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Everything posted by violetblue

  1. violetblue

    L’Eau de L’Engouement Bath Oil

    L'EAU DE L'ENGOUEMENT Pink strawberries, sugar cane, and candy floss. This smelled very high end the moment it hit the tub - I've never smelled Jo Malone bath oils, but I know they are pricey, and if you put this in a Jo Malone bottle, I'd believe it was theirs, just from what I have read about them. This is just....luxurious. It's sweet strawberry candy scent with an expensive underlying perfume essence to it, and best of all, it lingers on the skin, which many softer scents don't do on me. This is not a generic cotton candy smell or synthetic strawberry - this is upscale, baby. Love! ETA: I have almost used this all up. I have never used up a whole bottle of bath oil, or even made a dent in one like I did with this. Off to DISOs I go! Love this bath oil!!!!!!!!!! I have been mixing it with Moonalisa's Snow Ice bath brew and it's an awesome cocktail.
  2. violetblue

    Sugar Cookie Soap

    SUGAR COOKIE Sugar cookies dusted with confectioner's sugar. I got a half bar in a decant circle. The green on the soap confused me - when it hit the water, and I lathered up, I got a strong mint. Not what I was expecting and kind of disappointed. Cookie scent was very light, overpowered by the mint.
  3. violetblue

    A Lady Tall and White

    This can be my review as well. :cry2:No vanilla or sandalwood! Almost soapy/fruity and ozone.
  4. violetblue


    Smoldering scrolls and melted wax tablets. I never can do wax and Bpal. Until now. This is just gorgeous. Like soft incense and candles. I hope to read more reviews bc I can't figure out what it is I love so much about this one. Wish I had taken a chance on a bottle.
  5. violetblue

    Aphrodite Kypria Atmosphere Spray

    Egyptian musk, Ceylon cinnamon, cassia, and bourbon vanilla. I hadn't bought an atmo spray in a while so I figured I was due one. This smells great! The cinnamon is of the foody/bake style variety to my nose, not candle store smelling, it's strong but good, and I am not the biggest cinnamon fan. Spraying this makes me think of snickerdoodle cookies. In fact I am dying for one now. The musk is very behind the scenes in this, for those who may be wondering, at least in my bottle.
  6. violetblue

    Pralines and Powdered Sugar

    Reminds me a lot of Midway but less sweet with some almond and lots of vanilla. Got 1/2 bottle in a decant circle but had to have more. So happy to snag a bottle on the forum!! LOVE THIS ONE!
  7. violetblue

    Love Bath Salts

    Pink roses, sugared pomegranate, apple blossom, white ginger, and velvet-white vanilla. I posted this elsewhere, but had to add it here too: Just used some tonight, omg, they have outdone themselves on these - 3rd time's a charm I always say! The first time they did bath salts, they had kinda big sharp hurty salts in leaky bags, the 2nd round was fine powder and mine had next to no smell - these, now, are perfect - awesome sized salts (not too big or too small and none pointy), loaded up and juicy with oils and very strong, yay!! The jars are really cute too and a good size! I used two small handfulls in my tub and it smelled great and there's still a ton left. I like strong scented baths so I always use more than recommended, but I restrained myself with these and it was still pretty strong! I have never had a bath product morph but this one did - so delicious - first was rosy, than vanilla candy, then a sweet floral. It was one of the most heavenly baths I've taken in a while, and I use a lot of different bath stuff in the tub!!! Now I need to budget so I can get a bunch more before they are gone.
  8. violetblue

    Peanut Musk

    Yep, musky peanut butter cookies. Very comforting scent, I will enjoy my imp!
  9. violetblue

    Peach VIII

    All I get is creamy jasmine/orchid, which is a death note on me. I got this anyways in hopes it'd be subtle, but not in my 1/2 bottle. I had high hopes - if the jasmine/orchid wasn't so strong, it'd probably be a winner, as I love the lab's cream note. Wish it was in more things. I get no peach or frank. Dyrdown is a delicious candyish scent and the florals lessen, but sadly it doesn't work for me. Off to swaps.
  10. violetblue

