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Everything posted by OriginalWacky

  1. OriginalWacky

    Van Van

    Bottle (Imp): Fresh and spicy. Just On: Yeah, fresh and spicy. It's interesting. An hour or two later: This is very well blended, and I can't really pick out any notes. I just get foresty fresh (not trees or pine, but somehow I get forest), and some spice from it. Around 6 hours: I'm getting a tiny bit of fresh spices, and not much else. 12 hours: It's all gone. Overall: I like it, but it's not quite in my top twenty or anything. After reading other reviews: Okay, the pepper is nice in this, so that makes me happy. The ginger is probably the freshness. The frankincense is probably the freshness, although I see some folks thought patchouli and /or sandalwood, which could be it as well.
  2. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Fresh and spicy. Just On: Yeah, fresh and spicy. It's interesting. An hour or two later: This is very well blended, and I can't really pick out any notes. I just get foresty fresh (not trees or pine, but somehow I get forest), and some spice from it. Around 6 hours: I'm getting a tiny bit of fresh spices, and not much else. 12 hours: It's all gone. Overall: I like it, but it's not quite in my top twenty or anything. After reading other reviews: Okay, the pepper is nice in this, so that makes me happy. The ginger is probably the freshness. The frankincense is probably the freshness, although I see some folks thought patchouli and /or sandalwood, which could be it as well.
  3. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Hmm, perhaps a hint jasmine, and minty? More mint than jasmine though. Just On: The jasmine gets stronger, and I can't really smell mint anymore. An hour or two later: More jasmine than anything else. Around 6 hours: Still pretty much jasmine, but it's not such a bad thing. It's really pretty decent in this case. 12 hours: Bare hint of jasmine. Overall: I'm not a big jasmine person, but in this it works fairly well. This still doesn't make a big bottle list for me, but I'm glad to have tried it, and it's pretty neat in general. After reading other reviews: I wish I'd gotten the sweetness that others did. This doesn't give me strong associations with the moon, but it is beautiful in it's own way.
  4. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): This smells sweet, and minty? Just On: Yes, I get sweet, and it is minty. Not strong mint, just a nice mintyness. An hour or two later: Hmm, this starts to turn soapy. There must be flowers in here. Around 6 hours: A hint soapy, not too bad, and some sweet, and a bit of spice. 12 hours: Barely there spicy soap. Nice spicy soap. Overall: This isn't too bad, although I could do without the soap. After reading other reviews: I get the green and pink associations with this, and concur. I like it, but don't LOVE it.
  5. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Well duh, it smells like cinnamon. Just On: Yep, cinnamon. An hour or two later: Well, big shock, it smells just like real cinnamon. Like the sticks, fresh ground, not the powder you might buy in a bottle at the grocery store that have been on the shelf for 87 years. Around 6 hours: Okay, it's still (you really cannot be surprised by this) cinnamon. 12 hours: I can just *barely* smell the cinnamon now. Overall: Well, what more can I say that Beth is genius. How DOES she bottle these scents so true? After reading other reviews: Yeah, a real cinnamon scent.
  6. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Herby. Somewhat crisp. Just On: Herby, some soft herbs. Freshly cut, not ground. An hour or two later: Yeah, soft herbs, but different than the ones I was smelling earlier, at least part of them. I can't pick out any notes, or herbs, but it's a great mix. It smells like I've been out cutting fresh herbs to bring home and dry. Around 6 hours: Now I'm getting a tiny bit of staleness, but it's still herbyness. 12 hours: Last of the herbyness with a tiny bit of sweetness. Overall: I think this might be my favorite tarot oil so far. I like. After reading other reviews: I get the greenness that others do. This is a nice enough scent, and I'll likely order some eventually.
  7. OriginalWacky


