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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by violetblue

  1. violetblue

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The bottle I ordered from the lab just prior to it coming down has the regular SN label. Hmm, I ordered it right when it debuted. Weird!!
  2. violetblue

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Did Ambergris have different labels? Mine is the regular SN label but I saw one posted on LJ that had a whale on it. Mine didn't have a whale.
  3. violetblue

    Serotine Bat

    I love this so much. Reminds me a bit of Silver Haired Bat, I don't know why, though, maybe the lightness? Sweet vanilla and there's something sharp that normally would bother me but it doesn't in this. I LOVE IT and want MORE!!!!!!! I could see this being a signature scent for me if I knew I could slather it everyday.
  4. violetblue

    Sweet Alyssum

    This is so strong and lovely! I agree with the review, very authentic and love the throw on it!
  5. violetblue

    House of Unquenchable Fire Atmosphere Spray

    I am glad I read the reviews and sucked it up and bought this. It is just glorious!!! It's that perfect incense smell I looooove without being too dark or dirty!
  6. violetblue

    Nag Champa scent in a BPAL blend?

    WILF is nag champa-y and headshoppy to me - love it! Also, Luna Negra! I agree with everyone on URD as well. Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure (lupers 2013) is more patchouli - but it has that head shop smell I like. As does Smut, the last 2 yrs - though that is more musk - not so much champa. Snake Charmer has that new agey vibe going on to me too. Khajuraho from some yrs ago did not work on me - I wonder too, if this year's version is different?
  7. This was strong anise on me, I hate I amp anise so much!!
  8. violetblue

    Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure

    I have to quote you because I feel the same way. OMG this is SO GOOD. I am so happy I bought 2 bottles unsniffed. And I may get another 1 or 2 before it goes down. It reminds me of Goblin but dirtier and sexier. LOVE!!!
  9. violetblue

    Delight and Consternation

    Mine is too, if not more! It looks so cool when you roll the bottle, I hadn't even noticed until I read this thread the other day! Honestly though, rolled or not, the scent is the same on me. Sweet, custardy, with light chocolate, some floral, and something sharp that reminds me a little of Lilith Vs the Giant Crab. I like it but that sharp stage I don't.
  10. violetblue

    Sic Erit

    I am awful with notes. But this is dark, resiny almost incense like heaven to me! It's a heavy scent, I think I'd wear it for a night out, maybe not so much during the day as it's quite strong on me and could possibly offend those who don't like earthy/resiny blends. It's super smooth, not sweet, but not sharp or dry either. VERY NICE!!!!
  11. violetblue

    Sweet Lavinia's Risalamande

    I get this, first applied. I get the cherry later, almost boozy, on top of the popcorn.
  12. violetblue

    Beaver Moon 2012

    I ordered an imp of this on a whim from a decant circle. When I tried it, I didn't expect to love it, but I do! To me it's the same creaminess that Love's Philosophy has, with real, soft (think snow covered) apple (not fake smelling at all!!), no harsh cream cheese/cake note, and a dash of cinnamon. Luckily my imp and bottle I found on the forum are not amping/strong on the cinnamon, as I don't like it in most blends, but I love it in this one. Comforting and yummy. Win!
  13. violetblue

    Miss Emma Benedict's Parlor House Atmosphere Spray

    This is bright and gorgeous and just what I needed since most of my atmos except Snow White are of the dark/thick and resinous sort. This is light and just uplifting and pretty. So glad I had an angel to get me a bottle at NYCC.
  14. violetblue

    Substratum Soap

    This smells almost exactly like Lush's Middle Earth soap without the mud! My nose may be off, but I swear I smell strong vetiver in this. Earthy and lovely!
  15. violetblue

    Autumn Lace

    I find this super masculine - pretty, but isn't standing out a lot to me. I'd rather someone give it the love it deserves, esp. as it was so limited, it seems, so am going to swap it.
  16. violetblue

    Sexy, heady, incensey recs?

    I agree with Witch Dance, also Spellbound!!! ETA If you can find WILF it has a nice champaca note in it. And The Orgy is very pretty too. And if you like patchouli, you must try Goblin.
  17. violetblue

    Vol. 1 - Tricks & Treats Hard Candies

    These are all delicious!!! I love the tin too!
  18. violetblue

    Red Pumpkin Floss

    joyfulgirl, I must have gotten some from the same batch as yours. I feel like your description mirrors my experience except I get no fruit or sense of sweet, red or candy in this, just bam, in your face dark, STRONG pumpkin and some spice. Like so strong it burned my nose strong.
  19. violetblue

    Product Limit Reached?

    Ohhh I have to ask, how many bottles were you trying to buy???
  20. violetblue

    Zmey Gorynych

    I rarely like leather, but this is gorgeous! Not sure if it's something I might reach for, but there's something really different and dark about it. I love the peek of sweetness that's waffling from my wrist too.
  21. violetblue

    The Vampire Bride

    Sadly (this is the 2012) I amp tea notes (and one reason I can't wear Dorian as much as I'd love to), so I get mainly dry tea from this. The dry down after a half hour is a pretty, though indescribable scent, but I am not picking up the musk or the sweetness/pinkness in this that some WCers mentioned. Off to swaps, but glad I got to try this one.
  22. violetblue

    Third Charm

    I agree with the post above, this is musky/fuzzy goodness, and on the sweet side, which is how I like musks. It reminds me a lot of Elephantine Colossus without the bit of sharpness that one had on me or almost like a sweeter, grapier WILF. Truly gorgeous - if you like musk, you must try this!
  23. violetblue

    Tears of the Seraphim

    TEARS OF THE SERAPHIM Bourbon vanilla, angelica root, and benzoin. This smelled absolutely divine in the jar - like a very expensive cake. I just don't think I must have used enough, because when it hit the water, I got no scent. The water was silky and there was a nice layer of foamy bubbles, but just didn't smell anything. I used a small handful, with two good sized chunks from the top of the jar. I will edit this when I use it next and use more.
  24. violetblue

    India Ink

    I was very lucky to score this on EBAY and pleased the seller (GypsyRoseRed) would be donating some of the money for it back to the CBLDF! I don't know why, but the minute this oil was announced I wanted it. I have an older sister who is an awesome artist and she always had some kind of art thing going on. As a kid, we shared a room (think 70's, shag yellow carpet). I got into her pot of india ink and metal pens for it and tried my hand at calligraphy. (yah right.) When she discovered me using them, she was just thanking god I hadn't spilled any. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had gotten it on the furniture or carpet. I don't know why I always remember that. I haven't seen my sister in years, and this, for some reason, made me feel close to her. The crazy thing is, I could not remember what the india ink smelled like and it bothered me, because I tend to remember scents extremely well. Wet, it made me think of the office copier room - all copy toner and paper. Dry, I get more paper. I can see people mentioning industrial and machine oil. Those came to my mind too. Not sure if I will wear this, but I see myself sniffing it from time to time and just smiling at the bottle, remembering the fun I used to have with my sister. Kudos to Beth for creating such a unique blend, and one that will benefit others too.
  25. violetblue

    Mouse Circus

    I too, am getting the watermelon scent on application/dry down. It reminds me a lot of Midway, and I am hoping the throw is longer than Midway's was but this seems like it may need to be slathered as my skin seemed to eat up the bit I used to test. I swear I am getting coconut too but not popcorn (unless it's of the kettle variety)... I really like this and plan to get a bottle once it's for sale. If you like sweets, this is for you!! Not your average generic cotton candy scent, that's for sure! I love it. THANK YOU GypsyRoseRed for sending me some to test!! I got a bottle and have another on the way - this oil makes me happy.