like barbie dolls, or as someone said, my little ponies. I don't really like that smell, although I'm not a huge fan of vanilla in the first place. And I don't really like the smell of coconut, but the coconut in this isn't really bothering me. It's the vanilla.


    Dry: Play-doh. :D Hands down, smells exactly like play-doh. My boyfriend said I smelled pretty when I wore this. This was actually the second time, out of nowhere, he's told me I smell pretty (the first time bbeing when I wore Helena for the first time). But he also agreed that it smells like play-doh and said he likes the smell of play-doh. But I don't really...


    Overall: I had huge expectations for this scent! I thought I would love it, but it's going to the swaps. :D It's not for me, even though my boyfriend loves it. The label is pretty though, making me rethink swapping it. :P

  13. In the bottle: Crisp, fresh, velvety, red rose. Exactly as the description states.


    Wet: This is what freshly cut roses smell like. Not powdery but crisp. I love this. It smells like it does in the bottle on me.


    Dry: Turns a bit powdery on me, but I don't mind. It's still strong rose.


    Overall: After it dried it didn't really last that long on me, so I don't know if I should buy another bottle. But it was worth buying the first one because this is gorgeous!

  14. In the imp: Sweet tobacco and chocolate. Some leather perhaps.... Very masculine. Don't like it.


    Wet: This is heavy. One drop is all I need. Warm, spicy, definitely fruity. And it's making me itch...but I like what's happening with it so I'll keep it on a little while longer.


    Dry: Smells like candy! Like a lemon drop. I love mandarin, especially in 51. But this is mandarin times 100! I love it! It's not too sweet, it has a bit of spiciness to it. Something is preventing this from being too fruity and sweet. I'm glad I didn't wash this off.


    Overall: I don't really like fruity. Don't really like sweet, and the scent in the imp threw me off. But this changes into something lovely. Although it is a masculine scent, I feel that I can wear it. It's yummy! :P

  15. In the imp: Sweet spice, woody aquatic. A lot more feminine than I thought it would be.


    Wet: No leather, really. I'm glad. This is a masculine scent, but it's working on me. There's the spiciness, mellowed out by the salty sea. There's some wood, but it's fading.


    Dry: Not much change from the imp. Spicy, woody, aquatic.


    Overall: This wasn't even on my list of scents I wanted to try, but I'm glad I did. I'll try to make my boyfriend wear it (good luck with that!) but I can wear it as well. I think it's a pretty masculine scent. :P

  16. My roommate and I are getting nervous, because I don't think my payment has cleared from a 10/15 order from the lab (the last I checked my card statement), and people who ordered on 10/23 have already gotten a cns. And my roommate ordered from the Trading Post on the same day and still hasn't gotten an e-mail about her shirt. And she usually gets her TP stuff before I get my oils.


    I think I'm over worrying, but I want to sniff the yules to see if I like them and want to possibly include them in my next order. I think I'm just greedy and impatient. :P

  17. In the imp: Lily and herbs. Pretty....but there's the dreaded patchouli.


    Wet: I can't get over the patchouli.


    Dry: Still can't get over the patchouli.


    Overall: There's a lovely scent in there. I love lily. The herbs make the lily not so sweet. But I hate patchouli and it's distracting me from the other scents. Not for me.

  18. In the imp: Dirt and incense. With some sweetness.


    Wet: I know I won't be able to sit through this. It's to strong and dirty for me. I have to wash it off.


    Overall: There are certain oils that all smell the same to me. Lilac(I love it as a flower, but non as an oil), leather, incense, honeysuckle, etc. I get a headache and have to wash it off. This is one of those oils.

  19. In the imp: A very clear scent. A bit floral. Smells like fresh air.


    Wet: The incense is coming out. It's still very clear.


    Dry: Now I smell more incense and it's strong. Not so strong that I can't take it. I don't really like the smell if incense, but it's not bothering me in this.


    Overall: Love it in the imp. I just like it on me. It's just not something I would wear, but it is pretty. Doesn't last long though.

  20. In the imp: Citrus rain and yellow flowers. Light, clean, reffeshing.


    Wet: Lovely! It's a lot stronger than I thought it would be. And there is a light note of a vanilla cake or sweet ginger. Something sweet and foody, but it is light and doesn't take away from the clean citrus smell.


    Dry: Really lasts much longer than any other 'clean' or 'light' scent I've tried. It doesn't fade and stays pretty true to the imp. The foody scent is still there, but it is still citrus rain and yellow flowers.


    Overall: I've been looking for a light, clean scent that lasts on me. And this is it! :P Big bottle for me!!

  21. In the imp: Very sweet floral. Almost like Ophelia, but not as sweet. It's a bit like candy.


    Wet: Very pretty floral. Not as much candy anymore. It's a strong scent, but it's staying close to the skin. I don't get aquatic from this at all.


    Dry: Soap. I think it's the plumeria. Although there is still a bit of the sweetness in there, but it's too soapy for me. And it got stronger.


    Overall: Lovely sweet at first. And it lasts for a while. But it does turn on me, and I didn't enjoy that. And I was out when wearing it, so I had nowhere to wash it off. It changes drastically, and in a way that didn't work for me.

  22. In the imp: Very light. Very fresh. I smell tulips and grass. Definitely watery with grass. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. It's lovely!!


    Wet: The grass comes out more. But the scent is barely there. It's fresh and clean, but it's as if I didn't put any oil on at all. And I slathered a lot from the imp, knowing that this is light.


    Dry: Barely there. It was lovely while it lasted!


    Overall: I love this scent, but it is too light. Almost no throw, and it lasted on me about half an hour. Pretty, but I wish I could smell it more!!

  23. In the imp: Sweet with a soapy edge. Many flowers ...many many...a bouquet is right. I can't pick out one flower in this.


    Wet: It's sweet, but not overpowering or cloying. It's pretty. There is a soapiness to it, but it's not out completely. So far I like it.


    Dry: There's the soapiness, possibly gardenia. Add it was going so well!


    Overall: Very pretty floral...until the dry down. If anything has a tendency to turn soapy on you, don't try this. Otherwise, it's sweet and lovely.