    Bottle: It smells like really pretty warm flowers. Just On: Mmm, pretty flowers. An hour or two later: Soft pretty flowers (and no soap!). Around 6 hours: Wow, I can't believe it's not soapy. It's quite faded now, but still soft flowers. 12 hours: It's pretty much gone now. Overall: This is yet another beautiful flower blend, and I can wear it! What a pleasant surprise. After reading other reviews: Wow, what a totally great blend, and it has elicited so many different reactions. I got none of the deep dark parts of this. It was pretty much all flowers on me, and they worked, which was shocking. Dragon's blood? Nope. Juniper berries? Nope. Woods? Nope. Just flowers.
  8. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Ooh, a cologne-y perfume smell. I kinda like it. Just On: This has some real depth to it. I can't identify a single note, but it's somewhat deep, a bit like expensive cologne, and got that aura of women's perfume about it. An hour or two later: Hmm, it's fading fast on me. It's a little dark, but not in a bad way, a touch like cologne, and has a heady bit of perfume scent to it. Around 6 hours: All that's left is a bit of sharp kinda stuff, not really sharp, just a little edge to it. 12 hours: That last bit of sharpnes, and it's fading away to nothing. Overall: I'm very glad I got to try it, but it's not something I'm terribly worried about being gone. It's not my style, though I know a few people it would probably smell fabulous on. After reading other reviews: It smells pretty much like I might think it should in the imp, but on me it turns shrp and a little bitter, as it seems to have for others.
  9. OriginalWacky

    Three Witches

    Bottle: Mmm, cinnamon and spice and yum. Just On: Oh yeah, I can smell the cinnamon and the pepper, the rest are very well blended. An hour or two later: Oh this is yummy spicy. Clove, cinnamon, maybe pepper, and a touch of cumin? Around 6 hours: Oh, this is fading down into a creamy spicy scent that is just adorable. I'm loving it. 12 hours: Yummy, the last vestiges of spicy cream. Overall: Okay, it's official, I love this stuff. After reading other reviews: OMG, this could be reformulated? I'd buy some almost instantly, if it were even close to this. I love it.
  10. OriginalWacky

    Flower Moon 2005

    Bottle (Imp): I suspect this will not work on me, as flowers have a love/hate thing with my skin. But after The Living Flame, I will certainly give this a shot. So, I open it, and in the imp it smells flowery and sweet. Just On: Annnnd, it immediately hates my skin and starts to go soapy. An hour or two later: Way too soapy, though some of the flowers are peeking through in a nice way. Around 6 hours: Still too soapy, my skin is so bad with flowers for the most part. 12 hours: Faded soap. Overall: This is a gorgeous scent, ruined by my skin. After reading other reviews: It's beautiful flowers, yes, but my skin messes it up, so it's not for me. I've sent my imp off to a happier home.
  11. OriginalWacky

    Milk Moon 2005

    Bottle (Imp): OH! Sweet, and beautiful! More. Just On: Oh, this is heartbreakingly sweet, and I am loving it. We'll see how the lunar oils play out, but I'm willing to bet they won't hurt me, as my skin tends to like them. An hour or two later: Beautiful creamy milky slightly sweetness. I'm lusting for this. How sad that I missed out on bottles. Around 6 hours: Yummmmmmm. It's started to wind down, and it's still beautiful creamy milky sweetness. I must get more of this. 12 hours: Love at first and last sniff. Overall: This hits the big bottle list right away. I really like it a lot. After reading other reviews: I really didn't get the mint that others did with this, but it's still so lovely that I don't care about that. Anybody who wants to swap this, or sell it to me, PM me, as I'm LOVING this scent, but I can't afford to pay over $30 a bottle on EBay.
  12. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): This is very crisp, and a bit sweet. I'm not sure what I was expecting, maybe some evergreen, but I get crisp and clean and a bit sweet. Just On: Oh look, some evergreen! It smells like a really good potpourri for the holidays, the greenness of the tree, some sweet smells in the background from baking, and the bit of cold air that blasts in when you open the door to come in. An hour or two later: Oh, I am loving this, except for that very faint hint of something Off. If that doesn't last, then this is a winner in my book. Around 6 hours: Wow, it's all gone. 12 hours: Uh yeah, it's still gone. Funny how that works. Overall: It's a beautiful scent for a room, but not quite right on me. After reading other reviews: The berries were prety subtle on me, and none of the notes overwhelmed me. I like it well enough.
  13. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): This smells very smooth. It's so well blended I can't pick out any notes. Just On: Okay, I'm getting some flowers here. An hour or two later: Pretty smooth, and there is a hint of soap, so there must be a flower my skin hates in here. It's still rather pleasant though. Around 6 hours: The soap fades away, and very shortly thereafter, the rest of it goes with. 12 hours: Well, of course it stayed gone. Overall: It's beautiful in the imp, and my skin turns it to soapy yuckiness. After reading other reviews: I'm starting to think that jasmine just doesn't get along with my skin.
  14. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Hehe, this smells like SeaBreeze mixed with something sweet. Just On: Okay, just like in the imp, but add some ozone. An hour or two later: Okay, no ozone. It's sweet and spicy. Around 6 hours: Faded sweet and spicy. 12 hours: Just the last vestiges of sweet left now. Overall: This is wonderful. I think it's bottle worthy. After reading other reviews: I never picked out any notes, and by reading the description from the lab, never would have tried this. And yet, I really like it.
  15. OriginalWacky

