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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. More (exceptionally dumb) comics involving personified San Francisco landmarks: http://mitya.deviantart.com/art/Niantic-178253835

  2. BEWARE! This chocolate may induce sparkling! Nooooooo! http://yfrog.com/mht45j

  3. Those spiders that were in the bathtub the other day seem to have moved in to the corner of the room above the tub. Greeeeat.

  4. Same Parkfield station/USGS drum, now with big surface waves from New Zealand. http://twitpic.com/2kw9s7


  6. NO, @Smile_cat, I will not dye my hair international orange. And I am saying this IN INTERNET PUBLIC. Ha!

  7. Both #AGU10 abstracts are submitted!

  8. .@clasticdetritus You have a point. OKAY, J-Church, you are only forgiven FOR NOW.

  9. Spotted in the USGS parking lot: license plate that says "PYRXENE" and license plate frame that says "Geology is a contact sport." Awesome.

  10. .@0inker It'll be in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Not sure when it'll actually be in print yet.

  11. Just realized that, in X-Men 3, it's ironic that Phoenix helps wipe out SF, since the phoenix is normally a symbol of this City's survival.

    1. Odinite


      You have a point there.

  12. You know what would be awesome? A blog dedicated to nerdy science license plates.

  13. This is my license plate, by the way. Geo-geeky AND punny, for the double win! http://twitpic.com/2ipccp

  14. (I'm actually surprised I'm this awake, considering I am someone who generally needs two cups of coffee earlier in the day.)

  15. I probably should not have had a latte at 7:30 PM. I am still pretty darn awake.

  16. The light over the City is incredible right now. I doubt I can take good photos while on Muni, though.

  17. 102 degrees in Menlo Park today?! I SEE YOU SNEAKING UP HERE, RIVERSIDE.

  18. Bridge toll comic: http://bit.ly/azpwaw (Ignore the fact that the toll plaza is AFTER you cross, technically.)

  19. Abstract has been submitted! With more than an hour before the deadline, even!

  20. Looks like I'm only submitting one abstract after all. Saving the second for AGU.

  21. 4:30 PM at Ireland's 32 in San Francisco, and 6 PM at Jayakarta Restaurant in Berkeley!

  22. One of these days, I should commute down 280 with a sign on my car that says, "Hello! You are driving on the San Andreas Fault!"

    1. RaeiNarcissus


      ......................... wow you're awesome ^_^
