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Posts posted by Greensleeves

  1. In the bottle: Intense, golden yellow oil. Lavender, some other sort of tangy floral and something that I would swear smells like watermelon despite the fact that this is not one of the notes listed in the blend.


    Wet: Fresh lavender and other fresh floral (must be the violet), still something melony. Very pleasantly strong lavender. I wonder if this will be one of the blends where lavender stays more prominent.


    After a few minutes on skin: An heady purple-blue scent, with quite a strong throw without any apparent musky, incensey, woodsy notes. Intense peppery fresh floral with lavender and violet blended quite well and still in the forefront. I can see some people with perfume sensitivities potentially getting ill from the strength of this scent if it is being worn around them. Starting to get a faint tang of 'commercialness' in this blend, which makes me think there's musk after all - checked, yes there is, and the aroma of watermelon is getting stronger, and more unpleasantly artificial smelling. I can't stop smelling my wrist, alternating between mindsets of "Mmmmm..." and "Ugh..."


    After first hour: Powdery artificial watermelon and not much else.


    After two and a half hours: Powdery violet with faint artificial watermelon.


    After 5 hours: Same as above.


    Final Verdict: Not awful, definitely interesting, with a really great start, but the notes that last on me are not the ones I love best. Smelling of this would not be an extra boost of happiness to my day, and that's ultimately what I look for in a scent.

  2. In the bottle: Pale, but not extremely pale yellow oil. Tangy, commercial perfume notes - this is usually how my nose identifies amber or musk since it doesn't work well with my body chemistry. I'm getting an aroma of something fruity like peach, nectarine or passionfruit, regardless of whether it is in the ingredients of the blend or not. Spicy undertone, could be a faint whiff of lavender - much fainter than I'd hoped. Overall the commercial smell is making me reluctant to want to put this on my skin, but not so reluctant that I'm going to skip it.


    Wet: Stronger lavender mixed with powdery, incensy spice.


    After a few minutes on skin: Citrusy lavender incense, faint clean herbal notes coming through. This is better than in the bottle, the heavy, perfumey, overblown chemically commercial notes I was getting from the bottle seem to be gone. This blend now reminds me a little of Gaueko, as I'm getting a faint smokiness from the combination of notes, but it's more fruity and not quite as headshoppy, though I think this is strong enough that if worn on more than one place (it currently adorns just one wrist) it might irritate someone who has chemical/perfume sensitivities.


    After first hour: As the scent gets more mild I'm reminded a bit of Villain as well, it has that same sort of pleasant soft lavender and citrus tang. I think Villain does it better, but at the same time, this scent seems to have a bit more throw on me. Now I'm getting more floral notes and smokey sandalwood and patchouli a lot more clearly. I cheated and found out what was in this so I would stop saying incense and smoke as I'm trying to learn to better identify notes.


    After two and a half hours: Strong patchouli, musk, and sandalwood, faint citrus, very little floral left, but still quite a strong scent, considering that my skin tends to eat most things I've put on so far. Sadly, the scents that remain the strongest are the ones I like the least in this blend.


    After 5 hours: Faint sandalwood and patchouli, and not much else.


    Final Verdict: The smell is quite pleasant on my skin, but it isn't the scent memory that I would like people to associate with me, nor is it the kind of thing I would catch a whiff of on myself and suddenly feel happy to be alive. It isn't 'me.'

  3. This scent was a real disappointment to me. I was testing it at a friend's place so I couldn't get a lot of notes from it, but my overwhelming experience was that of a pleasant enough, but largely-commercial smelling lemony floral perfume.


    I kept getting notes of amber even though I don't think there's any in the blend, and amber *hates* my body chemistry, it always just smells like commercial perfume instead of the multi-faceted and subtle blends that I think of when I think of Bpal.

  4. This scent was not on my list of things to try, but my friend wanted to test some out on me while we were testing out scents so I figured it would be a chance to broaden my horizons.


    Because I don't actually own this imp I wasn't able to create as thorough a review as I might have, but this is one I'm content not to own, though I'm glad I had an opportunity to try it.


    Wet: baby powder on a clean, freshly washed crotch


    Dry: hints of powdery lilac and amber, baby powder, more crotchy goodness


    I honestly see why this is called O, but it doesn't make me O.

  5. This review won't be quite as good as my other reviews because I only got to try it tonight at a friend's house.


    I was really excited to try this because it had lavender listed as a note and it's a goal of mine to try everything the Lab has ever made that lists lavender as a note, but this didn't turn out so well on me. I'm quite glad I had the opportunity to try some of my friend's imp because the conclusion I reached is that I would not want to own this, so my friend saved me having to purchase a decant and being disappointed.


    In the bottle: tangy floral citrus lavender similar to Villain


    Wet: Huge amount of floral amping, lavender no longer identifiable, has a huge and puffy floral throw on my skin similar to Twilight, which I also didn't like.


    Dry: Several minutes of strong ammonia dwindling to dusty, musty florals. A very dry, very unsatisfying pale grey/white/beige sort of scent.

  6. Gaueko has a tobacco note. I have no idea if it's similar to Herr Drosselmeyer or not since I don't do LEs, but the scent is amazing. Unfortunately something in it hates my guts, and I can't figure out what.





    I was really, really excited when I read the description for Gaueko since I am also a lavender fiend, but I am extremely fond of the smell of unlit tobacco. I could sit there and sniff an unlit cigarette for hours.


    Sadly when I tried out Gaueko I didn't get either lavender or tobacco notes, just incense, which was pleasant enough, but not what I was hoping for. :P


    If there ever is a blend where that tobacco note does stand out for me, softened perhaps by some interesting greeny fresh or spicy florals, I am going to be all over it!