    The Red Queen

    Bottle (Imp): Wow, citrus, sharp bright citrusy fruit, and sweetness. Just On: Holy cow, I like the citrus fruit blast I got here. I smell something else trying to come out as well, so we'll see how this plays out. I could love it like this, or if it changes the right way on me. An hour or two later: Ouch, this is turning rather bad with my skin. Not what I was hoping for, that's for sure. Around 6 hours: I'm getting back a bit of the sweetness, and the citrus thing is totally gone. Whatever was seeming bad is now gone. 12 hours: Just the last few bits of sweetness left. Overall: I was blown away with the citrus thing at first, and then it faded down into a lovely sweetness after that little hint of ickiness. After reading other reviews: Hmmm, currant is probably what made me think it was citrus. I really didn't get cherry or cough syrup at all, which is nice. I like it.
  16. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Sweetness interlaced with a hint of crispness. Just On: It gets crispier, and the sweetness fades a little bit upon application. An hour or two later: This has faded a LOT already, so it may not last too long on me. That being said, I don't get quite as much crispness or sweetness, but there is something else sticking out a little bit, something I can't quite figure out. Around 6 hours: It's kind of a crisp water, if that makes any sense, and very faded. 12 hours: It finally faded away into nothing. Overall: This was one of the more interesting scents I've tried, and I like it well enough. After reading other reviews: AHA White tea. So *that* is what it smells like on me. I think it's the ginger that peeks out just a little after a while. I really didn't get the lemon that others did.
  17. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Fresh, with a hint of spice. Just On: A little more spice, but still fresh too. An hour or two later: This gets much more men's cologne-like as it morphs on my skin. I can actually see me wearing this, especially if I want to give the impression that I've recently been *very* close to a man. <wg> Around 6 hours: It's smelling like what would be left after hugging a guy, and having some of the scent cling to me. 12 hours: Still smells about the same, but much more faded. Overall: I really need to try this out on The Mate. It might make him irresistible to me, not that he isn't anyway. It's a classic masculine scent, and I'm tempted to just buy him some, and make it into a spray or something.. After reading other reviews: I think I may just need to buy more of this. The Mate is notably resistant to my oils, but this might be a good one for him. If not, the youngster might like it.
  18. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): I'm expecting this to be too dark for me, but here goes... Incensy and resiny. Just On: Oooh, I get the resin and incense, but there's a sweetness that's dark and rich floating around there too. I'm LIKING. An hour or two later: Hmmm, I can't decide what I think of this. On the one hand, there's a tiny little bit of sweetness playing peekaboo here and there, but it's also got a rather stale smelling thing coming out. But it's dark and incensy, and nice at the same time. I'm getting a picture of a dungeon master, striding through his dungeon to check on the prisoners, but with a whiff of something sweet, as if he may have been dallying with one of the scullery maids earlier. Around 6 hours: It's faded down to a hint of spice. 12 hours: Amber and incense, and very faint at that. Overall: I thought it would be too dark, but I can see using this scent when I'm feeling evil. After reading other reviews: Hmmm, I think the musk is what my skin made stale in it, but since that didn't last, I like the scent. Storyteller, dungeon master, I guess they *could* go hand in hand. <giggle>
  19. OriginalWacky