    Peaches in the BPAL Garden Atmosphere Spray

    Just found my decant of this and have only just tried it!! Strong lemon and floral, and first spray reminded me of how a Lush shop smells. Very nice.
  11. violetblue

    Reflected Vulva

    Violetchaos, I love your review, and mine would be just like yours! I keep thinking coconut when I wear it. I really like it but it's odd to me, can't put my finger on it....considering a back up for sure.
  12. violetblue

    Sweets to the Sweet

    I am getting sweet lemony honey incense - reminds me of a Lush (the company) smell. Very pretty but I don't think I'll ever wear it - off to swaps. (would have loved this as a bath product)
  13. violetblue


    I am so glad I got backups of this without even smelling it. So glad. As I always say, I am horrible at notes, but this reminds me of a sweeter WILF, less pungent (I can see the Feed Me comparison too)- it's that Massoia Bark, perhaps? Absolutely love it, excellent throw without being overbearing - I do like my oils strong and this doesn't disappoint!
  14. violetblue

    Pink Snowballs Bath Oil

    To me, not the Pink Snowballs perfume I was hoping for either. This is all mint/medicinal, no rose to my nose. Sad I got a whole bottle. I really don't like it.
  15. violetblue

    'Pink' scents

    Mouse Circus is pink to me - I love that one. (it's from Coraline) The LE Midway is pink to me, as is BPTP's Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse - seems pink to me as well!
  16. violetblue

    Purple Snowballs

    I am getting the lab's fizzy note in this - to me it's fizzy berry soda.
  17. violetblue

    Go to Sleep, Darlings

    This for me, but with an off, chemically, mint that doesn't fade for quite a while(and I am not big on perfume with mint). I so wish I got the cotton candy/Midway smell others are getting.
  18. violetblue

    Eldritch Dark

    This would be awesome for leather lovers - it's so dark and rich, but I am not much the leather fan. Off to swaps it goes.
  19. violetblue

    Capax Infiniti

    I love this, very comforting as others have said. The man smelled baby powder, and I guess I do too, but it's not the kind I don't like. I wish there was a bath oil in this blend, total night time go to sleep bath oil it would be. I just slathered some on and want to take a nap now. The lavender isn't sharp n me which is a plus!
  20. violetblue

    East African Black Patchouli

    So much this, lol!!!
  21. violetblue

    Red Moon 2013

    The first 2 secs applied and still wet (and also when I smell it in the bottle) it's Red Moon 2004 and I wanted to shriek in delight - but it quickly morphs to floral/ozone/lunar on me and fades fast. I love the initial blast of what Red Moon 2004 smelled like, but sadly it's not the same, even though I knew it wouldn't be with the changes in components. I still got a backup bottle just 'cause.
  22. violetblue

    Anything that smells like nautica voyage

    I don't have any recs, but that is my dad's favorite cologne! I find it cheap sometimes for him at stores like TJMaxx, Marshall's, Beall's Outlet, and you can use Kohl's coupons at Kohl's for it, when they have it!
  23. violetblue

    Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse

    THIS! I just got around to testing a frimp of this and loved it - was able to get a bottle from ISOs and LOVE this! So glad I was able to find a bottle.
  24. violetblue

    Miss Forcible

    Straight up, powdery licorice on me.
  25. violetblue

    Lunar Eclipse: April 2013

    Luna's lovely, pale face crowned by a sliver of umbral shadow and veiled by penumbral shadow: white musk, mugwort, iris, white tea, and silvered yarrow with black amber, Indonesian patchouli, fir resin, and blackcurrant. This is so gorgeous. I always worry about tea notes and don't usually do well with most lunar oils, but this is so pretty. Thin, clear oil not heavy or resiny, you can smell the tea but it's blended so well I can't pick out notes. Light floral and very light on the resins but it has that lunar scent (if that makes sense!) you get in the moons - it's a happy, sweet smell that reminds me of spring/summer. I think this will be popular. (ETA The dry down is soooo nice, gets more resiny, less floral)