  7. Thank you all for your lovely recommendations and your words of welcome. I'm going to keep a lookout for them when I do my Bpal shopping. A few have found their way onto my wishlist, and I'm actually in the process of ordering a nice bunch of them from a kind soul on LJ. And soon there will be reviews, reviews bursting with lovely green goodness... :P



  8. I love lavender. Seriously. I love it so much that I did a search on the main Bpal site for all the blends containing lavender, and that became the basis for my wishlist. (I also added some unrelated things I've discovered since then, but that's not on topic.)


    I also used this thread to determine any hidden lavenders I may have missed from the catalogue - I notice the Somnium and Panacea blends don't list notes so I got recommendations for some of those from here.


    But I was wondering, are there any more? Or are there any other scents that may not list specific notes but that you think would appeal to a lavender lover, or that smell like they have lavender in them to you?



  9. I :P wearing appropriate scents for the holidays, but am stumped regarding what to wear for the U.S. 4th of July! Red Phoenix, maybe? :D Layer it with White Phoenix and Blue Moon? :D Any better suggestions?


    I'm surprised the Lab hasn't come up with a blend for the Fourth yet. Maybe someone should suggest it to them?

  10. Hey, for those of us celebrating Canada Day (Greensleeves!), any thoughts for wearables? I may end up going with something to beat the heat like Embalming Fluid, but I'm just outside doing cookouts and setting off fireworks that day. Anyone got anything that might be more Canadia-y? Old Moon could do, with the evergreen going on in those bottles . . .


    I'm probably going to be wearing Envy or Villain because those are the most refreshing scents I own out of my tiny six imp collection, being a rank (but fortunately no longer rank-smelling) newbie. :P I have so many imps on their way but none are going to arrive until after the big day, and I can't really think of anything appropriate in anything I ordered anyway. Slobbering Pine, perhaps, would be the closest. I know I would most likely not like anything with maple syrup in it as I prefer to eat my foods instead of wear them.


    Although maybe a maple smell with a smoky tobacco note to take it out of the realm of food. Yeah, maybe maple syrup, woodsmoke, pine... and you could call it Coureur Des Bois after the old fur traders? :D



  11. I'm wearing Robin Goodfellow to celebrate Midsummer.


    Is it too early to start thinking about what scent I'll wear for Halloween and a costume to go with it? :D


    Well, I've been trying to hunt down a scent that's appropriately chilly on me for my ice fairy costume since May . . . :P


    I haven't tried it yet, but in terms of description Szepasszony sounds pretty good. It sounds all wintry and icy. It's on my list of things to try.



  12. Hi, I'm new, and I've been lurking around the forum for a short while trying to pick up ideas for new scents to try, when I stumbled across a few people talking about different scents that to them smelled like Irish Spring. For some of you this is a bad thing, but it made me squee because I've been addicted to Irish Spring for years.


    Some scents mentioned which people found similar were Leanan Sidhe, Slobbering Pine, Tempest, Loup Garou, Lightning and Ullalume.


    Can you lovely forum people please recommend some others?


    Thanks in advance!



  13. In the bottle: Strong lavender and honeysuckle


    Wet, on me: Faint lavender and strong powdery honeysuckle


    Dry, on me: Honeysuckle, honeysuckle, HONEYSUCKLE!!!!!! (psssst... lavender *gets clobbered by HONEYSUCKLE!!!! RARR!!!*)




    Too overpoweringly honeysuckle-y for my tastes, but relatively pleasant.

  14. In the bottle: Lavender, tobacco and indefinite 'perfumey' smell


    Wet, on me: Lavender, tobacco, woodsy notes


    Dry, on me: Lavender, almost cloyingly heavy incense, tobacco, spice


    Dry, half an hour later: Smoky, floral incense, amber and peaches (wtf?)


    Too strong and cloying in the drydown for my tastes.

  15. In the bottle: Powdery, peppery, citrusy green fresh floral


    Wet, on me: Definite lilac and citrusy and herbal green


    Dry, on me: Powdery, lilac and lavender, hints of citrus, still very fresh. Quite yummy, but doesn't strike me as particularly masculine. Extremely pleasant though. I can't stop sniffing my wrist. Mmmm...


    Dry, half an hour later: Spicy lilac citrus with faint hints of lavender and fruity musk.


    Yummy, definitely a keeper. Reminded me a bit of Saint-Germain, which I also liked.


    [Edit] I can't believe I forgot to mention this before, but this scent smells like a much better version of the Body Shop's Eau de Zitron, a perfume oil blend they had in the mid 1990s. When they discontinued it I was very sad, so finding Villain has been a happy thing for me.

  16. In the bottle: Definite amber and noticeable lavender, peppery citrus, hints of carnation, green notes


    Wet, on me: Lavender, citrus, peppery green, faint spicy carnation


    Dry, on me: Intense green and carnation, peppery, powdery floral, citrusy amber notes


    Dry, half an hour later: Peppery, powdery, citrusy floral and amber


    Another keeper. Has a similar feeling to Villain, which I also tried.

  17. In the bottle: Fresh herbal citrus and peppery lavender


    Wet, on me: Lavender herbal with faint citrus, very clean and fresh.


    Dry, on me: Green tea, fresh tomato plants, citrus with hints of peppery, powdery lavender


    Dry, half an hour later: Tangy lavender, thyme, oregano, green pepper, floral herbal


    Probably my favourite of the lot of new imps I got. People said I would like this one, and they were correct. This is one I would buy a bottle of.


    [Edit] I was out picking fresh herbs and I finally figured out what the scent that I mistakenly categorized as fresh tomato plants smells even more like: fresh catnip, sort of tangy and minty and sagey and mouth-watering.