    Belle Époque

    Bottle (Imp): This smells like some sweet flowers. Just On: Astringent. It starts to settle down right away, but the first blast when put on is astringent. I am thinking this is yet another flower blend that my skin will ruin. An hour or two later: Ugh, my skin turns it to soap. How is it that I do this to the most gorgeous scents? Around 6 hours: I'm left with a vague scent of soap. 12 hours: It's all faded away now. Overall: Yet another beautiful scent totally ruined by my traitorous skin. After reading other reviews: The vanilla never really came through on me, or if it did, my skin overpowered it by turning it to soap because of the flowers.
  20. OriginalWacky

    Queen of Sheba

    Bottle (Imp): Sweet. Just On: Yes, sweet, but there's something else there. Something regal and haughty. An hour or two later: I am still getting regal and haughty from this, and not nearly as much sweetness. Perhaps this is a beautiful queen that first gives one the impression of a sweet person, until you look into her eyes, and realize that she is heartless. Around 6 hours: I'm getting the sweetness back, with hints of the regal part again. She isn't as heartless as you thought, instead, she is covering up her softness with it. 12 hours: It's faded away into my skin, and is gone. Overall: This morphs back and forth quite a bit. I like it. After reading other reviews: It wasn't necessarily honeyed almonds I was getting, but that is probably the sweetness I was getting.
  21. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Smoky sweet. It's a very dark oil. Just On: This is very smoky and dark on me so far. It's lush, but not in a fresh pretty lush kind of way. I think I smell licorice (anise!). An hour or two later: Resin and dark and smoke. This is the scent of the hangman coming up and placing the hood over your head. Around 6 hours: There's the faintest hint of dry smoke, and nothing else left. 12 hours: It's all gone now. Overall: What a dark and ominous scent this is. I like it. After reading other reviews: Wow, I really didn't get the cherries in this at all. I like this scent. Luckily, the musk was not too strong for me.
  22. OriginalWacky

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Bottle (Imp): Oooh, I have no idea what I'm smelling with the sweetness, but I LIKE it. It reminds me of SOMEthing. Just On: It's sweet, and that elusive SOMEthing is tickling my memory, but I just can't put my finger (nose?) on what it is. An hour or two later: The sweetness goes away, and I'm left with that elusive thing that I can't quite figure out. Around 6 hours: It's starting to fade quite a bit now. 12 hours: I'm thinking there is a flower I get along with in here, as I'm getting the lovely powderiness I like. Overall: Great staying power, and a very nice scent all in all. Bottle worthy. After reading other reviews: Hmmm, is it violet or gardenia that I loved in this with the vanilla? I'll have to see what I can figure out by other scents I've tried with them in it.
  23. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Cold, green (evergreen), and a hint of something else. Just On: Still cold and evergreen, and I think the something else is a hint of sweetness. An hour or two later: It's getting sweeter as time goes by. Around 6 hours: Wow, this just disappeared. 12 hours: Obviously, all gone. Overall: This morphs in such an interesting way on my skin. I really like it. After reading other reviews: On me it starts out with the cold pine, and warms into the sweet pine scent. I like it. I think I said that before, I think (Department of Redundancy Department Muahahaha).
  24. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): Sharp herbs and aquatics is all I can think of here. Just On: Wow, this is really sharp to my nose. Could that be anise? Maybe, maybe not, it's not quite the licorice scent I associate with anise. An hour or two later: This stays pretty sharp, and I'm not sure if I like it. Around 6 hours: It's fading, but still got that edge to it. 12 hours: It's gone now. Overall: Goodness, this is certainly not a scent for me to wear as perfume, as it rather stings my nose. I had no real dream or sleep differences that I noticed either. After reading other reviews: Ahhhh, I think fennel is the culprit for the stinging sharpness. I really couldn't pick out lavender, and I didn't get lemon out of this either.
  25. OriginalWacky


    Bottle (Imp): VERY crisp and green. Bay leaves? Just On: Crisp, green, and there is bay leaf here, I just know it. An hour or two later: This is mostly green, and a hint watery. Around 6 hours: It's pretty much gone from me. 12 hours: Yup, still gone. <g> Overall: It's an interesting scent, but I don't think it's for me. Might smell fabulous on The Mate... maybe if I sneak in while he's sleeping... <g> After reading other reviews: I so wish I'd gtten the cedar out of this, if so, I might have loved it. As it stands, I'm pretty neutral about it on me.